I can summon myself

Chapter 377 + Group, group number SB250

"There are thousands of roads, but there is only one rule. When you see the red light, turn to the left and stay out of the way of other aircraft."

"I'm Long Hantian. You all know me, right? Hurry up and get closer to the statue of the Stitch Monster where the red light is. Who really doesn't know me? That's okay."

"I am Long Yi, Long Yi from the Genius Center, you know the red light."

"Wow, wow, sorry, I put the wrong disc."

"Where are the missing people from Mist and Rain College? Anyone from Mist and Rain College or who knows where they are, please scream. If the aircraft is broken and cannot move, please scream. If the aircraft is not broken, come to the red light. When you see the statue stitching monsters, please Leave the driving position and it will guide you to the channel."

"You can return to Earth as long as you pass through the passage. At the other end of the passage, there is the extinct volcanic island of our Yanyu Academy and the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market to supply you. You can go from the end of the No. 5 channel where the extinct volcanic island is located to our The Armored Cloud Whale, as well as three major clusters composed of colleges from various regions, the Jiangnan and the Gonggong Alliance returned from Airport 5."

"After arriving at Airport 5, the lost teams in the East and the Earth returned to their respective homes. Those who lost contact outside the East will have to follow the arrangements of the East Earth Psychic Association and the Western Alliance delegation staying at Airport 5. "

"This is the SB250 group. If you haven't joined the group yet, join it quickly..."

The whisper of the Statue Stitch Monster that circulates every minute is like a demonic sound filling the ears. Except for the area where Bai Chen is located, every corner of the subspace is within the scope of its nagging.

"This is the sigh of the ancient gods, and it cannot be blocked at all!"

"60*24*365, Mist and Rain Academy is such a dog!"

"Is this saving someone or killing someone?"

"It doesn't look like it's a trap set by the ancient gods. How could the dignified old rulers be so fucked up? Only humans can do such bastard things."

"What is this, an irresistible, irresistible broadcast from the Ancient God?"

"Dongtu Jiangnan District Yanyu College, I will remember you."

Those who lost contact began to gather from their respective regions.

Among them, the masters at the controller level were led by the only mythical boss who came to the Misty Rain Academy at the junction of subspace and the unknown world.

Although there is a high probability that this noise-making machine Ancient God is an inexplicable existence created by Yanyu Academy, they still have to verify it with the missing people from Yanyu Academy.

As a result, as soon as they arrived at the junction, they saw the missing people from Mist and Rain College packing their bags.

A voice that was exactly the same as the ancient god's whisper came from the passenger plane that Yanyu Academy was traveling on, but it did not carry any of the ancient god's power.

"Tian Gang, are you the person in charge of the rescue? Where is the old monster Wu? Are the senior officials of the academy not here?"

The first representative of the missing persons from Mist and Rain College who joined the SB250 group heard Tian Gang's voice, but what surprised them, the elites of Mist and Rain College, was that it was not the old man Wu who came forward to rescue such a big event. The senior officials of the college seemed to have also None of them showed up. Apart from Tian Gang, they also heard the voices of Bald Wang Botang, Foodie Senior Sister and others.

"They are all here. It's just that the old wizard has a small problem that has nothing to do with rescue. They are all working together to find a solution."

"As for why I am the person in charge of the rescue, it would be a long story. Let's wait until you return to the extinct volcano island."

"Is Master Zuo Guang here?"

Zuo Miao, who was beside Tian Gang, raised her ears.

"No, they went to the unknown world to investigate."

Zuo Miao rolled her eyes angrily, but there wasn't much worry on her face.

Bai Chen has already determined the nature of the unknown world.

Naturally, her father, Bai Chen, and Tian Gang's master Zuo Guang would not be in fatal danger no matter how they indulged.

"Can you contact them?"

Bai Chen said.

Although Bai Chen's voice was quite unfamiliar, the person in charge of the missing persons of Yanyu College still replied: "We can't contact you now. They will come back to the junction once every three months to replenish their supplies. They have only left for about twenty days now. They will be there in two months." Will return again.”

"But don't worry, there are a total of five God-defying myths and thirteen title legends among the lost people. Except for one God-defying myth, the two title legends remain here. The other four heaven-defying myths and eleven title legends are all here. Entering the unknown world, escorting the 300,000 scientists in related fields who went to the unknown world with Lao Zuo and others. "

"What? There are more than 300,000 people in the unknown world?"

Long Hantian looked disgusted.

These guys are really brave.

"Your Excellency Long Hantian, is that you?"

Nitian Shinhwa who came on the passenger plane opened his eyes wide.

"Who are you from Yingzhou?"

Fang Zihan recognized this myth-defying voice.

"Your Excellency Fang Zihan?"

"Fukada, and I, Wu Qingmei."

Wu Qingmei recognized from the voice that the left-behind Nitian Shinhwa was Fukada who was sent to the Genius Center by Yingzhou for further study.

Fukada breathed a sigh of relief.

The doubts in my mind about the rescue of Yanyu Academy disappeared without a trace.

It seemed that the Genius Center was probably the one launching the rescue in the name of Misty Rain College.

Although he didn't know why the Genius Center didn't directly announce his name in a big way.

But no matter what, this is Dongtu's rescue, not the ancient gods or something else.

"+Group, group number SB250, let all those who have lost contact join this channel."

Long Hantian ordered.


Fukada put his legs together and saluted from afar.

Soon, his voice and that of a group of controllers appeared in the communication channel of the missing persons.

"Those who haven't joined the group, please join it quickly. The group number is SB250."

"Turn left when you see the red light."

"Register all those who can fly and those who can't fly."

"Since the rescue has arrived, don't panic now. Line up, fly to the statue, and then line up to leave the subspace according to the guidance of the ancient god."

Under the leadership of Fukada, the representatives of the missing persons who stayed in the subspace logged into SB250 one after another.

Under the assignment of the temporary foreman Tian Gang, they began to gather in groups from near to far in order.

As the aircraft of some of the missing persons of the nearest Imperial Capital Sky Eye arrived at the airspace where the statue stitched monster was located.

The group began to broadcast live the evacuation of the subspace.

The aircraft of the Imperial Capital Sky Eye slowly hovered a hundred kilometers away from the statue stitched monster.

A mysterious psychic wave swept across the aircraft.

"The Imperial Capital Sky Eye aircraft functions normally, and the passengers are fine."

"They will be directly pulled by the statue stitching monster to the subspace entrance where the passage is located."

A shiny big bald head appeared in the live broadcast.

The Imperial Capital Sky Eye aircraft and the passengers on the aircraft were enveloped by a green light emitted by the statue stitching monster.

Without any human control, the aircraft began to turn, and finally drew a perfect arc, and was sent to the subspace entrance hundreds of kilometers away by the statue stitching monster.

A burst of RGB black iron luminous objects with a full killing style appeared in front of the missing people.

After these black iron substrates formed the guidance mark.

A giant passage that can accommodate a bear bomber showed its true appearance.

The missing people on the Imperial Capital Sky Eye aircraft took a deep breath, and the pilot who regained control of the aircraft pushed the joystick hard.

With the deafening roar of the psychic engine, the four-engine large passenger plane of the missing people of the Imperial Capital Sky Eye accelerated and flew towards the giant passage.

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