I can summon myself

Chapter 387 Macbeth, how could you do this?

"Come in."

"Hmph, shameless!"

The contempt of the foodie senior did not make Jobs feel any guilt.

Except for a few directors of the California consortium who expressed the same surprise as the lawyer Macbeth, that Wu Laoguai actually had a conscience, everyone else looked indifferent.

The jump aircraft they were on slowly drove into the channel opened up by the colorful psychic energy on the subspace barrier.

"It's a pity that we don't have detection equipment on this ship, and we can't confirm what kind of psychic energy this colorful psychic energy is composed of, otherwise we can take the opportunity to figure out the principle."

"I didn't expect that the East Earth Psychic Energy Association actually hid this level of space technology."

"They have been preparing for so long on the dead volcano island, just for now."

"Compared to the fellow villagers who dig holes like rats, Yanyu Academy, which has the East Earth Psychic Energy Association behind it, is indeed better than us in the field of space psychic energy."

Amid the discussions of the directors of the California consortium, they came to the subspace.

The body suddenly shook violently.

The next second, it was moved to the door of the floating platform where Bai Chen was by the statue stitching monster.

"Ancient God!"

"Yanyu Academy actually uses the Ancient God as a beacon to rescue the missing!"

"No wonder we have been standing at the entrance of the passage for so many days, only to see the missing people fly out by themselves, and not many rescue aircraft flying in. It turns out that Yanyu Academy is not the artificial rescue we imagined!"

"The East Earth Psychic Association is too strong for Yanyu Academy. Can the Ancient God let them do this?"

The directors sighed.

Jobs' eyes were full of jealousy.

Why can an old scum like Wu Laoguai get such love?

At this time, Macbeth, wearing a red vest with the words "temporary worker" of Yanyu Academy, appeared in front of the California Consortium aircraft.

Seeing clearly that this is indeed the lawyer of the Compound V team, Jobs and the directors frowned.

Why is he here?

But before they could react.

The lawyer suddenly raised his middle finger at them.

A huge force fell from the sky and grabbed the aircraft, directly lifting the tail of the jump aircraft.

Jobs and others were caught off guard and turned into rolling gourds.

Macbeth picked up the keel microphone.

The irresistible and unshielded whispers of the ancient god suddenly appeared in the aircraft.



"Take the opportunity to build a data model?"

"If you dare to do this to my boss Baichen, you must be prepared to be punished!"

"Up and down, left and right."

This aircraft is like a can in the hands of the ancient god, being shaken up and down, left and right.

The directors who were thrown up and down felt stars in their eyes and their stomachs were churning.

"You betrayed the California Consortium, fuck you!"

Jobs roared.

"So what? Come and fight me if you dare!"

Macbeth pointed to the red vest on his chest and said word by word: "I, a temporary worker at Yanyu Academy, understand!"

A minute later, the statue stitched monster stopped.

In just sixty seconds, these pampered California Consortium people understood what it meant for Wu Laoguai to take revenge from morning to night.

Macbeth, the traitor, was just a prop.

The only one who really dared to do this was Wu Laoguai, the old bastard.

Sure enough, Wu Laoguai appeared in their sight.

"Macbeth, how could you do this?"

Wu Laoguai glared.

But from his curved eyebrows, even a fool could see his gloating.

"Yes, Mr. Wu, I was wrong."

"I shouldn't have only tossed for a minute."

"Next time I must shake this aircraft apart!"

Macbeth admitted his mistake with a serious face, which made Jobs' anger soar.

Wu Laoguai patted Macbeth on the shoulder: "That's what we should do."

The two of them sang the same tune, making the directors of the California consortium angry like bloated toads, although they knew that these two guys were deliberately trying to anger them.

But after being treated like this, Jobs and the directors all had the urge to explode on the spot and spiral up to the sky.

Jobs took a few deep breaths.

"Old Monster Wu, is this how you treat guests at Yanyu Academy?"

"Friends come, and there's good wine."

"This is how you, Jobs, are treated!"

"If you have any objections, turn left and get out as far as you can!"

Old Monster Wu sneered in response.

Jobs calmed down instead, straightened his clothes, and walked out of the aircraft with his head held high.

The two people's eyes met in the air.

"After so many years, Jobs, you still look like you deserve a beating!"

"Poor old monster Wu, you've lost all your hair and haven't become stronger, and you're not even a controller now!"

Jobs and old monster Wu spit at each other.

The directors of the California consortium also filed out of the aircraft.

The last one was Wu Huang'er Fanny, who you see on the screen.

"Old Monster Wu, who is the boss of your Yanyu Academy?"

Jobs smiled with a knife hidden in his heart.

Wu Laoguai said disdainfully: "Of course... it's none of your business!"

"But you, you clearly wanted to chop me into pieces and party on my grave, but you had to give yourself to me and let me beat you over and over again."

"You are the chairman of the California consortium, but you are just a tool that is dominated. How pitiful."

Jabs looked indifferent: "You, the old wizard, will never understand the existence of the California Consortium in your lifetime."

"Isn't it just for Compound V?"

"It is not only a product for your California consortium to make money, but it is also the core of your California consortium's rise from Amei."

"It doesn't matter if you don't care, we still have to ensure that Compound V is not affected."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Jabs's face changed drastically, and the directors of the California Consortium also glared at Macbeth, a temporary employee of Misty Rain College next to the old man Wu, with eyes that could kill someone.

Facing the angry gazes of these powerful people, Macbeth subconsciously wanted to dodge. At this time, Bai Chen's voice came from behind him: "What price are you willing to pay for Compound V?"

Bai Chen's voice was not loud, and the content had nothing to do with Macbeth.

But it gave the lawyer who rebelled to Bai Chen a lot of power.

There is nothing to be afraid of, he is now a member of Bai Chen's boss.

Macbeth's originally slumped body straightened up again, and he looked arrogant like I told you, you are capable of killing me with your eyes.

A sharp look flashed in Jabs's eyes, but his face remained as calm as ever: "Are we just going to talk here?"

Bai Chen came over with the teachers and students of Yanyu College.

"Why not?"

As his words fell.

The statue in the distance, the Stitch Monster, flashed red.

A spiritual energy unique to the ancient gods descended from the sky, isolating the inside and outside.

Wu Qingmei and a group of genius center Nitian Shinhwa also came out.

By standing behind Bai Chen, they showed the Genius Center's attitude towards Bai Chen to the end.

Duan Debiao, carrying the camera, walked aside.

He opened the lens cap.

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