I can summon myself

Chapter 324: Can the Dead Volcano Island be sold?


The second host, the blonde succubus elder sister, pulled out a resume like a magic trick.

"Are you hiring?"

"I've been unemployed since the global live broadcast ended."

"Now I need a job."

Under the shocked eyes of Anastasia and Long Yi, the succubus elder sister began to introduce herself to Bai Chen: "My name is Nana, and my human age is 19 this year. My parents are senior professors of abyss studies at the Europa Arcane Tower. I grew up in France and can speak 17 human dialects, 32 abyssal languages, and 6 deep ocean common languages."

"I am now a fourth-level power psychic controller."

"The hostess is just my hobby. I learned from the guest professor of the City of All Spirits who came to the Arcane Tower to give lectures, the legendary Mr. Jobas, who is titled as a mechanical madman. I am good at repairing all vehicles, whether it is a bicycle, an aircraft carrier, or a Snake Hair 5 aircraft. I can maintain them to the best condition."

Nana took out a stack of gold-stamped certificates.

Not only is there the Europa, sister certification, there is also a mechanical master level certificate issued by the East Earth Psychic Association.

"I am also good at doing manual labor."

She put a blue safety helmet on her head.

"I can also plant flowers and plants."

She took out a small sapling that exuded five different psychic fluctuations.

"I only have one small request."

"That is to have a longer employment period, preferably starting from a hundred years."

"If the conditions are right, it is also possible to use the Western coolie contract where everything is controlled by the boss during the contract period."

The blonde girl looked at Bai Chen with expectation.

I hope Bai Chen can accept her.

"My Lord, the blood of this succubus is not bad. She can actually sense the benefits of the dead volcano island."

There is no doubt that Blue Star Bai Chen confirmed that Nana smelled the scent of embers and the land of embers, so she did this in front of her own Lord.

"Hey, grandson of the dealer?"

"We have something else!"

The red-skinned and purple-skinned people who had flown out of the island but returned to the shield again appeared on the big screen.

Bai Chen's mind moved, and while signaling Sally to bring them in, he said to the World Tree Bai Chen: "Are the Embers and Embers Land useful to the Flame Elves?"

"It's okay, it can be regarded as a place of gain for the Flame Elves, but there are probably 9999 places better than it on my side."

At this time, Bai Chen received a message from the Wonder Keyboard.

"The transmission of the Cat's Paw ultimate skill consumed too much void energy, and now it can only maintain cross-time and space communication for about 30 minutes."

Bai Chen thought about it and decided to take the initiative to end the communication with the World Tree Bai Chen.

"Hey, I forgot to remind you that my side is different from the Earth."

"But it shouldn't be a big problem."

World Tree Bai Chen murmured.

Following the guiding beam, Yan Shuishui and Xinda walked into the tent again.

"The grandson of the dealer."

"I'm not the grandson of the dealer, I'm Bai Chen."

Bai Chen corrected.

"Okay, Bai Chen, will you sell this dead volcano island?"

Yan Shuishui directly took out a transparent high-level divine essence with a sleeping young dragon in the core.

"This is the ancient young dragon divine crystal of the East Earth that we dug out from an ancient dragon nest. It can hatch a four-clawed dragon of the East Earth level."

"If you are willing to sell this island, this is the deposit."

Yan Shuishui said with great arrogance: "We can discuss the specific price, and I promise that you will not suffer a loss."

Bai Chen took a look at the sleeping young dragon with colorful scales.

Before he spoke, Long Yi beside him exclaimed: "The ancient East Earth dragon cub is indeed a dragon general with four claws!"

I noticed the inexplicable eyes of the spectators.

She said quickly: "The East Earth Dragon that has survived from ancient times to the present is definitely the most talented one at that time. If it can wake up successfully, it can definitely reach the level of a myth."

"And the Dragon General is the core combat force among the East Earth Dragons. The value of this young dragon is already immeasurable."

Yan Shuishui and Xinda laughed proudly.

This Long Yi is quite knowledgeable.

"Oh." Zuo Miao curled his lips: "Little dragon, get out quickly, there is a dragon trying to steal your job."

"Where, where?"

"Is there a dragon who dares to steal the shit shoveling from me?"

Ao Twelve, who was shrouded in ominousness, flew into the tent.

Its gray dragon eyes were full of black air.

Looking around, he locked onto the local dog lying at Bai Chen's feet and sticking out his tongue.

"It's you!"

"You dare to steal the shit shoveling from me?"

The ten claws on its forelimbs were tightly clenched together.

"Take my punch."

"Use dragon fist to hit dog!"

Ao Twelve charged at the Arctic Circle's Grudge from a high position.

"Five, claws, dragon, king."

Long Yi's beautiful eyes were filled with disbelief.

Yan Shuishui and Xinda, the flame elves, were also shocked to see the little dragon being beaten to the ground by the dog.

"Senior dealer, you are really so scary."

"You really love your junior named Bai Chen too much."

"It seems that using this dragon as a deposit to impress Bai Chen is far from enough."

"Unfortunately, this is already the most valuable resource on me."

Yan Shuishui's eyes rolled around as she thought of a solution.

Bai Chen flatly refused: "This island is not for sale."


Yan Shuishui was about to fight for it again when she saw Xinda winking at her.

She closed her mouth in dismay.

"We are presumptuous, sorry."

Xinda dragged Yan Shuishui out of the tent and flew out of the dead volcano island again.

After a wave of space spiritual energy, they really left this time.

At this time, Ao Twelve, who was beaten up by the dog, finally regained consciousness.

"Two-legged beast leader, why am I here?"

It was let go by the dog, but it still kept its four legs up and murmured to Bai Chen.

"It's okay."

Bai Chen signaled Ao Twelve to get up.

The little fart dragon that rose from the ground saw Long Yi with concern on his face.

It swooped and hid behind Bai Chen.

"She, why is she here?"

"I was invited by boss Bai Chen to take care of you."

Long Yi, who was out of the little fart dragon's sight, kept winking at Bai Chen, his eyes full of pleading.

Because she found that she couldn't tell what kind of East Earth Dragon Ao Twelve was. The East Earth Dragon blood in her body made it impossible for her to leave now.

"Cough, cough, cough."

Anastasia coughed violently.

There was no blood on her face.

A large pool of bright red blood appeared in the palm of her hand covering her mouth.

Feeling her weak life fire that could be extinguished at any time.

Bai Chen frowned: "Sally, please ask the doctor from the No. 5 Shenyang Market to come immediately."

Two minutes later, Yu Zhou rushed to Bai Chen with a medical team.

Seeing Anastasia, who was unconscious at this moment and was laid flat on the desk in the tent by Zuo Miao and Mo Qianxing.

The doctors took the initiative to start first aid.

After confirming her current condition, an old East Earth doctor with gray hair said to Bai Chen: "Her body has actually been dead for some time."

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