I can summon myself

Chapter 287 You were trained as a husky

Bai Chen decided to verify the effectiveness of this command.

So, the God-killing Team of the Genius Center received a training plan.

"A conditioned reflex training method specifically for ordinary team members?"

"No need to use it for those above the legendary level?"

Fang Zihan flipped through it casually, wrote down the instructions for training according to this, and sent it to Han Feng.

Han Feng called the other eight geniuses.

The nine of them opened the cover of the plan together.

"The conditioned reflex training method uses the principle of conditioned reflex to improve the reaction speed of the training target in the form of muscle memory."

At first glance, there was nothing wrong with it.

But when Han Feng turned to the second page.

The image of a husky completely blew up the geniuses.

"Ha, Husky?"

"I was talking about conditioned reflex, why does muscle memory look so familiar?"

"Isn't this the dog training technique of blowing a whistle to summon the dog when feeding it, and after a long time, as long as the whistle is blown, the dog will consciously come to eat?"

"Bai Chen, you are a dog of relationship, I curse your ancestors for 18,000 generations!"

"Uncle can't stand it, and aunt can't stand it even more."

"Bai Chen, a dog of relationship, actually called us Husky!"

The geniuses rushed out of the training ground in anger.

They came to the building where the God-killing Team was located in groups with grief and indignation.

"Where is Deputy Head Fang Zihan?"

Han Feng's cold voice seemed to freeze everything.

The other eight people gnashed their teeth, and their expressions of common hatred against the enemy made the girl at the front desk amazed.

The staff who saw this scene had a gossipy look on their faces. What happened to these geniuses with big eyes and foreheads?

It seemed that they were all hit by Husky.

"The deputy leader is not in the Genius Center, but Leader Long Hantian has not left yet."

"Then let's find Leader Long Hantian!"

Han Feng felt a surge of hope in his heart. The fierce leader Long Hantian would definitely not sit idly by and watch Bai Chen, a dog of relationship, insult them like this.

"You guys go up."

After communicating with Long Hantian's office, the girl at the front desk indicated that they could meet Leader Long Hantian directly.

Han Feng and the other nine people entered the elevator.

Their faces became even more sad and angry.

The fat man Li Sanshiwu even deliberately squeezed out a few tears.

Sure enough, when they came to the floor where Long Hantian was, all the staff were stunned by the grievances shown by these people.

"What's wrong?"

"Are you being bullied?"

"This is the Genius Center. Who would bully the great genius Han Fenghan who ranks as high as 18th?"

"Kankan, Kangkan."

The staff collectively entered the melon-eating mode.

Following the geniuses, they came to Long Hantian's office.

Before entering the door, Long Hantian, who had already sensed Han Feng and others, snapped his fingers and the door opened automatically without wind.

Seeing the anger on the faces of the nine people, Long Hantian was slightly stunned.

"Go ahead."

Long Hantian signaled Han Feng that he could start.

Han Feng handed the conditioned reflex training method to Long Hantian.

He said angrily: "Bai Chen wants to train us the way he trains huskies."



Bai Chen thinks they are huskies?

The eyes of the spectators at the door were bigger than light bulbs.

This is a big melon, a shocking melon.

Shock! Han Feng, who ranks 18th on the genius list, turned out to be a husky?

Why are the geniuses collectively furious? In fact, they are all dogs.

The showdown, Han Feng and Sun Chaolu are not human beings.

The spectators' minds have automatically conditioned to think of today's gossip headlines.

Long Hantian turned to the first page of the training method with a gloomy face.

The beginning of a husky holding a frisbee did leave a deep impression on him.

However, after reading the specific contents of the training method one by one.

Long Hantian looked at Han Feng, who looked like a bun, and said quietly: "It is indeed inappropriate to use a husky in the picture."

"But the training content in it does not ask you to catch the frisbee."

"You must have come here to ask for an explanation without reading the content."

"Look, take a look again."

Long Hantian returned the training manual of the conditioned reflex training method to Han Feng.

He signaled them to read the plan first and then make comments.

Han Feng gritted his teeth and turned to the page with specific content.

The dog is still the same dog.

But the content is just as Long Hantian said, although it is a picture of dog training, the actual method is completely different from dog training.

"Coach Bai Chen may be too tight on time to draw a new picture, so he used the picture of training husky."

"The theory of conditioned reflex is correct, and the specific training content is also in line with this theme. Although I don't understand what these conditions set in it represent, it seems that it can indeed allow you to respond in the shortest time."

Long Hantian guessed that maybe classmate Bai Chen was worried that these geniuses would not obey, so he deliberately made a husky picture to test Han Feng and even the reaction of the entire God-Slaying Team.

He could understand this test of classmate Bai Chen and supported it.

"In addition to the picture, do you have any questions?"

Han Feng and the other eight people read the entire conditioned reflex training method word by word. Except for the husky picture, they could not find any other questions.

"But what is the use of this thing?"

Han Feng questioned its role.

"I don't know either."

Long Hantian spread his hands: "However, as the third commander of the God-Slaying Team, Coach Bai Chen has the authority to arrange training tasks for you."

"So, you just need to practice according to this conditioned reflex training method."

"Anything else?"

Long Hantian picked up the teacup.

Served tea and sent the guests away.

Han Feng and the other nine people left his office in disgrace.

"Oh no."

"This is embarrassing."

"It turned out to be a misunderstanding."

"It's okay, it's okay. In the eyes of Coach Bai Chen, you are really not dogs."

The spectators comforted them on the surface, but the actual gloating made them depressed to the extreme.

Based on their understanding of these spectators.

At most one hour.

All genius centers will know that Bai Chen used the conditioned reflex training method of training dogs with the illustrations of training huskies to train these nine geniuses.

"You have been trained as huskies."

When they thought of the new label that was about to be attached to their heads.

Whether it was Han Feng or the other eight geniuses, they couldn't help trembling.

Anger gathered in everyone's heart.

They actively exploded on the spot, and the spiraling appearance made the spectators scatter like birds and beasts.

"What are you still doing here?"

Long Hantian's words were like a bucket of cold water poured down on their heads on a hot day.

It extinguished the fire in their hearts.

Han Feng stepped down all at once.

Bai Chen had the support of the legendary Long Hantian and Fang Zihan, the chief and deputy commander.

No matter how dissatisfied or angry they were, what could they do?

"A great shame."

"I have never been so aggrieved in my life."

"Bai Chen, we will never forget today's humiliation."

"Just wait and see."

Han Feng and others gritted their teeth and returned to the training ground in disgrace.

They started training according to the contents of this training manual.

What they didn't know was that.

When they made conditioned reflexes completely according to the training content.

The dead volcano island at the end of Channel No. 5 immediately received feedback from the Heavenly Dao.

"It worked!"

"It really can use the Heavenly Dao to communicate!!!"

"Student Bai Chen, how can you be so awesome?"

Excited Meng Wei pounced on Bai Chen.

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