I can summon myself

Chapter 269 Are you sure that Bai Chen is not a legend?

In front of the Bear bomber, Bai Chen was in a daze.

"Classmate Bai Chen, the Genius Center has issued the highest level evacuation order under normal circumstances, so you don't have to think too much."

Lao Huang thought Bai Chen was still worried about the possible crisis in the Arctic Circle.

Bai Chen turned his head in surprise.

"I didn't think about it. What's the use of thinking about the Arctic Circle after I've done what I can do?"

"People die for wealth and birds die for food. There will always be people who are reluctant to leave when this ancient god is around."

"But as long as researchers like Mr. Dai Xin can retreat smoothly, it will be enough."

Old Huang and Er Huang suddenly realized.

"I thought you were struggling, classmate Bai Chen."

"It's just that we misunderstood."

They followed Bai Chen's line of sight and looked at the Bear bomber with only its skeleton left.

Lao Huang said: "Classmate Bai Chen, do you have any improvement plans? Do you need our help?"

Bai Chen smiled slightly: "Yes, please cut the keel into the specifications on the drawing. Although Metz and Hydria can also use tools to process the keel we got from the ancient city under the sea, they are definitely not as capable as processing it. efficiency."

Old Huang Erhuang couldn't laugh or cry.

"You kid really doesn't regard the God-defying myth as a strong person, and you actually want us to work for you as tools?"

Even so, they didn't refuse.

“Where are the drawings, where are the keels?”

"Don't worry, I'll take a look again."

Bai Chen raised his chin and continued to think about the upgrade plan for the Bear bomber.

At the same time, the Genius Center welcomed Fang Ziqiang’s irritable brother.

"Whoever ordered the retreat, come out!"

The thundering roar from the association headquarters echoed in the Genius Center.

"I have just finalized the reinforcement plan and am gathering manpower to hunt down the ancient gods. How lucky is your genius center that you actually issued the highest level retreat order without even saying hello?"

A silvery-white halo appeared under the feet of the grumpy old brother Fang Zihan.

The space within a radius of twenty meters where he was suddenly turned into a frozen world.

"That's it?"

A lazy voice sounded in the Genius Center.

A man-dragon boss with a ferocious head came out.

He breathed out at the grumpy old man.

Fang Zihan's frozen world was suddenly broken, and the air temperature returned to normal.

"Long Huantian, that's not what happened!"

"There was no communication, and the order was given to retreat without saying a word. What did your genius center think of me?"

Fang Zihan glared angrily at Long Xiantian, the top combat type in the Genius Center.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

The dark eyes of the human dragon boss became even deeper. A heart-stopping spiritual energy surged through him.

"Okay, Fang Zihan, come in."

With a peaceful voice, the door of the Genius Center behind the man-dragon boss opened automatically.

"Huh, you have to give me an explanation today!"

Fang Zihan walked into the genius center angrily.

He came to the conference room with familiarity.

In the conference room, except for some of the big guys who were wandering around somewhere, all the powerful and mythical experts from the genius center in the East have returned here and gathered together.

"Classmate Bai Chen feels that the ancient god on the other side of the Arctic Circle is causing trouble and we should retreat immediately, so we issued an emergency retreat order."

The rotating boss of the Genius Center told the reason for the incident.


Fang Zihan said coldly.

"There is no evidence, only inferences from earthquake and tsunami data."

The grumpy old man's eyes widened.


"There is only inference and no evidence. You unilaterally ordered everyone to retreat when you knew that the association was working day and night on plans for the ancient god in the Arctic Circle?"

Fang Zihan's eyes instantly turned silver, and his whole body was wrapped in a cold air that could freeze everything. He said word by word: "Who is Bai Chen? Stand up for me now!"

"I want to see why you used things like earthquakes and tsunamis that have nothing to do with the ancient gods to get the Genius Center to issue a retreat order."

The big guys shrugged their shoulders, which was a very silly move.

"Brother, stop making trouble."

Fang Ziqiang appeared from the corner of the conference room.

Fang Zihan's face was expressionless: "Bai Chen is your student?"

Fang Ziqiang rolled his eyes: "But pull it off. If I have a student like Bai Chen, I'm afraid I might be so angry that I die at any time."

"But aside from classmate Bai Chen hitting me in the face again and again."

"I don't think there's anything wrong with an emergency retreat."

Fang Zihan's eyes narrowed into a thin line. Even if it was his brother who stood up, he still wanted an explanation.

"Classmate Bai Chen immediately discovered the strange sighs that appeared in the ancient city under the sea. This was the murmur of the ancient god."

Fang Ziqiang told the coordinates of the ancient underwater city.


"An ancient god also appeared here?"

The chill on Fang Zihan's body was even worse.

"If classmate Bai Chen's theory that the subspace may activate the sleeping ancient gods is correct, then in the deep ocean around us in the East, there may be many old rulers of the ancient god level awakening from their eternal slumber. "

Fang Ziqiang told his grumpy brother everything about Bai Chen's behavior from the detection to the strange sigh.

Fang Zihan stood there stupidly, with a confused expression that didn't come back to his senses for a long time. He murmured: "Are you sure that classmate Bai Chen is not a god-defying myth?"

If the person explaining it to him was not his biological brother, it would be impossible to lie to him in front of all the mythical bosses in the Genius Center.

Fang Zihan would never believe that Bai Chen, a mere second-level awakener, could lead a group of teachers and students from a second-rate academy that he had never heard of to conduct archaeological excavations in the underwater ancient city.

The powerful and irritable brother felt that his three views were refreshed by classmate Bai Chen.

"The ancient god who discovered the underwater ancient city not only did not run away, but instead sneaked into the ancient god's lair to conduct archaeological excavations?"

"Taking away a warehouse of dragon bones from the fish king was not enough, and he also took away a lot of the god-level essence that the ancient god had accumulated for who knows how many years, and added some mysterious feed that was obviously not a good thing to the remaining essence?"

"Even if he had eaten the courage of the ancient god, he would not be so bold, right?"

"What's more amazing is that this classmate Bai Chen also completed the task. If it weren't for the movement made by the ancient god in the direction of the Arctic Circle, which brought an unexpected disaster, his archaeological operation would definitely be considered perfect."

Fang Zihan's eyes were burning.

He immediately understood why the big guys at the Genius Center chose to trust Bai Chen and cooperate with Bai Chen just by a mere inference.

Ask yourself if it were him.

If he had witnessed Bai Chen's performance, which was even more amazing than the myth of the heavens, he would not have any objection or reason to doubt.

"Where is Bai Chen?"

The eyes of the irritable brother were full of burning.

He must meet such a magical genius classmate.

"Want to poach people from our center? Dream on!"

The human dragon boss sneered.

The other bosses pointed at the door of the conference room to indicate that Fang Zihan should go back to where he came from, indicating their attitude.

Want to meet Bai Chen?

Don't even think about it.

"If Bai Chen is willing to join my Arctic Circle God Hunter Team, I am willing to give a guarantee of 5% of the total income of the ancient gods!"

Fang Zihan made his conditions.

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