I can summon myself

Chapter 299 Live Broadcast: Talking Reason to the Ancient Gods 1

"Hello, audience friends, this is the live broadcast site where I am arguing with the ancient gods. I am your second host, and I am really not a human."

On the dead volcano island, the teachers and students of Yanyu College sat on small stools, gathered in front of the big screen erected on the landing field, and watched the blonde girl who appeared on the ice of the Bering Strait at the entrance of the Arctic Circle without blinking.

"A 30-pound down jacket can't hide her foul figure."

"These are too long legs, this small waist, and the anti-gravity bulge that looks like two cats are stuffed in it."

"How can I not be cheap, how can I not be greedy for her body."

"Strongly request to open the study partner service to human friends like the succubus sister, I, Wang Botang, am willing to work hard for them until I die."

The bald postdoctoral said righteously.


"These bald guys who have lost all their hair are so shameless."

"Long Yi is still good-looking."

"Even a poker face with no expression is a billion times better looking than that succubus."

The foodie seniors all used their middle fingers to express their attitude towards the top masters of Yanyu Academy.

Long Yi, who is cool and neutral, is their favorite.

"In fact, An-Shen-Ya is quite attractive."

On the side, Nimitz, the head of the Western coolies, expressed his opinion, which won the approval of the Western coolies who were also watching the live broadcast.

"Look at the black hair, look at the black eyes, look at the angular face of the Holy Roman."

"A beautiful woman with a 90% fat!"

Harris, who had a long hair, drooled.

"Dinner is here."

After confirming the reliability, Gordon, who was promoted to the Western chef of the Dead Volcano Island, walked into the crowd with a group of kitchen helpers.

They pushed the small food cart that was emitting hot air in pairs to distribute dinner to everyone.

Gordon pushed his small dining cart to Bai Chen, who was surrounded by the senior members of Yanyu Academy.

"Roasted pig's trotters!"

Senior Sister Zuo Miao put on disposable gloves and grabbed a large pig's trotter with trotters attached.

"I want fried ghost squid with butter."

Mo Qianxing took away a plate of red squid the size of a washbasin.

"Ga, ga!"

Iron Jaw kept pointing at the big lobster hanging in the net bag of the dining cart with its newly installed alloy chin.

Zhu Huan hurriedly took down the bird food specially prepared for the national treasure team.

"Boss Bai Chen, what do you want to eat?"

Gordon put on a snow-white chef's uniform and stood in front of the stove on the dining cart.

"Roast some meat, any meat will do, no vegetables."

The aroma of roasted meat rose slowly from the landing field of the dead volcano island, and the air on the island was filled with the smell of food.

On the big screen, the list of the powerful people who defied the heavens was introduced.

The blonde girl walked up to the leader, Long Hantian, who had a fierce head. She pointed curiously at the dragon bone card hanging on Long Hantian's chest.

"Sir Long Hantian, I found that everyone in your Dongtu Reasoning Team has such a card, but Amei and Europa's team don't have such a card. Can you tell the audience why?"

Long Hantian said lightly: "This is a gift from the dealer of our Genius Center. You can treat it as a traditional cultural item such as a talisman."

The big guys who were also watching the live broadcast at the headquarters of the Genius Center twitched their mouths.

Damn dealer, damn traditional cultural item.

"It turns out to be a unique custom of Dongtu, I understand."

The blonde girl suddenly realized.

Suddenly, the twenty or so mythical people who were reasoning with the ancient gods looked at the depths of the Arctic Circle at the same time.

"Found the fishman patroller!"

The sturdy aunt with a horse on her arm raised her sniper rifle.

A team of blue-black figures appeared on the endless white ice in the north.

This is a team of murlocs composed of fifteen 1st and 2nd level murlocs.

"What bad luck."

The black giant Martins picked up his weapon, a giant hammer in the shape of a silverback gorilla. According to their cultural tradition, it is very unlucky to see fish when you open the door.

"Don't waste time."

Fang Zihan's voice was not loud, but it was full of irrefutable power.

Martins took back his foot that had already taken half a step with a depressed look.

Seeing his own people being stopped. Sister, the leader Joseph said puzzledly: "Fang, it's not that bad."

Just a group of annoying murlocs, what's the big deal if they are killed with a hammer?

Fang Zihan did not speak but pointed at the three female hosts and the camera team behind them.

"Global live broadcast."

Leni, who was wearing a magic robe engraved with dazzling golden rules, said softly.

Joseph suddenly realized.

Charlie also took back her sniper rifle.

"Junior brother, are these murlocs ours?"

Zuo Miao was chewing the big pig's hoof boldly.

Because the distance was too far, Bai Chen could not confirm it from the live camera, but there was Sally.

"Yes, they are Murloc 013."

Sally confirmed their identities through the fake letter card signal of this team of Murlocs.

The sound of the live broadcast came from the loud speaker.

In the Arctic wind, there was a burst of wah-la-la.

"A blind egg, you have been sleeping for billions of years. When you wake up again, you will see billions of wet dried bananas."

"I ordered wine from the abyss, and the years went into my throat. When the curtain rises, who cares about the eternal years."

"The Murlocs are waiting for silence, waiting for the king to return."

"Endless sea of ​​stars, sky full of stars, the light of Tyrande, the god of fishmen, flickers in the night sky."

The second host, who is a level 30 professional in the fishman language, translated their songs synchronously.

Whether it is the team of reasoning on the scene, or the teachers and students staring at each other at the dead volcano island, or the billions of people watching the live broadcast around the world, they are all stunned by the ballads hummed by this team of fishmen.

"Oh my god, the Renaissance of fishmen!"

"Host No. 2, this team of fishmen indicates that you have a great omen."

"The birth of literary fishmen brings the advent of troubled times."

"Cthulhu, the great and omnipotent Cthulhu, you must have opened the wisdom of the fishmen."

"The stars are beginning to return to their positions, and the Old Ones have returned from eternity, so that we can shoot your documentary."

In the conference room of the Genius Center.

The foreign aid team from the City of All Spirits looked at the latest Heavenly Dao Induction Index speechlessly.

"The aura of the ancient gods in the dark instantly became twenty times stronger."

"This group of Renaissance fishmen directly ignited the strong interest of the spectators in the indescribable and indescribable."

The big guys frowned: "Is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

"It's not clear yet."

Amid the singing, the fishmen passed by the Reasoning Team, and under the gaze of a group of heaven-defying myths, they strode towards the south.

"Let's go!"

Long Hantian waved his hand and was the first to fly up from the ice.

While the camera team was doing a live close-up of each strong man.

The second host came to Long Yi's side, and she lowered her voice: "Why do I feel that the patterns in the scales of several fishmen are similar to the gifts from the dealers hanging on the necks of these geniuses?"

The blonde pointed at Han Feng and the other nine people.

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