I can summon myself

Chapter 375 I am your father

"I treat you as a friend, but you want to be my brother-in-law!"

Jobs tore open his collar, his eyes not only without any joy of reuniting with old friends, but the whole person was like a mad lion, furiously confronting Wu Laoguai in the void.

"Bah, why don't you look in the mirror? If it weren't for your sister, would I treat you as a friend?" Wu Laoguai made no secret of his contempt for the chairman of the California Consortium: "A playboy with a hooked nose like you is worthy of being a friend of me, Wu?"

Bai Chen's eyes flashed with a hint of understanding. He took the peanuts and melon seeds handed over by the foodie senior sister and entered the melon-eating mode.

The fellow villagers and the Compound V regiment did not take the opportunity to grease their feet, but opened their eyes and ears one by one, just like the teachers and students of Yanyu College, watching these two old guys with a combined age of more than a thousand years, greeting each other's ancestors from a distance.

"You baldy, why are you pretending to be so high and mighty!"

"You are a scumbag exchange student who only graduated by copying my useless thesis!"

"You are greedy for my sister!!!"

"What else?"

"Old Monster Wu @$% @!"

"Even elementary school students can curse better than you!"

Both sides went back and forth, neither giving in, which really opened Bai Chen's eyes.

"I think Old Monster Wu must not be greedy for Jia Bus's sister, otherwise, with his countless ex-girlfriends' attitude towards life, he would never be as angry as he is now."

Mo Qianxing said while cracking the melon seeds in Bai Chen's hand.

Bai Chen grabbed a peanut, peeled it and nodded.

You can't forget it until you can't get it.

"I didn't expect Old Monster Wu to have such a relationship with Jia Bus."

"It seems that we have to investigate the love history of this Mediterranean afro."

Long Hantian and Fang Zihan exchanged glances. They decided to investigate it when they got back, so as to prevent this old scumbag with countless ex-girlfriends from causing trouble for Bai Chen.

They fought for half an hour.

The two of them remembered the business.

"Jabs, this shitty fellow villager, the Compound V regiment, and the scammer live broadcast, you actually created it?"

"Wu Laoguai, you old bastard from the Misty Rain Academy, you ruined our California Consortium's good deeds!"

Wu Laoguai and Jabs stared at each other, and expressed their feelings at the moment with the same word in unison.



Jabs felt a sense of absurdity that he was controlled by the law of heaven.

Back then, he persuaded his sister to come back with the reason that Wu Laoguai was destined to achieve nothing.

But he never dreamed that he would lead the California Consortium to officially launch Compound V to A-mei through global live broadcast, which was a glorious moment related to the future of the California Consortium.

But Wu Laoguai, the Mediterranean afro who he despised in his heart, was from the Misty Rain Academy, and he beat his fellow villager and the Compound V regiment so hard that they could not take care of themselves.

He could no longer describe his frustration at the moment.

Wu Laoguai did not overcome his brother-in-law's excitement.

Because he suddenly remembered that the term "California fellow" was the catchphrase of Jobs' sister. Everyone is a superhero is Jobs' sister's dream, and Jobs' sister is a more basic expert in psychic and genetics than Wu Laoguai, who is good at flowers, birds, fish and insects.

Although he had a negative impression of the hook-nosed Jobs.

But for Jobs' sister, as Bai Chen thought, what you can't get is unforgettable for a lifetime.

Wu Laoguai stared at Jobs, emphasizing each word: "What does your sister Melinda have to do with Compound V!"

Jobs bulged his eyes: "This is a matter between you and me, don't drag my sister into it. Melinda has immigrated to the City of All Spirits a long time ago."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of his office was pushed open.

"How is my Compound V regiment?"

The speaker was a woman wearing a white coat, with her hands in her pockets. Her gestures made Bai Chen and the teachers and students of Yanyu College feel strangely familiar.

Although her face was covered by a fully protective laboratory mask and it was impossible to see what she looked like.

But from the reaction of Wu Laoguai, who was dumbfounded, and Jobs, who seemed to be caught red-handed.

Bai Chen felt that this might be the heroine Melinda.

He remembered what Wu Laoguai's ex-girlfriends, the three noble ladies Jiangdong, Yingzhou, and Gaoli said before.

The reason why Wu Laoguai used the excuse that if he didn't become a controller, he wouldn't marry them.

On the one hand, in addition to the fact that he really thought so.

On the other hand, it was because there was still someone living in his heart, a woman who made him unable to cross the level of awakener and controller.

"Could it be this Melinda?"

Bai Chen said to himself.


Mo Qianxing looked at him puzzled.

"Wu Laoguai's heart knot for promotion is Melinda?"

Bai Chen was still not completely sure.

"The heroine in Wu Laoguai's version of Don't Despise the Poor Youngster?"

Mo Qianxing, Zuo Miao, the foodie senior sister and others all had gossip in their eyes.

At this time, the woman in the white coat took off her helmet.

She revealed a mixed-race face of Dongtu Amei.

"Amei, are you looking at Wu Huang'er?"

"These eyebrows, this nose?"

"Hair volume, look at the touching amount of hair on her head!"

The teachers and students of Yanyu Academy who were eating melons could no longer hold back and shouted.

And the woman's address to Jobs made Wu Laoguai feel like he was struck by lightning: "Uncle, how is my fellow villager team?"

Jobs was in a hurry to turn off the connection with the metal armor.

But it was too late.

The woman has seen the subspace scene that also appeared in Jobs' office in the form of 3D projection.

Wearing an ageless white coat and a Mediterranean afro with her hands in her pockets, she suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"Who is Melinda to you?"

The old wizard's voice trembled.

"You know my mother?"

The more the woman looked at it, the more she felt something was wrong.

The way this man dressed and the aura he exuded were exactly the same as her mother's.

"Who are you?"

"I'm your father!"

The old monster Wu said word by word.


"Old witch, my niece has no genetic relationship with you!"

"Stop fucking trying to get close to your relatives."

“I don’t want the fellow countrymen and the Compound V Chapter anymore!”

Jabs shut down the remote communication with a snap.

Not only that, he also directly activated the self-destruction system of the metal armor.

Sparks and lightning flashed across Max and his fellow scientists.

If it weren't for Fang Zihan's extremely quick reaction, they and their armor would have been frozen into large blocks of ice immediately.

Generally speaking, the third place on earth may be wiped out in the next moment.

"Tell me, where is Jabs now?"

The old witch dragged fellow villager Walter in front of him.

The fellow didn't speak but was like a curious baby. He couldn't help but look at the strange old witch who had no head, no muscles, a bald head, and an average appearance.

He really didn't understand the majestic appearance of the old monster Wu, coupled with the pitiful strength of the ninth level awakener.

Why do you have such an incredible connection with Melinda, the big boss of the California consortium’s Compound V business group?

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