I can summon myself

Chapter 278 Assignment of tasks

The warnings from Wu Qingmei, Lao Huang, and Er Huang were placed on the desks of the genius center bosses.

"Be careful about the acting skills of the ancient gods?"

"Classmate Bai Chen is too worried."

“I’ve read too many online novels.”

"Indescribable, indescribable, mysterious and mysterious."

"The ancient god is just a mythical creature with a longer lifespan, a bigger body, a strange shape, and mediocre strength. It is really not an omniscient and omnipotent god."

"Its ancient god was the former overlord. Aren't we the Eastern natives the current overlord?"

"So what about the ancient gods? They know nothing about our Eastern Earth's power."

The big guys were quite disapproving.

"Classmate Bai Chen has good intentions, but his understanding of ancient gods is too shallow."

"We should send a copy of the Genius Center's research information on the ancient gods, so that Bai Chen can understand that although the ancient gods are very powerful, they are definitely not as indescribable and indescribable as in the novel."

Soon, Bai Chen received the ancient god information from the Genius Center.

Wu Qing's eyebrows and lungs were furious.

"How could these people underestimate the enemy so much?"

Bai Chen, who had expected this, calmly comforted Wu Qingmei.

"The way of heaven is fair."

"The ancient gods can sense danger through the way of heaven."

"The bosses, in turn, can sense murderous intentions that endanger their lives through the way of heaven."

"Somewhere, on a whim, as long as they are vigilant and take these as warnings, they will most likely not die."

"Besides, Dongtu is dominated by the Genius Center this time, and the bosses of the Genius Center have pushed the Western Alliance to the front line again."

"As long as we don't get hot-headed and go up to the Arctic Circle to fight hard, even if there are losses, our lives will not be endangered."

Wu Qingmei sighed.

"It can only be the."

To be able to become a myth, every boss in the Genius Center can be said to be very stubborn and insist on their own opinions.

Trying to convince them with pure theory is actually impossible.

"The team is led by Long Hantian and Fang Zihan. I will remind them privately."

Lao Huang felt that the big guys at the Genius Center didn't care.

But as the team leaders Long Hantian and Fang Zihan were facing the ancient gods this time, he had to remind them again.

"Be careful about the ancient gods' acting skills?"

"Okay, classmate Bai Chen, we understand."

"Don't worry, we will definitely let the Western Alliance's heaven-defying myth come first, while we hide behind."

The replies from Long Hantian and Fang Zihan made Wu Qingmei and Lao Huang Erhuang feel relieved.

"Classmate Bai Chen, if this is the case, they should have fun, right?"

Wu Qingmei smiled.

Bai Chen shrugged: "Maybe."

Anyway, whether it’s the experience of Bai Chen, the ancient god’s cleaner, or the experience of finding temporary workers like Mao Baichen, the ancient god’s cleaner.

Under the same heaven, there are many cases where people want to defeat the ancient gods through numbers.

But most of them were tricked to death by the target ancient god.

Bai Chen was not optimistic about the god-slaying plan designated by the genius center bosses.

They pretend to negotiate.

Once the ancient gods show up, the five full-time fighting types of the Western Alliance, Long Huantian, Fang Zihan, and the other two Eastern Tu fighting types are in the second wave.

Once the ancient gods are successfully restrained by them.

In Alaska, Siberia, and Greenland, a large army led by a powerful man who was on standby to defy the mythology swarmed up and launched a fatal attack on the ancient god.

Use numbers to defeat the Arctic Circle.

"Uncle Huang, Uncle Er Huang, are you interested in taking a walk with the cloud whales to the outer layer of the subspace closest to the extinct volcanic island?"

Lao Huang and Er Huang looked at each other and agreed readily: "Okay, if you need us to do anything, just ask Bai Chen."

"Well, there are two tasks. The first one is to place the dark iron substrate of the special detection matrix, the dark iron sonar."

"The second mission is to fry some fish from the deep ocean in the outer layer of subspace. It doesn't matter whether they are dead or alive, as long as they are deep ocean creatures."

Lao Huang and Er Huang laughed and took over the tasks given to them by Bai Chen.

"And me?"

Wu Qingmei said seriously.

"The Bear bomber needs high-level controllers like you and Wei Changkong."

"Okay, moving bricks, right?"

Wu Qingmei understood instantly.

"Then move."

Wu Qingmei took over the brick-moving task assigned by Bai Chen.

"Brother, what about me?"

Wang Dashong looked at Bai Chen eagerly.

"Recharge your batteries, you will be very busy."

"That's good."

Wang Da Chong was not afraid of being tired, but he was afraid that he would not be able to help Bai Chen.

What Bai Chen said now was like giving him a shot in the arm.

Watch these four people leave.

Bai Chen called up the 3D model of the Arctic Circle.

"Sally, display the subspace data from our side together with the subspace data from the Arctic Circle."

Data from two subspaces suddenly appeared on the virtual projection.

"No, how can there be a difference in magnitude?"

"The subspace psychic energy fluctuations in the Arctic Circle are at least fifteen times weaker than those on the extinct volcano island."

"That's weird, that's weird."

Just when Bai Chen was racking his brains to think about the reason.

In the women-only cauldron on the reef in the fish fry area, Mo Qianxing slowly opened her eyes.


"Awakener level nine, although the god-level essence only awakened two DNA chains for me, its heaven-defying mythical essence has greatly consolidated my foundation. Six of my nine DNA chains have been upgraded to the perfect level, and the remaining three have also reached the elite level."

"Not only has it greatly improved my matching with psychic energy, it has also greatly enhanced my actual combat ability."

"More importantly, I finally understand the upgrade route contained in my blood inheritance."

Mo Qianxing's bright eyes were full of complexity.

If it weren't for Bai Chen's help, maybe she would never be able to unlock the shackles in her blood in this life, and comprehend the true inheritance of her blood through the perfect DNA chain.

But what made her entangled was also the information in the blood inheritance.

She bit her lips tightly: "Forget it, let's talk about it later."

The sound of breaking through the air came from the sky above her head.

With a thud, Zuo Miao was swept into the cauldron by King Mogomogo's dragon bone staff.

Zuo Miao floated upside down in the green potion.

Although her nose and face were bruised and swollen, she had an unconcealable smile on her face.

"Finally stabilized at the eighth level of awakeners, four perfect-level, four elite-level DNA chains, and the top 1% of the same level." Zuo Miao excitedly shared her joy with Mo Qianxing.

"God-level essence, it is indeed extraordinary."

Mo Qianxing exclaimed.

"Wrong, it is my junior brother who is indeed extraordinary."

Zuo Miao corrected with a smile.

"Snoring, snore."

A snoring sounded in their ears.

Mo Qianxing and Zuo Miao turned their heads at the same time, only to see Bai Chen's little maid Liu Juedai sleeping soundly against the black iron wall of the cauldron.

Zuo Miao rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Mo Qianxing was also speechless.

"This sleepyhead!"

"Eat and sleep, sleep and eat, even less useful than the national treasure squad."

As soon as Zuo Miao finished speaking, four bald and muscular crested ibis poked their heads out of the androgynous pot nearby.

"Ga, ga!"

The iron-chinned little eyes were filled with the unhappy emotions of the national treasure.

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