I can summon myself

Chapter 413 The Prince is a Pair

"Thirty kinds of plant essences, brewed with thirty years of craftsmanship, Mouse Tail Juice brand grass elf secret brew, a specialty of Destiny Field."

"Take a look, take a look, the freshly baked lucky rabbit's foot has its own lucky +10 attribute."

"Do you want to change your own destiny? Do you want to change the destiny of others? Do you want to be the most beautiful cub in the eyes of the God of Destiny? The 333 version of the Stone of Destiny, from youth to mini, there are pro, plus, pro max and There is always an ultra suitable for you, and now there is a genuine tens of billions subsidy from the Temple of Destiny, so don’t miss this opportunity!”

All two-story buildings, all illegally occupied and in disarray.

Amid countless shouts, Bai Chen and his entourage arrived at the City of Destiny, the headquarters of the Temple of Destiny, which is said to have inherited the X** stall-setting habits of Earth players in the Incoming Blue Sky expansion.

In the center of countless stalls, a majestic and majestic hall stood in front of Bai Chen.

A strong sense of disobedience arose in the hearts of Bai Chen, Wu Laoguai and others.

"You have to drive a big G to enter the Forbidden City. In front of you, the Temple of Destiny, which is more important to the Blue Sky natives than the Forbidden City Scenic Area, is actually surrounded by stalls that are equivalent to motorcycles and electric cars as far as the eye can see."

"It's not fantasy, it's not epic!"

"What a waste of time. Such a group of buildings looks very mysterious, very fateful, and very metaphysical."

The old wizard couldn't help but complain.

The five myth-defying aliens, even the alien bosses who came from the Big Blue Sky World, were all shocked by the lair of the Temple of Destiny in front of them, which was like the version of the Eastern Land Scenic Area, Big Blue Sky World, and City of Destiny.

From a glance, it is as lively as going to the market in Dongtu.

Tap tap tap tap, a rhythmic sound came from the temple the size of a small town.

The thick bronze door slowly opened.

A group of knights, covered like metal cans, walked out of the temple riding two-meter-tall raptors.

But what also made Bai Chen feel very inconsistent was that this group of cans, both male and female, old and young, all wore red cloth strips with the word "urban management" printed on their arms.

These urban management knights rushed to the stall like the wind.

They shouted loudly: "Hurry up and close all those who set up stalls!"

The indigenous stall owner, who clearly looked like an aboriginal from the Blue Sky World, began to pretend to be a foreigner.

The stall owner, who looked like he was a descendant of fellow earthlings, looked down upon these urban management knights with his nose raised to the sky.

"My game, my turf, my rules!"

"I, the descendants of Earthlings, do not recognize the rules of your Temple of Destiny!"

"Do you know why your Big Blue Sky World failed? Because you don't understand what freedom is!"

"From the first life on earth, a cell named Luca, to the colorful world today, it depends on unbridled love and freedom."

“Without the free evolution of generations of living beings with their imaginations and breakthroughs in painting styles, the current world would not exist!”

The urban management knights looked at these old faces who even showed their evolution in order not to tidy up and clean the stalls, with expressions of despair on their faces.

"Ma Geji, is it so difficult to clean up your own territory?"

"Fuck, the first cell on earth has been harvested."

They jumped off their velociraptor mounts one after another and looked at the surrounding indigenous tourists who were watching the excitement. The foreigners and tourists said: "Everyone, you have also seen it. It's not that we didn't remind you, but that no one listened to our reminder."

Just when Bai Chen thought these knights would clash with the vendors.

They suddenly took off the red cloth strips on their arms with a smile, and started to visit the street stalls in groups of three or five.

"How could you do this?"

A young native man from the Blue Sky World in gorgeous clothes glared angrily at the Canned Knight who had become a street vendor.

The canned knights were too lazy to pay any attention to him, and just ignored him as if they didn't hear him.

The young indigenous man's face turned red.

"Dereliction of duty, you are dereliction of duty!"

"You, Mediterranean Afro, tell these cans exactly what mistake they made!"

Out of the blue, the old man Wu was named by this young indigenous man.

The old weirdo pointed at his nose: "Boy, are you asking me?"

"Be bold!"


"How dare you talk to His Royal Highness like this!"

"Don't you want to hang out?"

Several men and women with prominent breasts and protruding bellies surrounded Bai Chen and his party.

"Looking at the way you are dressed, you must be citizens of our Blue Sky Empire."

"How dare you Blue Sky citizens disobey Prince Poseidon's orders?"

"Tell these cans right away what they've done wrong!"

The native superiors looked coldly at Bai Chen and other fellow members of the Blue Sky Empire. They can't afford to offend foreigners, but they can't deal with their own countrymen?

Dressing like a foreigner, only the natives of the Blue Sky Empire within tens of thousands kilometers of the Destiny Wilderness have this habit.

And it was the three sled fools who made them sure of the identity of Bai Chen and his party.

Looking at the big world of Blue Sky, except for the natives of the Blue Sky Empire, they will learn from outsiders and cultivate such demolition experts.

Other aborigines will never do these three crappy things when they have enough to eat.

So they were very sure that Bai Chen and his party were fellow empire members who also came from the Blue Sky Empire.

"What are you still doing?"

"Want to act stupid?"

These local superiors were frothing at the mouth.

The greasy middle-aged man who was closest to the old witch was about to poke his finger into the old witch's face.

"The prince is nothing."

The old monster Wu, who came here just to make trouble with Bai Chen, vomited on the greasy middle-aged man's face.

A breath of anti-heaven myth came from the fake letter card close to him.

"Riddler Jabs!"

The title certified by the Heavenly Dao of the Azure Sky World floated above the old monster Wu's head.

Bai Chen nodded imperceptibly.

The five anti-heaven myths also released their own breath.

"Compound Battle Group!"

"Battle One, Battle Two, Battle Three, Battle Four, Battle Five!"

The ferocious-looking Long Hantian kicked a fat native away.

Fang Zihan raised his hand and threw a string of ice balls that could freeze everything at Prince Poseidon.

The alien boss turned into an alien and charged directly at them.

Old Huang and Er Huang also rushed into the team where these natives were like tigers descending from the mountains.

"Protect the prince!"


"Rebellion, rebellion!"

Accompanied by the screams of the native superiors.

The prince guards of the Azure Sky Empire showed up one after another, and fought with the five heaven-defying myths on Bai Chen's side.

"Prince Poseidon of the Azure Sky Empire, ask for help from the Temple of Destiny, ask for help from the Destiny Cult!"

"Please help us catch these unruly people who are disrespectful to the Azure Sky Royal Family!"

"Especially that foul-mouthed riddler Jabus, and the pretty boy walking his dog!"

Poseidon shouted to the canned knights.

Bai Chen loosened the dog chain in his hand.

The leader of the star sucking insects, who transformed into three fire huskies, directly removed his disguise.

The dark star sucking insects that can absorb all light officially descended on the City of Destiny.

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