I can summon myself

Chapter 336 I'm not such a casual elf

"Cough, cough."

Long Hantian pretended to cough and walked into the official store.

The eyes of the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy fell on Witch Meilin beside him.

"Boss Renlong, I didn't expect you to be like this?"

"It's too cruel to hook up so quickly."

"Another LSP, identification completed."

Long Hantian raised his eyebrows and hugged Mei Lin tighter: "Well, don't you want to buy, buy, buy?"

"The Western Alliance delegation has good stuff on hand to show its sincerity."

"How about calling them over now to take a look?"

Witch Meilin locked her eyes on the old monster as soon as she entered the door. She was shocked to find that the old monster didn't make any decision, but looked at Bai Chen.

Follow the line of sight of the real big BOSS of Yanyu Academy.

Mei Lin also saw Bai Chen and Long Yi, who was trying to smile in front of Bai Chen.

"Having checked my eyes, this must be Bai Chen."

She suddenly understood why Dragon Emperor's dealer chose Bai Chen.

Except for the perfect appearance.

Mei Lin, the prophecy, sensed in Bai Chen the starry sky that humans have not been able to see since the age of psychic energy.

Mysterious, profound and distant.

Bai Chen in his sight seemed to be an endless sea of ​​stars.

A mysterious and mysterious feeling arose in her heart.

She used her great prophecy technique at the cost of fifteen years of life to target this mysterious young man from Eastern China in front of her.

But in the next moment, her intuition disappeared inexplicably.

Bai Chen was still the same Bai Chen, but he no longer felt anything unusual.

If there is any characteristic, it is that this guy deliberately disguises himself as a ninth-level awakener to appear to be only a second-level awakener. It is really insidious.


Long Hantian's voice brought Mei Lin back to her senses.

"You, why did your hair turn half white all of a sudden?"

Not only Long Hantian, but everyone looked at her in surprise.

This powerful witch, who had brown hair when she first entered the house, suddenly and inexplicably had half of her hair on one side turn white without any warning.


Witch Merlin let out a scream.

Just because she looked at Bai Chen one more time, her vitality was reduced by three hundred years.

Fear appeared in her eyes.

The Dragon Emperor dealer is so scary!

Bai Chen actually placed such a terrifying protection against prophecy witches on his body!

"I go first."

Meilin ran away from the official store in a hurry.

"That's it, it's settled."

Long Hantian winked at Bai Chen, believing that Bai Chen would definitely understand his painstaking efforts.

After saying that, he strode towards Mei Lin.


"Is the hair dye expired?"

"do not care."

"I didn't expect that we were just pretending to be cool, and these Western alliances took the initiative to offer good products."

"It's fun to show off for a while, and it's fun to keep showing off."

The laughter of the teachers and students made Yan Shuishui frown.

Huh, if it weren't for the big dealer.

You guys will never survive a chapter by pretending like this.

"Will you sell the divine essence of the Fury of the Arctic Circle?"

She said to Bai Chen.


Bai Chen smiled faintly: "Only accept transactions with resources of the same level."

"We are not elves taking advantage of you."

Yan Shuishui said dissatisfied.

"How much weight does this floor hold?"

she said to the store manager.

"Within a thousand tons."

The teachers and students subconsciously left an open space for Yan Shuishui.

The Yanshui sailor lifted it up.

A skeleton four meters long but less than half a meter wide appeared in front of Bai Chen.

The bones are all pink and white.

Each bone is covered with light red lines.

Although the temperature in the official store is kept constant at 24 degrees by the matrix.

But from the moment this skeleton appeared.

Even the foodie seniors in the snack area farthest away felt a heat coming from their souls.

"The Flame Crystal Lizard is a level 4 beast that defies the myth of heaven. Its divine brain is still in its skull."

Yan Shuishui took out a signature pen and tapped the head of the skeleton with the tip of the pen, indicating to Bai Chen that the most valuable divine brain was located in this part.

"It can be changed."

Bai Chen nodded.

"There are two more that have been processed."

Yan Shuishui released two more similar-sized Flame Crystal Lizard skeletons.

One body was as smooth as the first one, and a few pieces of lizard meat that had not been completely processed could still be seen on the chest of the other body.

A sour smell emanated from the meat.

Everyone present covered their noses in unison.

The store manager quickly turned on the ventilation system, suppressing the strange smell to a barely bearable level.

Yan Shuishui said sheepishly: "This one can be replaced less often."

Bai Chen checked carefully and found that these three bodies should come from the same nest.

Under normal circumstances, the number of Flame Crystal Lizards in a nest is based on ten.

"How many are left unprocessed?"

Bai Chen said seriously.

"You want it even if it hasn't been dealt with?"

Seeing that Bai Chen nodded affirmatively, Yan Shuishui couldn't help but be overjoyed: "There are twenty-three heads in the nest, and a family must be neat and tidy!"

"The remaining twenty are all intact and unprocessed. You can change less, but you can't deduct too much."

Under the store manager's watchful eyes, Yan Shuishui took out all the remaining twenty Flame Crystal Lizards, the largest of which was five meters long and the smallest of which was less than half a meter long. They looked like they were made of fiery red crystals and each had eight legs.

"I want all of them. Let's exchange them at a ratio of five to one by weight."

"Five catties of Flame Crystal Lizards for one catty of the God-level Essence of Arctic Circle's Fury."

Bai Chen's offer made Yan Shuishui's eyes widen.

Before he had time to talk to Bai Chen, Long Yi also looked at him with a look of "Look, there's a sucker here" and kept examining him.

"Mr. Bai Chen, this ratio is wrong."

The store manager, who was afraid that Bai Chen would suffer a loss for the sake of the God-level Essence, showed his professionalism.

"Normally, the exchange ratio of a complete body of a mythical creature against the heavens and the god-level essence is eight to one."

"What's more, you have the god-level essence of the first ancient god-level Old One to be revived in this era, which is of extremely high research value."

"I think twelve to thirteen to one is the right price."

Yan Shuishui nodded. The upper limit she could accept was fifteen to one.

The store manager's ratio is absolutely fair.

And Bai Chen's five to one ratio is simply messing around.

Suddenly, her eyes became alert.

"Bai Chen, what do you want to do?"

"Are you trying to please me by this?"

"I tell you, I'm not such a casual elf."

"This little trick doesn't work on me!"

"Don't think too much!"

A layer of flame armor suddenly appeared on Yan Shuishui's body.

Bai Chen spread his hands with embarrassment.

Five to one is the exchange ratio given by Blue Star Bai Chen.

According to him, the Flame Crystal Lizard, which is full of treasures, would be a good deal even if it was exchanged at a ratio of four to one.

However, the exchange rate on Earth is not the same as that on Blue Star.

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