I can summon myself

Chapter 382 What does the California Consortium think?

"Classmate Bai Chen actually refused to appear on camera?"

Duan Debiao, the leader of the Dongtu Live Broadcast Team, is not only one of the most proficient media people in the Genius Center, but more importantly, he is also responsible for the external image output of the geniuses under the Genius Center.

Long Yi, the external persona of the cold-faced young lady with a paralyzed face was created by him.

In his opinion, a guy like Bai Chen who is handsome, powerful, and possesses various mysterious attributes is simply a gift from God to the Genius Center.

In front of him, Bai Chen single-handedly broke through the subspace barrier, and even beat the fellows from the California Consortium, the Compound V Chapter, and other girls who wanted to take credit until they couldn't take care of themselves. This was simply the best of his debut. good chance.

Duan Debiao doesn't even need to spend too much energy, he just needs to truthfully show Bai Chen's great achievements in rescuing millions of missing people one by one in front of the people in the East and the world.

Just relying on Bai Chen's ridiculously handsome face, he can successfully become the chief appearance person of the younger generation of the genius center who is even more dazzling than Long Yi.

For this reason, Duan Debiao is even ready to personally become Bai Chen's guide to enter the earth's cultural and entertainment industry.

He put down everything in his hands and devoted himself to creating his entertainment industry personality for Bai Chen.

But he never expected that classmate Bai Chen would actually reject this great opportunity, which was enough to make people his age in Dongtu scramble for their heads, to dominate the entertainment industry in Dongtu with the aura of savior.

Duan Debiao anxiously came to the alien boss and the bookish boss.

"Is Bai Chen worried that those indescribable bad things in the Dongtu entertainment industry will happen to him?"

"It doesn't exist. With the Dongtu Genius Center, who would dare to use the tricks of the entertainment industry on classmate Bai Chen?"

The alien boss rolled his eyes.

The bookish man looked even more worried: "Duan Debiao, didn't you read classmate Bai Chen's resume before setting off?"

"Low-key, simple, able to endure loneliness, and determined to improve crayfish."

"How could a top student like Bai Chen come to your side to be a trafficker?"

"What does it mean that classmate Bai Chen refused to appear on camera and gave the credit to Misty Rain College? It means that classmate Bai Chen has a very upright outlook on things. It means that classmate Bai Chen has a broad mind. It means that classmate Bai Chen has his own problems and is very independent!"

"Since Classmate Bai Chen doesn't want to appear on camera, then don't you just follow our Plan B and follow Classmate Bai Chen's will to complete this live broadcast task step by step?"

"Is it possible, you think that I know that Bai Chen has a strong academic ability and is a rare research madman who can endure loneliness in the genius center, so I will recruit him, who has the potential to take over the older generation of academics in our genius center? The next generation of the legendary baton is thrust into the spotlight?"

The bookish boss warned one word at a time: "Don't do anything to encourage Bai Chen to ignore your talent as a top student and become a trafficker!"

Long Yi, this is just a human-dragon hybrid.

Her becoming the current face-bearing figure in the Genius Center is the result of many factors.

But classmate Bai Chen, since he chose to keep a low profile, he would never allow Duan Debiao to drag Bai Chen into the bizarre entertainment circle.

Duan Debiao, who was disappointed, looked at the melon-eating boss for help.

The melon-eating boss shook his head and said: "I know you are also doing it for the genius center, but don't think about it. Bai Chen can use the statue stitch monster as a subspace beacon and use the whispers of ancient gods to summon the lost. This imagination is even beyond imagination. It exceeded everyone’s expectations at the Genius Center.”

"The mighty ancient gods are just tool gods in the hands of classmate Bai Chen."

"What does the mere entertainment industry mean?"

"What if a predator like Bai Chen enters the entertainment industry and treats the entertainment industry like an ancient god?"

"The little hearts of the melon-eating people in Dongtu can't bear the idea of ​​​​Bai Chen turning his hands into clouds and turning his hands into rain."

"Classmate Bai Chen is not Long Yi, nor is he a regular genius like those in the genius center."

"No one can put the same perspective and experience in looking at ordinary geniuses on him."

"So, classmate Bai Chen has already made a decision, Duan Debiao, you'd better abide by it."

Cold sweat oozed from Duan Debiao's forehead.

The analysis of the melon-eating boss is all true.

He only saw the first layer that Bai Chen was handsome, had a good image, and was awesome.

But they have forgotten that Bai Chen has been a super powerful person who cannot be speculated or judged by common sense since he walked out of Yanyu City and made a splash with the Bear bomber.

Unlike Long Yi, who has traces to follow, Bai Chen does things in a wild and unconstrained manner, like a fairy flying from the sky or an antelope hanging its horns. No one can predict his next move.

Although he is young, he is unheard of in the talent center's database. There has never been a supernova with similar geniuses to refer to.

If he really stepped into the Dongtu entertainment industry, let alone Duan Debiao, even Cheng Changdong and other genius centers would not be able to predict what would happen.

The ancient gods were fooled by classmate Bai Chen.

If Bai Chen chooses to play with people...

Duan Debiao's back was soaked with cold sweat, and his colleagues also had expressions of horror that they couldn't imagine Bai Chen being in traffic.

At this time, blue sky and white clouds appeared in front of them.

The colorful light pillars are so dazzling in the sun.

The extinct volcanic island has arrived.

Another wave of space spiritual energy appeared aside.

The luxurious aircraft with the two-headed bear LOGO completed its transition almost at the same time.

"California Consortium, dare you come here?"

The alien boss's eyes flashed with fierceness.

But when he saw A Mei watching Wu Huang'er, he used the same trick to take out the video clip of Wu Laoguai I am your father.

Like the people in Airport No. 5 who were crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

They were also made to laugh and cry by the relationship between Wu Laoguai and California Consortium.

Duan Debiao personally carried the camera.

The well-known host in Dongtu picked up the microphone.

"Excuse me, California Consortium, what do you think about Yanyu College in Yanyu City, Jiangnan District of Dongtu opening the subspace barrier and successfully rescuing the first batch of missing persons?"

Since these two groups appeared, they were locked by Sally and started to observe secretly, and the teachers and students of Yanyu College gathered around Bai Chen.

"This host is amazing."

"Humph, I want to see what Jobs says this time."

Amid the discussion, Bai Chen unscrewed a bottle of happy water and stared at the live projection cast by Sally.

"Congratulations to Dongtu, to Yanyu Academy, to my brother-in-law Wu Laoguai, and to classmate Bai Chen!"

Jobs, dressed in Dongtu formal attire, appeared in the projection with the directors of the California consortium who were also dressed like Dongtu fellows.

"Dongtu is indeed the beacon of mankind, blah blah..."

After boasting for 3,000 words, Jobs changed the subject: "The battle you saw in the subspace before was not the life-and-death struggle you imagined, and there was no such nonsense as stealing credit. It was a report performance by the Compound V regiment led by fellow fellow Walter to the founder of the Compound V project, Mr. Wu Laoguai!"

Wu Laoguai's eyes widened when he was stared at by the founder.

Jobs, possessed by the actor, smiled slightly: "This has to start from the encounter under the moonlight and flowers that year..."

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