I can summon myself

Chapter 342 Krao, throw him into the sea

"Release the dogs, release the dogs, release the dogs!"

Yan Shui, who was mixed in the team of the City of Spirits, couldn't help but muttered.

With her eyes, she has already seen the extraordinary qualities of Da Shen Liu.

The national treasure team that rushed forward was still only at the first level of Controller, but it was not beyond her expectation that it was taken care of by this extraordinary wicker tree.

Now, she couldn't wait to see who could win between the ancient god pretending to be a god, oh no, the ancient god pretending to be a local dog, and the branches and leaves of this god-beating willow.

Of course, if the little country dog ​​also kneels down, Bai Chen will probably use the trump card given to him by the big dealer.

Yan Shuishui somewhat expected Liu Ziao to continue his killing spree.

"That identification dog is unreliable."

Although Zhou Wangu still thinks that the little local dog is too evil.

But a five-clawed dragon prince like Ao Twelve was knocked down one by one. No matter how weird the little local dog is, it is impossible to resist the attack of Dashenliu.

"The Liu family of the imperial capital is not because their founder's surname is Liu, but because their founder was changed to Liu who beat the god Liu."

"Legend has it that this willow tree can really bring peace to the gods."

"Especially towards non-human creatures, there is a kind of subtle restraint."

"With the big bosses from the Genius Center present, Bai Chen may not suffer a big loss, but he will probably be embarrassed by Liu Fengxian's willow."

"It would be great if I could use this to see the hole cards given to this guy by the big dealer."

Everyone in the Western Alliance delegation unanimously cheered in their hearts for Liu Fengxian, who looked arrogant above the Thunder Dragon.

The God-defying myth of the team that makes sense, the super controller, and the titled legends looked at Willow Tiao with interest in their eyes.

The magical plant that can make the Crested Ibis and the Little Pit Dragon suffer, makes them have an urge to visit the Liu family.

Gu Shao patted his worried-looking little colleague who graduated from Yanyu College.

He was about to open his mouth to comfort.

The vision suddenly darkened.

"Is it going to rain?"

"This weather is really, uh, what's on our heads?"

De Jong's loud shout made everyone's attention turn to the sky.

"Who is calling the fleet!"

A sound like rolling thunder bloomed in the clouds above Airport 5.

"Krao is ready."

"Black Skull is ready."

"Armored Cloudwhale ready."

"Big Black, Big White are ready."

"Cloud Whale Bear Child, oh no, I, Hale, am ready!"

Along with the weird mechanical sound, powerful spiritual energy waves appeared from the sky one after another.

One after another, flying giant beasts larger than a brontosaurus with colorful lights all over their bodies swooped down from the clouds.

The sight of the melon eaters was filled with the figures of these giant beasts.

It is different from the flowery Brontosaurus that has a huge body.

The real controller fluctuations linger in them.

"The controller is at the eighth level, ninth level, tenth level, and the highest one actually reaches the eleventh level?"

A glint of disbelief flashed in Witch Eve's eyes.

She knew this kind of giant creature that Europa called a sky whale and was defined as a cloud whale by Dongtu.

Regardless of the information in the library or actual contact, the highest level of these cloud whales will not exceed the eighth level of the controller.

But today, she saw with her own eyes a group of more than 500 cloud whales, with at least 50 cloud whales that were eight levels above the controller falling from the sky.

"Lei la lei la, lei la again!"

"It happens every time!"

"Classmate Bai Chen, can't you let them squeak in advance?"

The staff at Airport 5 all looked resentful.

Gu Shaoyi, on the other hand, confirmed that both the Western Alliance witches and the Reasonable team were also shocked by the sudden appearance of the cloud whales.

He suddenly relaxed.

"I haven't even discovered so many myths that defy the heavens. Little man, you can rest assured now."

The little man nodded, the tension on his face disappeared, and he looked extremely relaxed at the long-faced young man with a look of confusion on his face.

Liu Fengxian looked at the Armored Cloud Whale Legion getting closer and closer to him.

Finally the color changed.

"Clao, throw him into the sea."

Bai Chen said lightly.


Kraao, who was in the lead, flicked his tail, and his huge body rushed straight down towards Liu Fengxian.

Liu Fengxian's eyes showed panic when he saw the overwhelming group of cloud whales in his field of vision.

He subconsciously lowered his head and looked at the small wicker in his hand.


"Why is there a khaki-yellow Oriental pastoral dog here?"

"When did it run to me?"

Before Liu Fengxian could react, the little native dog on his right suddenly jumped up to the height of his right hand.

The black dog mouth opened.

A strong force struck, and the wicker on Liu Fengxian's right hand was ripped away by the little native dog.

"what's the situation?"

Zhou Wangu's eyes widened.

Eve and other witches looked dumbfounded at the little local dog running towards Bai Chen with a willow stick in its mouth, wagging its tail as it ran.

"Hinda, Hinda, how did it take action?"

Even Yan Shuishui, who had been staring at Liu Fengxian with all his attention, didn't notice when exactly this native dog appeared next to Liu Fengxian.

"I have no idea."

Xinda, the purple-skinned elf, looked at the little native dog with eyes full of fear.

Under the nose of so many heaven-defying myths.

This ancient god disguised as a small dog was able to take away Liu Fengxian's willow branches without being discovered.

It was incredible.

At this time, Krao and other cloud whales had rushed to the top of Liu Fengxian.

They changed from diving to flying, and then from a high speed close to the speed of sound to a suspension with a speed of zero in an instant.

The whole set of actions was done in one go.

The smoothness without any drag made the eyelids of the genius center's mythical bosses jump.

"Get up!"

Krao said in a muffled voice.

Countless invisible and intangible psychic hands emerged from them.

Liu Fengxian and his thunder dragon mount weighing more than 100 tons were lifted up from the deck by the cloud whales with psychic hands.

"What are you doing?"

"Let me go, let me go."

"You monsters, do you want to go against our Imperial Capital Liu Family?"

"Let me go and I'll get down!"

"Otherwise, you'll be dead!"

Liu Fengxian roared fiercely.

The bear kid Heil from Yunjing rammed into him.

Liu Fengxian was like being hit in the face by a sledgehammer from the sky, and with the sound of cracked bones, he was knocked down on the seat on the back of the Thunder Dragon by Heil's head.


The bald senior Wang Botang waved to Liu Fengxian, who had been brought to the edge of the landing field by Krao.


The foodie senior whistled triumphantly.

"Outside the pavilion, beside the ancient road, willow branches swung for a long time."

Zuo Miao held the back of the neck of the little dog that had run back, and the little dog cooperated by shaking his head and shaking the willow branches of the Imperial Capital Liu Family.


Amid screams, Liu Fengxian and his mount became free-falling bodies, falling from the 3,000-meter altitude of Airport No. 5 to the sea.

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