I can summon myself

Chapter 434: It's OK

"Three and a half million natives of all kinds."

"Equivalent to 530,000 tons of entry-level god-level essence."

"And 690,000 square kilometers of land."

The sincerity of the gods on the calculator made the bald senior sit down on the floor.

Bai Chen received compensation for three times the population of Yanyu City, four times the area of ​​Yanyu City, and decades of income from Yanyu City.

Even the pickiest person has to admit that the indigenous gods of the Blue Sky World are indeed full of sincerity.

"There are 30 billion intelligent races in the Blue Sky World, and the land that has been detected so far exceeds one billion square kilometers. This is a place larger than the earth, but even if the gods come up with such a large number of people, the land is absolutely It’s a massive hemorrhage.”

Nan Qingqing looked at Bai Chen as if she were looking at a human-shaped self-propelled cornucopia.

When he came to the big world of Blue Sky, the gods took the initiative to jump into his basin with their small population resources.

As a member of the Dongwu Sword Sect, she could not imagine the scene in front of her even if her imagination was astonishing.

Lao Gu and a group of terracotta warriors could not help but smack their lips.

What does it mean to have a big fist?

This is what the big fist has the final say.

Although Bai Chen's little vine seedlings are not in the shape of a fist, they are more effective than their psychic fists in making the gods of the big blue sky obedient.

"This wave of blood profit!"

The old wizard laughed.


Bai Chen had a calm expression on his face.

The gods' plan to use their so-called sincerity to tie him to the chariot of interests in the Big Sky World was clearly revealed.

However, after receiving a report from Sally, it was initially confirmed that the evil gold in the evil gold mining area is the natural psychic alloy that is very precious even in the world of looking for Cat Baichen.

Bai Chen decided to keep this place at all costs and turn this mining area into a land of resources for himself.

Now that the gods know each other like this.

He is also happy to cooperate, so just pretend to be stunned by their sincerity.

Bai Chen recruited a group of chosen ones and didn't bother to talk nonsense: "Compared to the disgusting things like the evil gold mining area before, you are quite sincere this time."

Both the chosen ones present and the gods secretly observing through the eyes of the chosen ones breathed a long sigh of relief at this moment.

It's not easy to appease this irritable little brother.

Although the gods really had to cut their flesh this time, the result was still satisfactory.

It has such a large territory and so many people.

Bai Chen could finally feel at peace.

"But mosquito legs are also meat."

"This evil gold mine?"

Bai Chen hasn't finished speaking yet.

As soon as the chosen ones came together, they kept nodding like chickens pecking at rice.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, the Evil Gold Mining Area is of course your private property."

"Not only the territory, but all the people and resources in the evil gold mining area belong to you."

"Even the air here belongs to you."

"If anyone dares to deny this and wants to use the evil gold mining area to cause trouble, he will definitely not survive a chapter!"

"That's right, Mr. Bai Chen, your private property is inviolable. Anyone who thinks about it will have to go against all the GMs in the Big Sky World!"

The Chosen Ones’ chests clapped loudly.

They didn't even need any oracle to confirm Bai Chen's ownership of the evil gold mining area.

The gods have taken away so many things, and no one can take it back with licking their faces in a place like the Evil Gold Mining Area.

And I heard that Bai Chen even wanted mosquito legs.

The gods were quite happy.

Don't be afraid that Bai Chen won't ask for it.

The more Bai Chen demands, the greater his interests in the Big Blue Sky World will be, the deeper his connection with the Big Blue Sky World will be, and the less likely he will be able to upset the table after a disagreement.

If it weren't for the weird metal mines like Evil Gold, looking at the Big Sky World, there was only the Evil Gold Mine, the gods would even be willing to allocate all the Evil Gold producing areas to Bai Chen's banner.

As for whether Bai Chen has the ability to develop this kind of metal that even people on earth have no way to develop.

The gods were negative.

If evil gold is really something awesome.

The forces behind Bai Chen will never let go. There is no need to wait until today for Bai Chen to claim ownership of the evil gold mining area.

Therefore, in the eyes of the gods, the reason why Bai Chen deliberately mentioned it was not because evil gold was a valuable resource.

It was purely because Bai Chen expressed to them his attitude that he would not even let go of the mosquito legs.

"Besides, it's okay for me to open a game company in Blue Sky World."

Bai Chen quietly proposed another condition.

"game company?"


"Blue Sky World has all kinds of industries, but there really are no game companies."

The Chosen Ones looked confused.

They thought again of the fear of being beaten by Earth players until they could no longer take care of themselves.

The god who thought he knew everything was also a little dumbfounded by Bai Chen's seemingly nonsensical condition.

game company?

What a joke.

Where does the network and hardware equipment of Blue Sky World come from?

In a spiritual environment that far exceeds that of the earth, a series of equipment and technologies of the earth people are simply useless in the big blue sky world.

This can be seen from the broken power station and broken network of the Dongwu Sword Sect. These earthly technologies obtained by Mowen Tianhua at a great cost, let alone reaching the designed life span, cannot even be maintained for one month. It was corroded and turned into a pile of industrial waste.

And the natives of the Blue Sky World do not have the ability to localize earth's technology.

"Mr. Bai Chen, don't even mention that you want to open a game company. You can open a real-life game park."

"But we must remind you that due to the high-intensity psychic environment of the Azure Sky World, all Earth equipment will be scrapped within 30 days."

"And due to the influence of the divine arts in different faith areas."

"Even if the psychic environment problem is solved in each area, the influence of divine arts must be considered."

"Because there are still large areas of uninhabited wild areas that have not been explored in the Azure Sky World, the areas near the wild areas are often visited by various powerful psychic creatures in the wild areas, which is quite unstable."

The chosen ones talked about the difficulties of opening a game company here.

But it doesn't mean that they really kindly reminded Bai Chen not to lose money.

They spoke out all the unfavorable conditions they could think of so openly because they were afraid that Bai Chen would lose money in the game company here and then blame the gods.

So they told the objective conditions of the Azure Sky World without hiding anything, hoping that Bai Chen could give up this idea.

Bai Chen said calmly: "You can open a game company."

The Chosen Ones who tried to dissuade him in vain looked innocent, but they sneered in their hearts.

Destruction is always easier than construction.

Bai Chen has the phantom of the World Burial Mysterious Vine.

It does not mean that he has the ability to open a game company.

They do not believe that Bai Chen's game company can be successfully opened in the Azure Sky World.

The gods also had a playful look on their faces.

When Bai Chen is humiliated by the high spiritual energy environment of the Azure Sky World, they will definitely have a party in the clouds where Bai Chen cannot see to celebrate.

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