I can summon myself

Chapter 432 This is embarrassing

Some gods were furious, some were expressionless, and some were indignant but wished that the fist would fall and kill the Evil Gold King who was still causing trouble even when he was about to die.

Even though the reinforcements of the Prell family were close at hand, they had no intention of intervening to save Prell 1024.

Bai Chen looked calmly at the fist that fell from the sky and turned the Evil Gold King into dust.

"Little vine seedling."

"Ah, ah!"

Amid the groaning of the little vine seedling, several green vines fell into the depths of the Evil Gold Mine in a way that completely ignored space and time.

Almost at the moment when the Evil Gold King died, the people behind the fist were also pulled out of the ground under the Evil Gold Mine by the little vine seedling.

Looking at the Qin Dynasty terracotta warriors strung together by the little vine seedlings, Bai Chen's eyes twitched.

When the terracotta warriors sent to the main hall took the initiative to take off their helmets and revealed their standard Eastern faces.

Teachers and students of Yanyu College...

Francisinovi and others...

The gods also had an expression that they couldn't help but say.

"This is embarrassing."

Jiang was speechless.

Mo Wentian, who was watching the live broadcast on the dead volcano island, and the teachers and students who stayed behind kept rubbing their eyes.

"Why are you here?"

Fang Zihan stared at a familiar face in the Terracotta Warriors in amazement.

"Why are you here? Why am I here?" Fang Ziqiang, who was confused, stared at the big guys of the Genius Center around Bai Chen.

"Student Bai Chen, can I have a word with you?"

A middle-aged man with an ordinary face in the Terracotta Warriors said to Bai Chen with a wry smile.

No one expected that for Bai Chen, this drama ended in such an embarrassing way.

But what is certain is that the Blue Sky World has since gained a new foreign giant like Bai Chen who has the ability to cut off the power, unplug the network cable, and flip the table.

And unlike the East Earth Psychic Association and the Western Alliance, which have huge interests and are willing to reason with outsiders.

The bloody facts of the annihilated evil gold thugs proved that Bai Chen, who had just arrived, dared to overturn the table if he disagreed with them.

"Either find a way to satisfy this guy's appetite and make him leave, or you can only cut off your flesh."

"It's amazing that the gods can think of such a powerful existence, and they actually want to get rid of it in such a place like the Evil Gold Mine. Not only that, they also drive the evil gold thugs and other disgusting beasts to test others. This is stupid."

"Power outages, network cable unplugging, overturning tables, young people like Bai Chen are not known to which pillar-level super power in the East has cultivated them."

"Anyway, no matter what, Bai Chen has proved his strength and his strength as a worthy giant."

"If he wants to make a fortune and leave, it's fine. If he chooses to stay, we must treat this mysterious foreign youth with more caution than we treat the gods."

With various psychic communications in the Blue Sky World, Bai Chen and this test that made the gods embarrassed and the Prell family suffer a loss appeared urgently on the desks of all the indigenous and non-indigenous bosses.

The entire upper echelons of the Azure Sky World began to rack their brains to get more information about Bai Chen, especially the teleportation array to the City of All Spirits on Earth, which was crowded with representatives from various forces. They wanted to know everything about Bai Chen.

And the instigator, Bai Chen himself, was listening to the person in charge who called himself Lao Gu and was also from the Genius Center, telling the whole story.

"Student Bai Chen, this matter has a lot to do with you."

"The researchers at the Genius Center were inspired by your thesis, the rules you published, and the alien rules technology that your statue stitching monster ancient god revealed to us. They came up with a fist attack that crushed Prell 1024 into slag."

"In order to verify the power of the fist, I took everyone to wear terracotta warrior vests and secretly came to the Azure Sky World to conduct experiments in the Evil Gold Mine, a place where no one lives. Who knew that by mistake, we encountered the resistance of the Azure Sky World. Under the cover of you and your ancient god's rules, these natives actually regarded us as visitors from another big world."

Bai Chen and the big guys at the Genius Center who were listening in immediately showed a look of laughter and tears on their faces.

Lao Gu also laughed: "I, the researchers, Professor Fang Ziqiang and other archaeologists from the joint group decided to take advantage of the situation and get acquainted with these natives in the name of the Great Qin World."

"As the fists developed using your technology, Bai Chen, repeatedly demonstrated their power in front of these natives, they gradually became convinced of our identity as visitors from the Great Qin World."

"Today's matter was mainly my idea."

"When the evil king of gold, who also regarded us as visitors from the Great Qin Empire, roared that the rebels had a big secret, I decided to take a risk and take the opportunity to confirm our identity as the Great Qin Empire in front of the gods."

"So we chose to release our most powerful fists and try to create a murderous posture to prove that what the evil king said was right."

"But I didn't expect that the gods who could block the fists chose to watch, and the reinforcements of the Prell family who could also resist the fists were indifferent, allowing our fists that could not be controlled after they were released to fall on Prell 1024, and finally killed him."

Lao Gu looked at Bai Chen with an embarrassed look, his eyes full of inconsiderate apologies: "Student Bai Chen, if I didn't think it through and it affects your arrangement for the Evil Gold King, I will make a big mistake this time."

"Student Bai Chen, I'm sorry."

Bai Chen shook his head and comforted Lao Gu: "I have no intention of using the Evil Gold King. Even if this bloody beast doesn't have your fists, I will let the victims fight back in front of the gods, a group of Prell, and a group of natives in the Evil Gold Mine."

"You don't have to blame yourself."

"It's just that no one expected such a misunderstanding."

When Bai Chen saw the fist attack they launched, he felt a little familiar.

That's why he secretly asked Xiao Teng Miao to lock on these so-called visitors from another world who were hiding in the underground of the mining area to make trouble.

But who would have thought that these people wearing Terracotta Warriors vests were actually the genius center's own people.

Xiao Tengmiao exposed them all at once, which ruined their plan to sneak into the Blue Sky World with the resistance army.

"It's so embarrassing."

After figuring out the whole story, Fang Zihan, Wu Laoguai and others couldn't help laughing.

Who would have known that this time it was the researchers at the Genius Center who used Baichen's technology to deceive the natives of the Blue Sky World?

"But then again." Lao Gu's expression became serious and solemn: "I think the reason why the resistance army of the Blue Sky World regarded us as visitors from other worlds is not because they are whimsical, but because they may have had such an experience."

"Does Baichen have any way to catch the foreign visitors from other worlds?"

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