I can summon myself

Chapter 338: Bai Chen, I think...

The City of All Souls researchers who couldn't bear the humiliation of their leader stood up.

All kinds of weird things that looked very inappropriate were put on the workbench.

Then, there is no more.

The little native dog was like a real appraisal master, sifting out all valuable things that met Bai Chen's standards from many spiritual materials that even the store manager could not judge their value.

Zhou Wangu, who witnessed the whole process, discovered that this evil native dog didn't even miss a single thing.

"This is not scientific, let alone spiritual!"

"Is the dealer's dog so strong?"

"Guigui, it's completely inexplicable."

The researchers kept shouting and yelling, looking at the little local dog as if they were a master of appraisal in dog skin.

Like their leader, their own outlook on life has also been refreshed.

Dongtu, which is much weaker than the City of All Souls, actually has an existence like a little local dog that is completely beyond their knowledge.

What happened to this earth?

They suddenly felt that Bai Chen, who had a background as a dealer, was so enigmatic.

Yan Shuishui gloated at these guys who couldn't even figure out why even if they thought about it.

Of course, it is impossible for a local dog to identify it.

But the ancient god disguised as a native dog is different.

But Yan Shuishui and Xinda forgot a crucial point.

That is, no matter how powerful the Ancient God is, it is impossible for him to know everything about the City of All Spirits and the countless worlds behind the City of All Spirits.

"I never thought that these people in the City of All Souls would be so wealthy."

"If we follow the exchange ratio quoted by the store manager, we can earn at least ten times."

Lanxing Baichen said happily.

It’s a small amount of money, it’s really fragrant.

"The feeling of dimensionality reduction is really good."

Immortal King Bai Chen was extremely emotional. He didn't even need to look for Cat Bai Chen's experience. Blue Star Bai Chen's experience was enough to make these spiritual materials play a value far beyond what the City of All Spirits thought.

What's more, there are statue stitch monsters to protect the bottom line.

Even those unused spiritual materials can be upgraded to god-level essences that are several times the purchase price.

The City of All Souls thought they were not at a loss.

But Bai Chen is the real money maker.

The bald senior who was responsible for paying the bill took out the brick-like pieces of Angry Fool's god-level essence.

Feel the heaven-defying mythical spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from these "bricks".

After calculation, although the store manager was slightly biased towards Bai Chen, the exchange ratio was generally fair.

Although the three views were refreshed by the little local dog.

But Zhou Wangu still chose the transaction without hesitation.

Reasonable price, strong ability to consume all spiritual materials.

Plus the factor of selling well to the big dealer.

This caused the entire City of Spirits foreign aid team to exchange with Bai Chen at the store manager's price.

When Eve brought three witches besides Merlin, accompanied by three temporary workers from the three major families, they came to the official store.

What you see is this bustling trading scene.

The bricks of Angry Fool's god-level essence piled up into a hill.

The smiling researchers stuffed their spiritual materials and space equipment into the hands of the teachers and students of Mist and Rain College, and then took their respective portions of "bricks" with a look of satisfaction on their faces.

Seeing this scene, the four Zongheng witches were stunned.

The god-level essence as high as a hill not only dazzled their eyes, but also gave them the feeling that Bai Chen, who was favored, was so confident.

Dragon Emperor, the big dealer.

Even your dragon sons and grandsons cannot enjoy so much god-level essence.

Bai Chen's virtue and ability are actually more important than your own descendants?

And after seeing clearly that the researchers exchanged legendary level spiritual materials for god-level essence.

The three temporary workers from the three major families, De Jong, Piero, and Simpson, rushed to Bai Chen in strides.

Well, the most handsome one is Bai Chen.

"Classmate Bai Chen, I want to..."

De Jong of the Van Zyck family began to unbutton his jacket.

"Classmate Bai Chen, I want..."

Piero of the De Rosset family stretched his belt excessively.

"Classmate Bai Chen, I also..."

Little Simpson looked at Bai Chen with eyes full of expectation.


Lanxing Baichen's face turned pale.


Immortal King Bai Chen is ready to assist in the battle.

Bai Chen expressionlessly took out a dragon bone card.

Time froze at this moment.

"Classmate Bai Chen, I want to exchange my family's treasure for god-level essence."

De Jong pulled a necklace with a fruit from his neck.

"Classmate Bai Chen, I want to make a deal with you."

Piero took out his belt, which was engraved with mysterious space-related inscriptions.

"Classmate Bai Chen, I also want to make a deal with you."

Little Simpson took out a thin space scroll from the sole of his foot.

Bai Chen······.

Blue Star Baichen······.

Immortal King Bai Chen······.

Feeling the dragon shaking the mythical fluctuations on the dragon bone card, Fang Zihan rushed into the official store.

"Don't do things like this that can easily be misunderstood in the future."

After confirming that the three temporary workers, who had turned pale before reacting, really just wanted to trade, Bai Chen took back the dragon bone card.


"Our fault."

"We didn't make it clear."

The three temporary workers who started from the legendary level kept apologizing to Bai Chen.

"Spiritual materials above the legendary level, various unidentified rare and strange items, can be used to exchange for God-level essence."

Bai Chen confirmed the terms of the transaction.

"Woof, woof, woof."

This time, without saying hello, the little dog consciously lay down at Bai Chen's feet.


Thinking that Bai Chen had lost a lot, Long Hantian pulled Bai Chen aside.

Raising his hand to form an anti-reconnaissance silent barrier, he said to Bai Chen: "The rare spiritual materials in the City of Ten Thousand Spirits are fine."

"But these three families are clearly trying to take advantage of you."

"Spiritual materials at the legendary level, as long as they don't reach the level of the myth of heaven, can be exchanged with points, stardust, or even the blue pills you produce."

"God-level essence is so precious, how can they be exchanged with spiritual materials at the controller level?"

Long Hantian knew that the angry fool provided Bai Chen with a large amount of God-level essence.

But it's not the current exchange method.

Bai Chen nodded, and first thanked Long Hantian for his concern.

"This wave of the City of Ten Thousand Spirits can make me earn so much."

Bai Chen stretched out a palm.

"Fifty percent?"

Long Hantian narrowed his eyes. If that's the case, it doesn't seem to be a loss.

"No, it's five times."

Bai Chen reduced the actual profit by half.

Otherwise, Long Hantian would doubt his life.


Long Hantian's pair of dragon eyes were like a pair of dull two barrels.

"No more, no less."

"I have a special way to increase value, and it will definitely make a lot of money."

Bai Chen pointed at the little dog.

Long Hantian then remembered that Bai Chen not only solved the angry fool, but also captured the two ancient gods, the Arctic Circle's resentment and the statue stitching monster.

Presumably they have a special way to increase value.

"In this case, then empty the spiritual materials of the three major families."

Long Hantian laughed and took back the silent barrier.

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