I can summon myself

Chapter 404: Strange Smile

Wrong arrest?

Feeling the doubts in Bai Chen's heart.

"The person who shoveled shit from the earth is right. This poor earth's way of heaven is too primitive. It can't withstand even one billionth of my power. I can only capture all those who may pose a threat to you."

The cat's paw scratched in the direction of the man in black robe.

Along with their shattered black robes.

Dexter and his accomplices simultaneously felt their power, their faith, everything their supreme destiny had left within them, being pulled out of their bodies by this claw.

Their myth-defying aura collapsed instantly.

Falling rapidly from the thirty-level mythical level.

Thirty levels, twenty levels, ten levels.

The God-defying myth became a super controller, and then fell from a super controller to a sealed legend, and then to an ordinary controller.

In the end, they all fell back to the first level of awakened beings.

"O God of Destiny, please, uh, uh, uh?"

Dexter's eyes were full of horror.

Not only did he lose all his power, he couldn't even remember the God of Destiny he had believed in all his life.

His lifelong ideal, lifelong belief, and lifelong pursuit were all scratched by this furry cat's claws.

Everything turned into nothingness.


Dexter and his accomplices in black robes let out a cry and fell from the air in front of Bai Chen.

The confinement of an extinct volcano’s crater disappears.

The aura of the God of Destiny was also wiped out by this grasp.

The myth-defying boss of the Genius Center, the teachers and students of Mist and Rain Academy, including Wu Laoguai, all regained control over themselves.

"Telling you to show off!"

Wang Botang punched Dexter on the chin.

"The big blue sky world, bah!"

The foodie senior sister who was soft-handed and weak-footed flew up and put her foot between the legs of the nearest man in black robe. The man in black robe suddenly turned into a hunched-over prawn.

"Daughter of Destiny?"

"Destiny you!%#...!"

Mo Qianxing grabbed Zuo Miao's big iron stick and whipped it towards Dexter like a top.

"Damn it, I almost thought I was going to confess today."

Long Hantian, who looked frightened, regarded the black robe as a sandbag.

"Telling you to pretend to be magicians!"

"I call you scary!"

"Telling you to destroy flowers and plants!"

Teachers, students and bosses swarmed forward and drowned the ten black robes.

Amidst the muffled sound of punches hitting the flesh, the fat man with yellow hair and white hair, like a rolling gourd, couldn't help but roll towards the edge of the extinct volcano's crater.

Although he is heartbroken about his warrior abilities.

But it can be seen that these fanatics in the Temple of Destiny who have even had their faith stripped away have turned into sandbags to vent their anger. Franklin Forty-II wisely suppressed all thoughts of asking Bai Chen for an explanation.

"The natives from the east of Earth are so damn cruel."

"Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend."

"I don't care about martial ethics at all, so I'd better just grab the bucket and run away."

The fat man with yellow hair and white hair kept rolling towards the edge.

"where do you want to go?"

Zuo Miao picked up the little native dog's tail and threw it at the fat man.

A small, khaki-colored native dog instantly appeared in front of Franklin Forty-Two.

He climbed up on his hands and knees.

"I am also a victim, I surrender!"

A quarter of an hour later, after beating Dexter and the other men in black robes to the point where even the God of Destiny in the Blue Sky World could not recognize them.

Only then did they stop.

Bai Chen, who had already thrown the strange keyboard back into the void, walked up to Dexter and said calmly: "Although it has stripped away your faith, it has not taken away your memory. Tell me, what big news do you want to make?"

Dexter raised his head, with a strange smile on his face: "Stupid Earth Two-legged beasts, do you think you can escape your fate?"

"In fact, my lord has long known that everything in front of him is the fate that is destined to happen."

"You think you have escaped this attack, but you don't understand that everything you do is under the eyes of my Lord."

"You are dead!"

After that, Dexter tilted his head and died.

The other men in black robes all showed creepy smiles to Bai Chen, and then followed in Dexter's footsteps.

"They are all clones!"

Upon inspection, the faces of the genius center's Nitian Shinhwa were very ugly.

Not only could no more information be obtained from them, but it was also uncertain whether they believed in the God of Destiny and whether the person responsible for the matter was a member of the Temple of Destiny.

It is not impossible to pretend to be a believer in the God of Destiny and frame the Temple of Destiny.

"Woof, woof, woof."

The little native dog bit the fat man with yellow hair and white hair and pulled him over.

Before Bai Chen could speak, the fat man poured out his origins like beans from a bamboo tube.

"I am Franklin Forty-II, a collateral member of the Franklin Merchant Group of the Blue Sky World Business Alliance."

"I am responsible for the fur, mountain goods, and local products related businesses around the Dongwu Mountains. I also monopolize the express logistics of the Dongwu Mountains."

"Dexter has been a worshiper of our Franklin Merchant Group for hundreds of years. He is the bodyguard sent to me by my father."

"The reason why I brought Dexter to Earth this time is to take a look at Mo Qianxing, who was proposed by Mo Wentian, the supreme elder of Dongwu Sword Sect, to replace their sect Mo Qianqian in marriage with our Franklin Merchant Group."


Zuo Miao's face was as cold as frost.

"Or a spare tire?"

The old weirdo Wu's face was darker than the bottom of a pot.

An angry breath kept rising from Mo Qianxing.

Tian Gang, the bald Wang Botang, and the foodie senior rolled up their sleeves again.

Bai Chen's face was as gloomy as water, which made the yellow-haired white fat man tremble. He hurriedly explained: "This is a suggestion made by Mo Wentian. He said that since our Franklin Merchant Group is already the big money sponsor and major shareholder of the Dongwu Sword Sect, it is better to go a step further and become blood relatives."

"This is all the attention of the Dongwu Sword Sect."

"I personally strongly opposed it, but I didn't know that the Dongwu Sword Sect directly found my father and persuaded the Franklin Merchant Group. How could I twist my father and the family's pressure with my little arms and legs?"

"So I took the initiative to come and take a look, but I didn't know that Dexter actually caused so many things."

"I am also a victim."

Franklin 42nd was very aggrieved.

Dexter has worked for the Merchant Group and their family for so many years, and he has always been conscientious and has no flaws at all.

Even if his imagination was beyond imagination, he could not have imagined that this bearded bodyguard was actually a pawn of a mysterious force, and was actually the clone of a mysterious person.

As soon as he arrived on Earth, his true colors were exposed, and he and his accomplice in black robes were in trouble.

"My Lord, this guy doesn't seem to be showing off his acting skills."

The Immortal King Bai Chen said.

"If what he said is correct, it is unlikely that the Dongwu Sword Sect is Dexter's group. They and the Franklin Merchant Group seem to have become pawns of the so-called God of Destiny."

"However, if you want to confirm this, you must arrest and interrogate this old man Mo Wentian before you can make further judgments."

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