I can summon myself

Chapter 353 Ancient God, Modern God

"I am honored to be able to share with you my experience of how I became a super second-generation ancestor because my family has the Way of Heaven..."

Before Super Second Generation Ancestor Bai Chen finished speaking, the link with Bai Chen was disconnected without warning.

"There's no void energy left?"

"The BUFF of Ancient God Cleaner Bai Chen was fine before. Although it consumed a lot of energy, it could last for five or six hours without any problem. However, the BUFF of Bai Chen, the super second-generation ancestor, is too energy-intensive!"

Bai Chen was speechless when he discovered that not a single drop of the strange object keyboard was missing.

"My dear, is it true that this super second-generation ancestor is much higher than the ancient god's cleaner Bai Chen, so his BUFF consumption is much greater?"

Lanxing Baichen guessed.

"If that's the case, then what level of existence is the cat-finding boss Bai Chen who can't be linked to using the strange object keyboard at the moment?"

Immortal King Bai Chen murmured.

Ever since Bai Chen was summoned to Earth from the Fairy World, his three views have been refreshed every moment.

Not only an eye-opener.

What’s more, he discovered that even Emperor Quan Tian who founded the Fairy World with one hand was just a village girl who had never left the Novice Village in her whole life compared to the various Bai Chens in the parallel universe.

Bai Chen, the cleaner of the ancient gods, could just kill the gods like a chicken.

Bai Chen randomly selected the super second-generation ancestor Bai Chen, who might actually be a more powerful being.

Immortal King Bai Chen was convinced.

"Originally, I was planning to get more BUFFs to try out the effects of different versions of Bai Chen's BUFFs, but the result was that the animal keyboard ran out of energy." Bai Chen was a little unhappy.

"Boss Bai Chen, it's strange that I can't collect your resentment?" As the emotional ancient god designated by the earth's heaven, it stands to reason that Bai Chen, who looks unhappy, can provide a ray of resentment to the little local dog, but what does it do? Didn't even feel it.

Bai Chen shrugged.

The Great Void Cultivation Method can not only absorb all spiritual energy, but also prevent all his breath from leaking out.

Emotions are there too.

"Junior brother, get ready to go."

Zuo Miao knocked on Bai Chen's door.

Half an hour later, Bai Chen and the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy embarked on a voyage back to the extinct volcanic island.

With the launch of the Tiandao fake letter card.

The cabin of Bai Chen's aircraft has become an area where even the ancient gods cannot eavesdrop.

"I found six marks on the little native dog."

"Five of them are all new. The strange Ancient God of Resurrection took the opportunity to stay, and it was Franklin who made the little dog lose control and become a communicator."

Bai Chen took out a green hundred-dollar bill, which was an antique he bought from the official store of Airport 5.

"It's Franklin's face on this hundred dollar bill."

"The God of Wealth? The God of Money? It's hard to say yet, but what is certain is that it is a new god who has become a mythical god with the arrival of the spiritual energy era, and it is also a type exclusive to humans."

"I guess it should be the god of the Ivy League."

Bai Chen flicked the antique dollar bill, and the green note produced before the era of psychic energy made a crisp sound.

"Franklin became a god?"

The old wizard's eyes widened.

"It's money that becomes God."

Fang Zihan corrected.

"Before the age of spiritual energy, there was a saying that money can connect to the gods, but in the age of spiritual energy, money itself is a god." The ferocious-looking Long Shantian couldn't help but shake his head.

"The tuition fees in the Ivy League are extremely expensive. It makes sense for Franklin, the money god, to choose them." The bald senior said thoughtfully.

"Senior Brother Bai Chen, what is an ancient god and what is a modern god?" the foodie senior asked in confusion.

Bai Chen smiled slightly: "The ancient gods are the old rulers before the emergence of our generation of humans. They are the little local dog, the angry fool, the statue stitch monster, and the ancient gods in the Arctic Circle."

"Today's God, after the emergence of human beings, along with the revived spiritual energy, became the holder of the divine vocation that defies the myth of heaven."

"The difference between a legendary and an ordinary heaven-defying myth is like the difference between a legendary and an ordinary controller."

"Only those who start at level 15 and recognized by Heaven can be titled legends."

"But Tiandao does not agree. Even a super controller of level 20 or above cannot be called a titled legend."

"In the controller level, the biggest difference between a titled legend and a super-level controller is that the titled legend has been certified by Heaven and can borrow the power of Heaven."

"Raised to the level of a heaven-defying myth."

"Although ordinary heaven-defying myths can still feel the mysterious way of heaven."

"But ancient gods, modern gods, and even temporary workers' gods, these heaven-defying myths that are recognized by Heaven as the masters of one or several domains are the ones who are qualified to be called gods."

“These areas are the priesthood.”

"Money and wealth are the specific names of Franklin's priesthood."

"However, it is still unclear whether he is the god of money or the god of wealth whose responsibilities are wider than money."

After a pause, Bai Chen continued: "Of course, Franklin's main territory is in Amei, look at the mainland. Dongtu has his own God of Wealth here in Dongtu, and now whether it is Dongtu or Amei, look at the circulation. They are all spiritual currencies like Stardust. Maybe besides Franklin and the God of Wealth, there is a real spiritual money god who represents money."

"Maybe both Franklin and Dongtu Caishen want to compete for the priesthood of the psychic money god. Maybe the psychic money god does not belong to either of the two parties, but exists independently. With the current information, it is impossible to make any further judgment."

Bai Chen shrugged.

He has a complete disdain for these modern gods on Earth and does not recognize any of them.

He took a sip of happy water.

Wait for everyone to digest Franklin's information.

Only then did he come to the conclusion based on the experience of ancient god cleaner Bai Chen: "Due to the relationship with the priesthood, it is very strange for the Ivy League to want to be my savior."

"What the God of Money needs is more money, not your gratitude."

"Even if Max gets the identity of the savior, he won't be able to receive a few more steel coins."

"So, this is very strange."

"There must be more than one Imaginary Franklin in the Ivy League."

"But no matter who is standing behind them, the title of savior seems to be a product that has crossed the line."

Long Hantian and Fang Zihan looked at each other.

"Classmate Bai Chen, the more you talk about it, the less we understand."

"Yeah, my head hurts."

Not only them, Wu Qingmei also looked as big as a bucket.

"Too complicated."

she sighed.

"What motivations Max and his gang have, let's leave it to the Genius Center."

Bai Chen smiled and said that he also did not want to get involved in the fields of Franklin and the Ivy League.

"Bai Chen, no wonder Max pretended to say that the name and wealth of the savior beyond your eyes belong to us, because they know very well that the influence of modern gods like Franklin behind them cannot reach us in the East. ”

Mo Qianxing guessed.

Bai Chen nodded: "Yes, the modern gods born from the human world are different from the ancient gods who rule the world. The territory of each modern god has its limits."

"This also proves in disguise that behind the Ivy League is not a powerful modern god such as the God of Science who has influence over all mankind."

"If there is a god of science."

"The Cult of Science will last for thousands of years!" The old wizard said this with a loud smile.

"One hundred and sixty kilometers ahead, space psychic energy fluctuations have been detected." Kraao's rumbling voice sounded in the cabin.

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