I can summon myself

Chapter 410: Every injustice has its perpetrator, every debt has its creditor

"I, Wang Botang, am back!"

"As expected of a cross-world creature that feeds on the essence of the world."

"Can you believe it that you can dig a hole in a deserted world and get in front of the Statue Stitch Monster?"

"Ho ho ho!!!"

In the blinding RGB lights, the crater aircraft slowly drove out of the subspace passage.

In addition to the driver Wang Botang, this huge volcano is full of scientists from the joint expedition team who can't wait to line up.

They hang like sardines on the surface of the crater aircraft. At first glance, they look like bees crawling all over the hive, crowded with people.

"What is this?"

Jabs kept rubbing his eyes.

"Isn't this bucket lady from Stanford's Pilates owned by our California consortium?"

"She and her team are the lost people in the lost zone."

"Why did this dancing bald man from Yanyu College come back with the mouth of an extinct volcano that was pulled into two pieces by a mysterious being?"

As the directors of the California consortium watched dumbfounded, the crater aircraft swaggered past them and the aircraft in three major clusters. .

Countless old faces came into their sight.

Except for Wu Qingmei, the bookish boss and other geniuses who have lost contact with each other, the God-defying myth. They also saw many missing persons from Mist and Rain Academy, headed by Bai Chen's master Zuo Guang, who had already entered their database although it was their first time meeting them.

The old witch's "old friends" had dull expressions and dry mouths.

The people of Bai Chen who were dug away by the mysterious big claws from the extinct crater of the extinct volcano island were not only unlucky that they disappeared from the world as they imagined.

Instead, in just a few days, the mouth of an extinct volcano was transformed into an incredible aircraft, and at the same time, the missing people from Yanyu Academy, as well as the five heaven-defying mythical and other spirits who were investigating the desolate world that was the culprit of creating subspace. A giant in science can save the earth.

"How did this trick work?"

"Old witch, not only did Bai Chen not die, but he also made a lot of money from missing scientists and came back?"

"This is not scientific, let alone spiritual!"

Not only them, but all the teachers and students in the three major clusters also looked at this giant volcanic mountain flying towards its volcanic base on the extinct volcanic island with the eyes of gods.

"The big dealer is so scary!"

Jabs muttered.

There is no doubt that such a miracle in front of you must be the work of a big dealer.

Although the extinct volcanic island was caught off guard by the mysterious man from the Big Blue Sky World.

But under the intervention of the big dealer.

Not only did Bai Chen and his gang resolve the crisis in the Big Sky World without any damage, they even rescued a group of people who had lost contact along the way.

Jabs's face became extremely solemn.

The big dealer turned out to be more powerful than they imagined.

In this way, they must once again upgrade their assessment of the extinct volcanic island and Bai Chen.

"No, why didn't I see Bai Chen?"

Walter, a fellow countryman, suddenly spoke.

"Bai Chen is not here, the old monster Wu is not here, the ferocious-headed Long Hantian is not here, Extremely Senhan Fang Zihan is not here, Old Huang, Erhuang, and the alien boss are not here, a total of five geniuses who are central to fighting against the heaven-defying myth are not here."

"Others, bald, foodie, Zuo Miao, Mo Qianxing, Wu Qingmei, but there are a lot of them?"

Jabs and the directors of the consortium looked at each other, each other's eyes filled with confusion.

Jiangnan, which also discovered that Bai Chen, the soul of Yanyu Academy, was not on the crater aircraft, and the Gonggong Union directly asked Wang Botang.

"Where's classmate Bai Chen?"

Poppy asked in the public channel.

"I won't tell you."

The bald senior's response made the onlookers in the sky look like MMP.

"Those below, please give up your position immediately."

"Stop partying."

Wang Botang controlled the crater aircraft and headed towards the base of the volcano.

"This is the extinct volcano island."

Zuo Miao said to Zuo Guang and Miusi.


Zuo Guang couldn't help but look at the new base of Yanyu Academy, but his thoughts went back to the moment when Bai Chen left with the old monster Wu, the five combat-type God-defying myths, and the star-sucking insect swarm.

Let the star sucker leader directly open a temporary passage from the desolate world to the subspace in the temporary camp that can last for fifteen days.

Bai Chen took them and the star-sucking insect swarm and flew to the other side of the desolate world.

Said to find a place to hatch the two-headed star sucker.

But Zuo Guang always felt that this matter was not as simple as it seemed.

At the moment when Sally was mobilizing the teachers and students on the extinct volcano island to prepare to welcome the missing people in this crater, she also arranged for the aircraft over the extinct volcanic island to be ready to land on the outfitting platform to shunt these missing people.

Bai Chen walked out of the space channel opened by the star sucker leader.

"What a rich psychic energy!"

The old wizard let out an exclamation.

The psychic intensity here is actually five times higher than the City of All Souls, which has the highest psychic intensity on earth.

"This is the Field of Destiny where the Temple of Destiny is located."

The alien boss who was born in the Big World of Blue Sky became Bai Chen's guide without hesitation.

"Friend, you didn't lie to us."

"This is indeed a world where the essence of the world is extremely abundant."

Next to Bai Chen, a husky with blue eyes and three blazing fires spoke loudly. The white Samoyed and the Alaskan with the same color as the husky nodded in unison.

They are nothing but the three idiots demolition team disguised by the star sucking insects at Bai Chen's request. Anyway, for the star sucking insects that can absorb all light, it is effortless to reflect the light into the appearance of the three idiots on the sled.

Bai Chen walked to the top of a protruding hillock and looked down at the vast plain of Destiny with sparse grass.

The headquarters of the first sect of the Azure Sky World, the Temple of Destiny, is deep in this vast plain that cannot be seen at a glance.

He turned around and said to Long Hantian and others: "Dexter and other black-robed people have no information outside the Temple of Destiny in their memories."

"And the god they believe in is no different from the God of Destiny of the Azure Sky World."

"So, there is a head for injustice and a master for debt."

"No matter what role the Temple of Destiny played in this attack, it is always right to put the blame on them directly."

The five anti-sky myths nodded continuously.

The overall situation does not exist. If there is an overall situation, for them in the center of geniuses, Bai Chen is the overall situation.

If the black-robed Dexter can do it on the first day, don't blame them for the fifteenth.

"We're going straight over now?"

Long Hantian pointed at the vast wilderness.

"No hurry, I'll get some Heavenly Dao Fake Letter Cards from the Azure Sky World version first."

Bai Chen was not ready to reveal the identities of his group.


"Let's find something to eat nearby and see what the creatures with such high spiritual power in the Azure Sky World taste like."

Lao Huang and Er Huang took the initiative to take on the task of hunting, while Fang Zihan and the alien boss began to set up camp on the spot.

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