I can summon myself

Chapter 394: Unable to build a portal

"Jabus, you took a good beating."

Jahorn said to Jabus, who was bruised but not seriously injured, with full appreciation.

"No matter what the future holds for Baichen and Yanyu College, you have succeeded in letting Wu Laoguai vent his anger. You have left some hope for the cooperation between our California Consortium and them."

Jahorn, the ancestor of the riddle man, was talking to Jabus in riddles.

Jabus opened a bottle of whiskey: "We paid the money, and I was beaten. Before I was beaten, I had already passed on what I wanted to say to Yanyu College. Regardless of whether they could read and understand it, I had done what I should do."

"Looking back, it is impossible to blame our California Consortium."

"If the sun does not rise from the west, when Baichen and Yanyu College are doomed to fail, we will throw an olive branch, and then we can start real cooperation."

"Yes, so you did a good job this time."

Jahorn raised his glass.

The two riddle men clinked their glasses.

"Jobs, remember, the California Consortium is a consortium of California folks, not a consortium of the gods behind the California Consortium. Although Melinda is your sister, since she has chosen the profession of God's Chosen, some secrets are no longer suitable to be told to her. Fanny, once we become allies with Bai Chen and Yanyu College in the near future, she will be the link between us and the other side."

Jobs nodded.

Just as the two riddlers were talking about riddles in a confusing way.

A small willow tree suddenly appeared in front of Bai Chen's big tent.

However, none of the teachers and students on the dead volcano island had time to pay attention to this small change.

After Bai Chen decided to inject all the 50,000 tons of god-level essence into the black iron matrix covering the dead volcano island and took out the construction drawings overnight.

The dead volcano island has become a bustling construction site again.

Except for A, B, C, D and the vampires they are responsible for continuing to transform the bear bomber, all other teachers and students have devoted themselves to the vigorous brick-moving business.

"You are really ambitious."

"Although Yanyu College has limited strength, they are really united."

"I thought that they would be overjoyed to get 50,000 tons of God-level essence, but I didn't expect that when classmate Bai Chen said he wanted to bury these things, the thousands of teachers and students of Yanyu College picked up shovels and started digging without saying a word."

The genius center's anti-god myth bosses were full of emotion.

This is 50,000 tons of God-level essence.

Classmate Bai Chen did not think of embezzling it.

The teachers and students of Yanyu College perfectly proved what it means to listen to Bai Chen on important matters.

This amazing wealth that even these anti-god myths would be jealous of, Bai Chen actually used it to upgrade the black iron matrix of the dead volcano island without leaving a single gram, and Yanyu College did not even have a single word of objection.

So united from top to bottom.

In the life memories of these big guys, no college in the East can do this.

"Does the genius center have any clues to the riddles that Jobs said?"

The ferocious Long Hantian looked at the bookish big guy Mei Jingsheng.

Mei Jingsheng spread his hands: "Jobs' words do have some hidden meanings, but we haven't figured out what they mean yet."

"However, according to the feedback from Amei, you see."

"The California Consortium has begun to vigorously promote Compound V in the mainland of Amei, under the banner of joint rescue."

"The folding aircraft used by the California Consortium to deliver the god-level essence is the protagonist in the promotional video, and it is used to pretend to cooperate with Yanyu College."

The anti-sky myths were speechless. Jobs and his gang really took advantage of every opportunity.

They came to Bai Chen's tent.

In the big tent, Bai Chen was discussing the transportation problem between the dead volcano island and the headquarters of Yanyu College with Wu Laoguai, Senior Brother Tian Gang, and Bald Senior Wang Botang.

"With the armored cloud whales escorting us all the way, and the deterrence of Hedria's family of three, the threat from the deep ocean on the route from the dead volcano island to the East Earth continental shelf cannot be said to be absent, but the scale and frequency will not be too large."

"According to the normal flight speed of the armored cloud whales, a one-way trip takes about nine days, but compared to taking a circle from the No. 5 route for half a month, we can accept the straight line in terms of time and safety."

Tian Gang is a firm supporter of taking a straight line.

"But the route of Airport No. 5 is not without merit. After so many years of deep cultivation in the East Earth, this route is safer and more reliable."

Wang Botang considered the problem from the perspective of safety.

"Bai Chen, how about we set up a portal?"

The unexpected surprise of 50,000 tons of divine essence made Wu Laoguai full of confidence.

"Yes, Junior Brother, can you set up a portal?"

Zuo Miao looked at Bai Chen expectantly.

"We can't afford it."

Bai Chen shrugged.

The portal is of course good, but the problem is that even if the black iron matrix of the dead volcano island is successfully upgraded, its psychic strength is far from enough to guarantee the daily use of the portal.

As the other end of the two-way portal.

The low psychic strength of Yanyu City, where the headquarters of Yanyu College is located, requires a large amount of psychic resources of God-level essence to maintain the form of the portal, let alone daily use.

Even if Yanyu College sells everything it has, it can't even get enough to build a two-way portal.

Let's take a step back and say that even if there is a portal.

With the current psychic strength of the earth, the amount of God-level essence required for each transmission is almost the weight of the transmitted materials.

In other words, to transfer a bald senior, you need to pay the god-level essence of the bald senior’s weight.

Even if there is a statue stitching monster, the god-level essence can be converted into a legendary-level spiritual material.

Bai Chen couldn't afford it either.

"Don't say we don't have money. Even if we have money, we can't throw it into the portal."

"Unless we can get a small world core with space attributes to use as the energy source for the portal, we will not be able to set up a portal on the extinct volcano island."

The old witch is like an eggplant beaten into Yan'er.

Although the California consortium fulfilled the settlement agreement, 50,000 tons of divine essence was accounted for.

But the glorious deed of erecting the portal on the extinct volcanic island was still not possible.

"Originally, I was thinking that after we have the portal, we can find a way to get the coordinates of the California consortium headquarters, so that we can always give California guys, my sister, a surprise."

"It seems now that we are still too poor."

The old wizard sighed.

Bai Chen said he was helpless.

Even the most advanced portal technology requires enough psychic energy.

These psychic powers are either extracted from environmental psychic powers, or obtained from the divine essence, the core of the small world.

Want to get psychic powers out of thin air.

Bai Chen can't summon himself as many as the sand in the Ganges to work as a coolie, and squeeze himself to obtain the spiritual energy needed for the portal.

"Boss, how about you sponsor a portal for us?"

The old weirdo asked half-jokingly and half-seriously from the Heaven-defying Myths at the Genius Center.

"But pull it back. We at the Genius Center basically rely on our legs to go out. How can we afford a portal?"

Wu Qingmei gave the old monster Wu a big roll of his eyes without hesitation.

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