I can summon myself

Chapter 427 Wang Youling: Bai Chen must die, and the Dongwu Sword Sect must be destroyed

There is nothing new under the sun, and there are no coincidences in the world dominated by gods.

Xinowei and Frankie arrived just before the team of five evil gold thugs came. Bai Chen did not think this was arranged by fate.

"My Lord, it is more like the arrangement of the God of Destiny." Lan Xing Bai Chen complained.

Bai Chen looked up at the sky, his sight passed through the vast sea of ​​clouds, and there were countless kingdoms of gods watching in the endless sky.

A curve appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The raised hands, the two middle fingers raised high, and the leader of the star sucking insects who had teleported behind the five thugs were his response to the temptation of these indigenous gods.

"Look behind you!"

The bald senior whistled narrowly.

"There are bugs behind you."

Senior Brother Tian Gang said honestly.


"I stopped playing this kind of stupid trick when I was three years old."

"You want to trick your grandpa..."

The vision of the laughing thugs suddenly went dark, and then, nothing happened.

The star sucking worm leader, as tall as a skyscraper, fell from their heads with a big mouth that could absorb all light.

The five evil gold thugs with blood on their hands became its food.

Not only did he swallow them with skin and bones, but even his soul did not escape.

The star sucking worm leader returned to Bai Chen and spit out their space equipment.

The smell of blood, death, and curse surged on these equipment like the flesh and blood of living creatures. This is the flesh and blood space condensed by the evil gold thugs with the flesh and blood of the victims.

A flash of black air flashed in Bai Chen's eyes, and he turned his head expressionlessly: "Brother Tian Gang, assemble Dongfeng."


Then Bai Chen turned around and said to the hall: "Purify them."

As the two grass elves looked at them in confusion, the earthy yellow earthy dog ​​rushed out of the hall.

Amid the roars, these flesh and blood equipment formed by the resentment of all living beings began to fall apart.

Shadows emerged from the equipment.

They felt relieved after all their resentment was sucked away by the little dog. After bowing to Bai Chen, they finally disappeared completely in the world with a smile.

"Another genuine Old One."

"An ancient god who can resolve resentment..."

"The background of Bai Chen, a foreigner, is really unfathomable..."

The whispers of the gods echoed in the kingdom of God in the clouds.

As the flesh and blood equipment continued to break.

In the depths of the evil gold mining area, a tattooed man with a majestic figure suddenly stood up from his throne.

"Bai Chen should die!"

"The Dongwu Sword Sect should be destroyed!"

With his roar, the roars of the evil gold thugs rang out one after another in the evil gold mining area with a radius of 30,000 square kilometers, centered on the evil gold thugs' lair.

"The king has ordered: Bai Chen must die, and the Dongwu Sword Sect must be destroyed!"

"Destroy Bai Chen, destroy the Dongwu Sword Sect!"

"Destroy the whole family, destroy the whole family!"

The smoke rose, and black smoke columns rushed straight into the sky.

Under the trembling eyes of the indigenous people.

Teams led by evil gold thugs walked out of their hiding places and swaggered towards the southern foot of the evil gold mining area where the Dongwu Sword Sect was located.

In addition to these serious thugs.

Countless indigenous people who tried to fish in troubled waters and gold diggers of foreigners also moved quickly towards the Dongwu Sword Sect from other directions.

"Someone actually pissed off the Evil Gold King."

"Although Prell 1024 has not been officially canonized by the three surrounding powers, he and his Evil Gold thugs are undoubtedly the most powerful force in the Evil Gold Mine Area."

"The Dongwu Sword Sect is finished this time."

"And that guy named Bai Chen has no choice but to die in front of the furious Evil Gold King."

"Maybe there is someone behind Bai Chen, but the legendary Evil Gold King is the direct descendant of the Prell family, who spans the three major powers and owns hundreds of thousands of kilometers of land. He is also the strongest person in the Evil Gold Mine Area with a mythical level of 40."

"More importantly, he has a sister, a sister who is a woman who has firmly established the high position of the Purple Archbishop of the Fortune Temple in the Third Temple of the Blue Sky World."

The natives looked in the direction of the Dongwu Sword Sect.

There is no doubt that the Dongwu Sword Sect, a small sect that has been in the Evil Gold Mine Area for some time, will become another force to be wiped out under the seat of the Evil Gold King Prell 1024, just like countless unlucky people who are far more powerful than it.

Bai Chen, who was personally named by the Evil Gold King, will become another skull trophy in his throne.

When the first advance team of the Evil Gold thugs entered the sphere of influence of the East House Sword Sect.

Feeling that a disaster was imminent, the disciples of the East House Sword Sect rushed into the main peak of the One-Handed Sky-Splitting Sect where Bai Chen was.

"It's over!"

"It's dead, it's dead this time!"

"How could you provoke these lunatics?"

"Everyone knows the evil of the Evil Gold thugs, but after so many years, haven't they been rampaging in the three spheres of influence outside the Evil Gold Mine and the Evil Gold Mine under the leadership of the Evil Gold King Prell 1024?"

"It's something that can be passed by just forbearance, but you newcomers want to show off, and now the Evil Gold King has ordered to destroy us!"

There is no unity.

There is no common hatred of the enemy.

These disciples of the East House Sword Sect are submissive to the outside world, but they strike hard at the inside.

Their complaints were even louder than those of the evil-gold thugs who had gone to the front gate of the East Room Sword Sect and were calling for formation at this moment.

"That's not the case. It's really not something you imagine Chunin can get through with just a little patience."

"Don't make trouble, you guys, don't make trouble."

Chu Fang and Nan Qingqing tried to calm these disciples who were bleating like frightened quails, but to no avail.

The ferocious-looking Long Hantian and the alien boss Zhao Wudi blocked the passage to the top of the mountain with expressionless expressions.

They looked at these disciples as if they were looking at a pile of humanoid garbage.

It seemed that Mo Wentian was not lying.

This Dongwu Sword Sect is just another vest they use to cover up others' eyes.

The current state of chaos fully proves that the Dongwu Sword Sect is even a worse garbage den than the gangster dens such as the evil gold thugs.

"Damn it, why did our sect become like this?"

On the extinct volcanic island, Mo Wentian and others who saw this scene through the live broadcast had pale faces and could not help but bow their heads and pause.

No matter what, the Dongwu Sword Sect is also a sect with a long history founded by them.

Prell 1024 casually issued a bullshit king's order, and the evil gold thugs shouted a few times at the mountain gate.

It actually scared the shit out of the entire Dongwu Sword Sect.

Such an unbearable scene really made them feel sad.

"No, it's not that simple."

"It's not a coincidence, it's not a thug who happened to come here to rob us."

"It comes from the arrangements of gods like the God of Destiny!" Mo Wentian suddenly stood up, and he anxiously said to the people of Yanyu Academy who were also sitting in front of the curtain of the live broadcast on the extinct volcano island: "Hurry up and inform Mr. Bai Chen that this Things are not simple!”

The teachers and students tilted their heads and glanced at Mo Wentian.

"It doesn't matter what you say, our junior Bai Chen has known about it for a long time."

"The natives have temptations, we have the east wind!"

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