I can summon myself

Chapter 292 The God-Slaying Team, Something


"Unknown origin, unknown true strength, one of the top 30 people on Europa's 20-30 year old list."

"It comes with a spiritual realm called a tranquil aura."

"Ranked fifty-fifth on the genius center's focus list."

Wu Qingmei obtained information about this black-haired, black-eyed woman with a very classical appearance that did not conform to the aesthetic standards of ordinary people in the East.

"Immortal King Bai Chen, can you see anything?"

Bai Chen said to the Immortal King Bai Chen.

"My dear, I can't see anything right now."

Immortal King Bai Chen shrugged.

At this time, the second host made his debut.

Compared to Anastasia, this woman cannot be said to be ugly, but she looks very antique and has the aura of a sage at first glance.

This person is 1.8 meters tall and has a pair of long, straight legs without any fat.

Although it was tightly wrapped, with the help of her curves, a plain white dress was worn by her to have a tight-fitting effect on the buttocks.

"This curvature and shaking are absolutely genuine from the perspective of ergonomics and fluid mechanics."

The extremely powerful Wang Botang has entered the state of academic dominance.

But his drooling expression couldn't be connected with seriousness.

"Shaking, shaking, shaking, I'm so dizzy."

"This altitude, this stunning blond hair with flaming red lips."

"I'm done, this is the young lady."

"Small? Which part of her body is small?"

"This is called a blond girl, and she has a super high-quality gun mount with a matching score of 99999."

The atmosphere in Bai Chen's studio suddenly became weird. The singles in Wang Botang's side who were chatting with each other all had their eyes shining, and their gazes followed the indescribable movements of the female host.

The foodie senior sister and others gritted their teeth and stared at the live broadcast with stern eyes on the blond girl who just wore a plain white dress in a way that was extremely inappropriate.

"Amei, you look so fat!"

Lao Huang and Er Huang had a panoramic view of this distinct scene.

The person they focused on was Bai Chen, whose expression was invisible.

"Which type does Bai Chen like?"

"This is a very important academic question."

Wu Qingmei noticed that Bai Chen's eyes seemed a little distracted.

His attention wasn't on the blonde girl at all.

Just when she wanted to ask something jokingly.

Bai Chen suddenly spoke: "Sally, calculate the degree of spatial distortion in the live broadcast."

"Space distortion?"

"Junior, you mean she used a filter?"

Wang Botang looked unacceptable.

The foodie senior laughed happily: "I just said, how can a human woman grow into such an anti-gravity level?"

"It turns out that it's the same kind of filter scam that's in the same vein as photo scams."

"What's wrong with the filter trick? It's better than a flat hairtail that can take off and land a Bear bomber."

The familiar senior muttered dissatisfiedly, causing the temperature in the workroom to suddenly drop to freezing point.

"It uses space distortion filter technology."

"However, it is used in reverse."

"The real figure of this blonde girl is even more exaggerated than what we see now."

"Senior Foodie is right."

"It is impossible for humans to grow such a natural and pollution-free anti-gravity figure."

"I think she's a half-blood succubus dyed with golden hair."

As soon as Bai Chen finished speaking, a row of subtitles appeared on the live broadcast screen. Host No. 2: I’m really not a human being.

"Wow! Junior, you are so awesome!"

"Can you see through this?"

"So junior, you are also the senior boss of the Human Succubus Fellowship Club?"

"Bat-winged waist, black leather whip high heels."

"Sister Succubus, I want to..."


A cold voice came from the live broadcast, like a basin of ice water on a cold day, washing away everyone's thoughts.

There was a flash of green light.

Xiaopilong, who was grabbing snacks from Xiaocai, swooped behind Bai Chen.

This is a young lady from Eastern China wearing Hanfu.

Her face is as cold as the cold moon, with perfect facial features and perfect figure. Even a veteran like Wu Laoguai, who has no one more than his ex-girlfriend, can't find any flaws in her appearance.

"Dragon, female tyrannosaurus!"

Ao Twelve, who was hiding behind Bai Chen's shoulder, pointed at the Hanfu girl with his paw, his gray eyes flashing with timidity.

"Dragon? She is a dragon?"

"She looks aloof and aloof, so she can't be compared to the female tyrannosaurus."

The teachers and students of Yanyu Academy looked suspicious.

Han Feng and the others in the God-Slaying Team Building of the Genius Center looked like they had seen a ghost.

"Why did she become the host?"

"And she changed into a women's Hanfu that she has never worn before?"

"The female tyrannosaurus that suppressed the heroes of the Genius Center and made even the men of the East unable to hold their heads up for an era actually appeared in a global live broadcast?"

"I must have opened it the wrong way."

The genius center was filled with shouts and shouts from Han Feng and others.

Long Hantian and Fang Zihan, who had ferocious heads, looked at each other and smiled, with an unfathomable smile flashing across each other's faces.

"Long Yi, the Genius Center ranks first on the genius list before 10 years old, first on the 10-20 genius list, and first on the 20-30 genius list."

Wu Qingmei's introduction made Bai Chen's workroom eerily quiet.

"Is this the legendary number one genius in the East?"

The bald senior murmured.

"My Lord, there is something fishy about this."

The more Lan Xing Bai Chen thought about it, the more he felt it was strange.

"A classical woman with a 90% physique, and a mixed-blood succubus who pretends to be human and can kill anyone from an 800-year-old man to an 18-year-old young man."

"And then there is a female Tyrannosaurus Rex who is very cool and very suitable for the tastes of women like the foodie senior."

Bai Chen stroked his chin, and suddenly a light bulb flashed in his mind.

"So that's it."

The teachers and students looked at him.

Wu Qingmei, Lao Huang, Er Huang and others also looked at his face.

"The God-killing Team, there is something."

Bai Chen said lightly.

"The God-killing Team?"

"Is this live broadcast related to the God-killing Team?"

Facing everyone's eyes asking for explanations.

Bai Chen told his discovery.

"These three female hosts have one thing in common."

"That is, they can all arouse the passion of the corresponding target audience."

"Although the classical woman does not quite conform to the aesthetics of our East, in the eyes of those middle-aged elites and old money in the Western Alliance who worship the ancient times, she is an absolute top beauty."

"I am really not a human being. Let alone this mixed-blood succubus, the bald senior has proved with actual performance that her charm is unstoppable and cannot be resisted."

"And this Dragon One Mother Tyrannosaurus, her aloof appearance can really arouse the love of the people of the East."

"When these three stand side by side on the same stage."

"At least it can affect the interest of at least 60% of the audience watching the live broadcast, regardless of gender, age or young."

"So many people, at the same time, all kinds of messy thoughts will form a torrent of information that can be perceived by the ancient gods of the Arctic Circle."

"When this torrent of information is connected with the God-Slaying Team."

Bai Chen's eyes were deep, and the corners of his mouth raised an arc.

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