I can summon myself

Chapter 369 Ah Huang, is that you, Ah Huang?

In the live broadcast footage, Walter, a fellow countryman with red eyes, was like a humanoid self-propelled drilling machine with no emotions, slowly moving forward through the thick subspace barrier.

Behind him, the ordinary third Max of Earth began to explain the difficulty of passing through the subspace barrier to the melon eaters around the world.

"The half-chaos, half-matter space barriers you see in front of you are actually the result of the interaction between countless earth space spiritual energies and the world on the other side of the subspace."

"1+abc=32EE, Abba Abba Abba." Max, who entered the state of a scientific master, began to spit out the formula for constructing space psychic energy. He turned into a shocking rescue that made everyone dizzy. A dizzying lullaby.

"Is there something wrong with this guy's brain?"

"Global live broadcast, billions of people eating melons and taking online classes?"

"Space psionic formula, what the hell if I know these, how can I only make a living by collecting rent and being a landlord? I would have been admitted to the City of All Souls to be a landlord there a long time ago. Isn’t the rent for talents good? ”

The California consortium, which also discovered something was wrong, quickly made adjustments. A minute later, the global live broadcast lens once again focused on the fellow laborers in humanoid form. The melon eaters were finally able to properly supervise the work in the cloud.

Extinct volcano island, inside the temporary command center.

There was a sound of a writing pen scratching the paper.

Although Max, who spits out formulas in online courses, is very uncomfortable for those who are dominated by fears such as physics, mathematics, chemistry, and psionic science, for the researchers of the City of All Souls, it is a rare understanding of the ordinary earth. The opportunity for the third Max to become a master of learning.

"You can't tell. This big ugly guy's spatial awareness is much better than it was during the meeting in the City of All Souls the year before last."

Yan Shuishui sighed with emotion, Max is indeed the third-largest sister on earth. Look at the chief scientist, although this guy has character problems, in the field of science, character and strength have nothing to do with each other.

"It's really awesome."

Zhou Wangu's eyes flashed with complicated light.

Although Max was directly banned by the California consortium Jask who hosted the live broadcast. But judging from the formulas he spit out in just one minute.

Look at this sister’s ability as the chief scientist, and her reputation is definitely not in vain.

Long Yi curled his lips and took out the black iron base plate that Bai Chen used to send her away from the space equipment.

"Hey, what's that board in your hand? Why haven't I seen the psychic matrix on it?"

Yan Shuishui's red face appeared next to her.


Xinda's gasp sounded from the other side of Long Yi.

"The space technology on this board is more mysterious than the knowledge that the average third party on earth has!"

Although she is not a top student, Xinda, the purple-skinned elf with a talent for space, has her eyes widened.

"Isn't this board from Yes RGB?"

Zhou Wangu probed: "Long Yi, does this belong to classmate Bai Chen?"

Long nodded and put the black iron base plate back into the space equipment with his expectant eyes.

Yan Shuishui pursed his lips.


She turned her head and looked in the direction of the staff on duty at Yanyu College, only to find that at some point, Bai Chen and other teachers and students had disappeared.

Not only that, even the four myth-defying geniuses in the Genius Center and Hydelia's family who were hiding in the corner playing games disappeared without a trace.

"Sally, where is your master?"

Yan Shuishui shouted to the pickup in the corner of the tent.

"You guys watch the live broadcast."

Sally's answer made Yan Shuishui's eyes widen.

"When did Bai Chen run into the subspace?"

"When you eat melon."

Yan Shuishui banged his head on the workbench.

At this time, the picture in the live broadcast changed.

Fellow fellow Walter stopped. The semi-chaotic, semi-material subspace barrier in front of him only had a thin layer that could be broken at the last moment.

"This is a small step for you, my sister, but a giant leap for mankind."

"Compound V gives us humans the ability to walk on flat ground across subspace barriers."

"Look, there is a colorful light on the other side of the subspace barrier."

"The new world is beckoning to us humans!"

"The glory belongs to Amei. Look, the glory belongs to the California Consortium!"

The fellow villagers shouted slogans, and he put on the most important pose in his life, the savior pose.

The eyes emitted two red lights again.

A passage the size of a residential door was opened on this last layer of subspace barrier.

Then, he flew up and kicked the cut film into pieces.

"Subspace, here I am, Walter, a fellow member of the California consortium!"

"Compound V is definitely worth having."

The fellow jumped into the air with a flick of his legs, and the two-headed bear LOGO on his chest became even brighter.


Applause from the directors of the California Consortium rang out in Jobs' office. The most difficult task of penetrating the subspace barrier had been completed.

Now, the subspace and the brave new world behind it are open to the California consortium without any precautions.

"The following is the second phase of the shocking rescue."

"Under the watchful eyes of billions of people around the world, our California consortium acts like father and brother to rescue the millions of people trapped in the lost zone."

"If they are still alive, we will definitely allow them to enjoy the supreme VIPPPP treatment. This shows our California Foundation's purpose of benefiting all mankind."

"If they are already dead, we must also show grief and indignation, and avenge these millions of humans!"

"However, if the strength of the unknown new world exceeds our ability to bear."

"Urgently open the Bering Strait channel that has been prepared to ask for help from the East Earth Psychic Association and the City of All Spirits!"

Jobs looked calm.

They have already made corresponding plans for all possible scenarios.

In short, they take the benefits, and the enemies they can't afford to offend and the blame they can't bear are thrown to the East Earth Psychic Association.

However, when a light appeared in the sky of the subspace.

Follow this colorful light.

A small dog with a black mouth and black eyes, a yellowish fur, a red vest with the words "Yanyu Academy" printed on it, and a few light panels on the edge appeared in the sight of the villagers and appeared in the global live broadcast.

Jobs, who had everything under control, jumped up from the chair.

The other directors of the California consortium, who were all smiling, were also stunned by the little dog that appeared out of nowhere in the subspace and blocked the way for the fellow villagers.

Everyone had a big confused expression on their foreheads.

"Why is there a dog in the subspace?"

"Ah Huang, is that you, Ah Huang?"

"Did the fellow villager take the wrong road? Did he travel to the East?"

The billions of East Earth spectators who watched the live broadcast can responsibly say that this is the most common East Earth rural dog, the little dog commonly known as Ah Huang.

Sister, look at the ratings of the mainland, which have risen rapidly again.

A little dog blocked the road at the beginning.

No matter how powerful the ancient gods are, they can't write such a script.

At this time, the fellow villager picked up the microphone.

"Dear audience, there is such a lively little dog in the subspace."

"This means that the owner of the little dog has been out of contact for several months. Dongtu Yanyu Academy is nearby."

"There is no luckier start than this."

"The little dog is alive, and the owner of the little dog may be alive, which means that the environment in the subspace can allow the missing people to survive."

"Then the possibility of us saving them alive will be very high."

Wat's voice was full of excitement.

He has seen the name of the savior beckoning to him.

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