I can summon myself

Chapter 367 For the biological dog

When the live broadcast screen showed the slogan "available at the California Consortium Superhero Store".

Jabs stood up solemnly.

His right hand suddenly waved down: "Open the door!"

The directors around them shouted in unison: "Open the door!"

The psychic communication wave is centered on the fragment of the small world and spreads silently towards the continent.

The next second, Amei, you can see that stores in various core city nodes that have been prepared for a long time have opened their doors that have been closed for many days.

Although these shops are not in the most prosperous commercial centers of these cities, if you look at them from a high-altitude perspective, you can see that these shops are all located in high-end residential areas where the middle-class awakened people from well-off families are the most numerous.

As the small squares on the big screen that represent the official opening of the store turned green, Amei, you can see that the map of the core city nodes in the mainland turned green simultaneously.

A heartfelt smile appeared on Jabs' lips.

"The show is about to begin!"

"Our consortium spent a lot of money to acquire these land plots just for today, as our peers looked at them as idiots."

"Bad people rely on mutation, rich people rely on technology, and these middle-class awakened people, who are neither above nor below, can't shamelessly go back to the past when they had nothing, and have no access to the top achievements of major consortiums, and their genes cannot guarantee that Their descendants can maintain the current level, so this kind of people who have money in their pockets but are not rich enough are the best targets for our superhero store.”

The eyes of hook-nosed Jabs shone with intelligence.

Compound V is a killer weapon developed for these middle-class awakened people.

First, they have enough spending power to withstand the sky-high price of Compound V for the entire cycle.

Secondly, the genes of their descendants, although not up to their own level, are far more potential than those mortals who cannot become awakened ones.

Third, that is the calculation of the California consortium.

Before the emergence of superhero stores, these middle-class awakened people were exhausted and exhausted all their efforts to maintain their family status, and had no other thoughts at all.

However, it does not prevent his family from being able to maintain its current level once something goes wrong.

Compound V can maximize the potential in the genes of their offspring.

Not only can it stabilize the status of these middle class people, but it can also give them hope of moving to the next level.

"If you don't have any worries, you should show me to Amei and continue climbing up the power pyramid."

"It gets narrower as you go up. Once such a huge class of middle-class awakened people rises collectively, Amei, you see the future of the mainland is really exciting."

"If you don't explode, Amei, look at the mainland's system, there won't be big turbulence. Without big turmoil, there will be no big opportunities."

"In such a stagnant environment, it is not easy for our California consortium to overturn the table where Amei is watching Game of Thrones."

"But now Compound V can not only bring hope to you middle-class awakened people, but it is also the kind of fire we spread in the world, igniting the ambition in all of you!"

The directors laughed, their laughter filled with madness.

"The Dongtu people standing on the first floor thought we wanted to be the saviors."

"The smart people in the East who are standing on the second floor think that we are just trying to make money with all our efforts."

"Amei, who is standing on the third floor, you see, my colleagues in the consortium think we are going to muddy the water in the mainland."

"But they can never imagine our true purpose standing on the 100th floor!"

Jabs stood in front of the crystal floor-to-ceiling window.

He straightened his back and opened his arms wide, as if he was embracing the world.

"For the biological dog!"

He shouted these words as if possessed by the King of the World.

"For the biological dog!"

"Biological Dog Buddha Loves the Nest!"

At the same time, live footage from the global live broadcast appeared in these superhero stores that shined like sparks.

Rows of shelves filled with faint blue Compound V injections were pushed into the brightest store spotlight by clerks wearing two-headed bear logos.

The middle-class awakened people who saw this scene stopped in their haste.

In front of the superhero store No. 2077 in Gotham City, a one-eyed black man in a black trench coat took a deep breath and pushed open the store door.

"Is this really Compound V?"

"Compound V that allows fellow countrymen to spray RGB in their eyes and open the subspace barrier that even Eastern Earth could not break through for so many days?"

Wearing a black eyepatch, he asked the clerk.

"Yes, Your Excellency."

"This is Compound V."

The clerk took out a compound V from the shelf.

In front of the bald black man and a group of middle-class awakened people who exuded the fluctuations of high-level awakened people, she injected the injection, which was as thick as two fingers, into her slender arm.

Ten seconds later.

The clerk, who was originally a mortal, had psychic fluctuations in his body.

With the blessing of Compound V, she actually stepped directly into the world of the Awakened.

Her thin figure also expanded rapidly like a balloon.

She, who weighed more than a hundred pounds, suddenly transformed into a fierce female boxer who could run horses on her arms and kill three sissies with one punch.

She walked to the force measuring machine that had been prepared.

His right hand turned into an afterimage, and punched the psychic alloy force plate hard.

The data displayed on the force measuring machine suddenly exceeded 500 kilograms, reaching the upper limit of the first-level awakener.

The middle-class awakeners took a breath.

The bald black man's single eye exuded an inexplicable light.

He said: "Is this a one-time effect or a permanent effect? ​​Can it only be used for ordinary people, or can it be used for everyone including the myth of the sky? Does it have side effects? If so, what are the side effects?"

"Yeah, there is not even an instruction manual?"

"Is there any proof of its safety from the medical institutions under the Gotham Consortium?"

"Has it passed the joint certification of the A-mei Consortium?"

"What is the price of this compound V?"

The middle-class awakeners surrounded the female clerk and spoke out their doubts.

The female clerk smiled, and there was a hint of charm on her freckled face.

"Compound V has three effects. The first is the change at the genetic level. Each Compound V can permanently improve the user's genes and slightly increase the user's matching degree with the environment's spiritual energy."

"Second, the continuous effect. The effect of a Compound V lasts for three years."

"Third, it is the rapid effect that everyone has witnessed. This Compound V can maintain my ability as a first-level awakener in the next fifteen days. If I don't get a new Compound V in half a month, I will fall back to the mortal state. However, due to the existence of the first and second effects, I can still permanently enter the quasi-awakening stage until the continuous influence of this Compound V truly activates my DNA chain again."

"In short, it has the dual functions of a one-time potion and a long-term potion."

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