I can summon myself

Chapter 351 Please, Bai Chen, don't chase us away

"The seven of you immediately pack up all your personal belongings and we will send you to Airport 5 to meet with the Western Alliance delegation in half an hour."

Liu Twenty-five said to Annefreya and the other seven math tool people without expression.


Annefreya's face was full of shock.

"We're not leaving!"

"If you don't hand over formulas, don't hand over data, don't hand over work, we won't hand over anything."

"In life, you are a math tool person, and in death, you are a math tool ghost!"

The other six tool men shouted, as if no one wanted them to put down their work and leave.

"Are you serious?"

Liu Erwu found that their reactions did not seem to be posturing.

"Are you all masochists?"

"Nine-nine-six do math problems that make your head hurt just by looking at them."

"Not to mention overtime pay, there is no regular salary."

"You actually don't want to leave?"

Liu Erwu couldn't imagine that there were such cheap people these days.

"Do you think we are going to deal with you?"

Liu Erwu's face suddenly turned ugly, and he said coldly: "If I really have to deal with you, will I talk nonsense to you?"

Just let the Armored Cloud Whale throw them towards the space barrier of the subspace. Under the power of space, these seven will not even be left.

"Pack your things quickly, don't waste time!"

Liu Erwu said impatiently.

The seven-person group hugged the desk with their legs to express their determination not to leave even if they died.

"We have sweated for Bai Chen, we have made contributions to the extinct volcano island, and we want to see Bai Chen!"

Annefreya roared with all her strength, and the sound spread out of the cave where they were.

Nagata Tsuna, the commander left behind, came after hearing the news.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw a strange scene in which Liu Twenty-five called Nimitz and a group of Western coolies, and tried to "pull" the seven people from the desk cut out of volcanic rock like a tug of war.

"What are you doing?"

Tian Gang's arrival made Liu Twenty-five and others let go of the group of seven.

"Master Baichen wants us to put them on the aircraft and hand them over to the Western Alliance delegation at Airport 5."

Liu Erwu, who considers himself a servant, told Bai Chen's arrangement.

"Since it's my junior brother's arrangement, there must be no problem."

"You guys pack your things."

Tian Gang gently told the group of seven that he and Liu Twenty-five thought that these seven had a quarrel and wanted to get rid of them, so they stayed silent.

"No, we're not leaving!"

Annefreya said every word.

Tian Gang's expression darkened.

Just when he was about to get angry, Annefreya suddenly became pitiful.

"Commander Tian Gang, this must be a misunderstanding."

"Seeing as we have no merit but hard work, can you please let us communicate with the Western Alliance delegation?"

The other six people nodded: "Yes, we are fine here."

"The extinct volcanic island has blue sky, beautiful water and clear air."

"We really don't want to leave."

"Brother Tianzuna, please."

"Please Bai Chen, don't drive us away."

The pitiful appearance of the seven people hugging the cold volcanic rock table legs made Tian Gang feel pain in his head.

Looking back on their performance on the extinct volcano island, they were quite conscientious.

Tian Gang called Liu Erwu aside.

"Did my junior brother tell me the reason for letting them leave?"

If Bai Chen and the Western Alliance delegation reached an agreement.

Tian Gang will only obey Bai Chen's orders.

"Sally didn't say."

Liu Erwu spread his hands and said.

A quarter of an hour later, Tian Gang contacted Bai Chen.

"They won't leave?"

Bai Chen looked stunned.

"My dear, are they all from the Blessing Star?"

Ignoring Blue Star Bai Chen's teasing, Bai Chen's lips twitched: "Call the seven of them and let them communicate with Witch Meilin."

"Junior brother, are they talking nonsense?"

Tianzuna is worried that Annefrey and the others will leak information about the extinct volcano island.

"If they want to leak information about the extinct volcano island, and wait until Airport 5 and the Western Alliance delegation meet before they speak out, there's nothing we can do to stop it, right?"

"Senior Brother Tian Gang, please relax. When I agreed to let the seven of them go, I was already prepared for the extinct volcanic island to be exposed."

In fact, the situation on the extinct volcano island is not a secret to begin with. The situation there has long been in the sight of those who are interested in the Genius Center, Hydelia, Long Yi, Yan Shuishui, and No. 5 Deep Ocean Market.

What's more, once the subspace barrier is broken through, whether it's Dongtu's rescue team or the people Bai Chen rescued from the lost contact zone, they will inevitably land on the extinct volcano island.

Now the basic protection system of the extinct volcanic island has been initially completed, and Sally, whose identity has been confirmed, is constantly monitoring it, plus the deliberate intimidation of Bai Chen having a dealer behind his back.

He is not worried about the Western Alliance delegation meeting with Cai to express their intention to attack the extinct volcanic island.

Besides, even if the Seven revealed everything they knew.

It's nothing more than letting the Western Alliance know that there is a statue of the ancient god Suture on the extinct volcano island.

They didn't know the secrets of the Embers and the Land of Embers.

As for Sally's identity as a brain demon, Bai Chen didn't mind being known by the Western Alliance delegation.

The group of seven was taken to the extinct volcano island communications center.

When they saw clearly Eve, Merlin and the five other witches sitting in the communication room of Airport 5, the group of seven couldn't help but look at each other.

Don't look at the way they act harmlessly in front of Bai Chen for fear of offending classmate Bai Chen.

But in Europa, he is a truly household name.

Even if it’s just remote video.

But the five vertical and horizontal witches lined up still put Annefreya and others feeling great pressure.

"Which of you is Annie?"

Merlin, who was entrusted by someone, really didn't know what Annefreya looked like.

Annefreya raised her hand.

"Your Excellency Meilin, I am."

She said timidly.

"You don't want to go back to Europa with us?"

Mei Lin looked at the group of seven in confusion.

"Yes, we don't want to leave the extinct volcanic island!"

The group of seven said in unison.


A look of scrutiny appeared in the eyes of the witches.

"Is Yanyu Academy treating you well?"

Eve raised her eyebrows.

The Seven shook their heads.

"very bad."

996 Mathematics Tool Man, is this something humans do?

"Are you masochists?"

Merlin scanned the faces of each of the seven people one by one.

There aren't any scars visible on the outside.


The Seven are shaking their heads more frequently.

Facing the witches in all directions, you look suspiciously at something that is wrong with your brain.

Annefreya gritted her teeth and said, "We are prisoners of Misty Rain Academy."

"But the spiritual energy intensity on the extinct volcano island far exceeds that of various colleges. Even when compared with those dedicated training rooms, there is not much difference between the two."

"What's more important is that as long as we complete the tasks assigned by them, we can practice at will without paying even a penny."

The other six people couldn't help but nod.

"Yes, compared to the alma mater training ground where you can exchange training time with money and credits, the extinct volcano island where we can absorb spiritual energy is simply paradise."

"Moreover, the psychic intensity here is getting higher and higher day by day. It may only be a matter of time before we catch up with those top training rooms."

"The 996 Mathematics Tools are very dangerous, but if we leave here and return to our academy, we will no longer be able to enjoy the free treatment of practicing."

"Your Excellency, the five witches of Zongheng, we are very grateful that you want to take us back to Europa, but we are still willing to stay on the extinct volcano island."

"We really don't want to go back."

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