I can summon myself

Chapter 264: Fishman Instructor, Pirate Training Partner

"Hahahaha, I never thought that I, Wang Botang, would one day become a muscular man."

The bald postdoc laughed wildly.

Before he was put into the pot, he was a greasy middle-aged man with a belly full of fat.

But after soaking in the pot for half a month and turning green, the greasy fat on the body disappeared.

Replaced by eight-pack abs.

"Iron chin, come out and challenge!"

Wang Botang, who was full of confidence, and his classmates challenged Iron Chin.

From the pot in the middle, which was neither male nor female, a hairless strange bird with a length of more than three meters and a similarly muscular body flew out.

Because the body is a full circle bigger.

The broken lower beak of the iron chin has not had time to be replaced with a new alloy chin.

But that doesn't stop it from being powerful.


Professor You, who was watching the excitement, translated: "Iron-chinned Zhu Du said that for the sake of shit shoveler Bai Chen, he will give you two-legged beasts one foot and one wing."

Wang Botang's eyes were wider than bull's eyes.

The muscular seniors in the Max version of Schwarzenegger felt insulted.

"Even if you are Junior Bai Chen's pet, you can't be so insulting."

"Give us one foot and one wing? Iron chin, you are so shitty!"

"Come on, let's see if we don't beat you to death!"

Iron Chin stood beside the pot, his whole body proudly perpendicular to the sea level at 90 degrees.

Its little eyes were full of disdain.

"It says, one minute to take care of you all."

Professor You just finished speaking.

The hairless muscular iron chin instantly turned into a stream of light and flashed in front of Wang Botang.

Wang Botang instinctively waved his right fist.

But it's not half done yet.

Colorful RGB lighting effects.

He was struck head-on by Iron Jaw's wings.

The weight of one hundred and twenty kilograms did not slow down his ascension to heaven.

The next second, the confident bald senior drew an arc and was slapped from the cauldron to the rocks fifty meters away by the iron chin amid the gloating laughter of the melon-eating seniors.

The iron-jawed golden rooster who said he would give up one foot would be independent.

The other wing is held tightly against the body.

It's like a high-speed spinning top, racing across the cauldron.

Wherever they passed, the seniors were like weightless sacks, screaming and following in Wang Botang's footsteps.

Fifty seconds later, the two hundred muscular men in the pot were all slapped into the rocks.

Ironjaw stretched out its claws.

After opening and closing its claws five times in a row, it flew back to the big pot in the middle with great pride.

"It said that your combat power is not even five."

Professor You said with a last strike.

The legendary melon-eating king Da Chong, who had witnessed the seniors being tortured by the iron chin again, said to Bai Chen: "Brother, although these people have awakened the DNA chain and soaked in the body tempering potion for half a month, their hardware strength has basically reached They have reached the upper limit corresponding to the level of awakened people, but they have no way to exert their hard power."

Lao Huang and Er Huang couldn't help but shake their heads.

"Classmate Bai Chen, they really spent such a good thing in vain."

"Not to mention compared to the top geniuses in the Genius Center, even the peers from the three major clusters in the sky are inferior."

These two people defied the myths and looked at the disgraced Wang Botang and others with hatred.

There is god-level essence inside, and there is classmate Bai Chen outside. This cauldron is far beyond any body-tempering potion they know, and the potion cannot be stewed.

After the complementary double promotion, the battle was resolved in fifty seconds by the iron jaw.

It's simply embarrassing.

"It's time to practice hard."

The old witch also felt shameless.

Although Wang Botang and other seniors have been overachievers for the past 20 to 30 years, and their combat effectiveness is not even five, let alone five, but no matter what, this national treasure with an iron chin cannot be defeated so easily. Sweep it.

"It doesn't matter, I'm ready to be coached by the instructor."

Bai Chen smiled and picked up the microphone.

"Ao Twelve, stop playing with the cold snakes and call the fishman army over quickly."

Yes, Bai Chen prepared a special training meal for the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy with the fishman instructor and pirate partner.

The calm sea ripples.


Accompanied by the familiar roar of the fishman.

The fishman army led by Mogo Mogo came again.

The fishman king raised his dragon bone staff high.

At the top of the long staff, a crooked flag with the seven characters "Temporary Worker of Mist and Rain College" written on it fluttered in the wind.

The human pirate ship that floated up from the bottom of the sea also displayed the flag of the temporary workers of Mist and Rain Academy.

Seeing this scene, the teachers and students in the three major clusters and the Jiangnan Gonggong Union were instantly speechless.

"The fish-man army=temporary workers of Yanyu Academy?"

"Who can tell us how Bai Chen completed this formula?"

"After the god-level essence was boiled in a cauldron, people were boiled in a cauldron for half a month, and then a group of temporary workers from Yanyu College came?"

The commanders frantically called the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy on the extinct volcano island.

However, as before, no response was received.

The fish-man king ran headlong into the psychic shield of the extinct volcano island.

Under the noses of the three major clusters, they just disappeared out of thin air.

The extinct volcanic island is like a black hole that can swallow everything.

Devouring the entire murloc army cleanly.

"There are no psychic fluctuations."

"I can't feel the breath of life."

"What kind of black technology did Yanyu Academy use to cover the entire dead volcano island? We can only see it if they want to show it to us, but now they won't show it to us. The dead volcano island is so big, but there is nothing on it."

The public channel was full of their frantic voices.

When Mogomogo's huge body entered the sight of the teachers and students in the cauldron.

Both men and women and those who were neither men nor women were frightened by the fishmen.

"Ga, ga!"

The four red-crowned cranes including Tiexiaja were instantly furious.

"Starting tomorrow, Mogomogo and other fishmen will be your one-on-one instructors."

"Human pirates and the bone army will be your sparring partners."

"Enjoy the next forty-five days."

Bai Chen's calm voice sounded in the loudspeaker.

Every teacher and student had an ominous premonition.

"Mercemen as instructors, pirates as sparring partners?"

Wu Laoguai looked at Bai Chen in confusion.

Bai Chen shrugged: "Fifty-five days later, the black iron matrix of the dead volcano island will be able to accumulate energy to penetrate the subspace barrier."

"During this period of time, it is impossible to teach teachers and students who have no foundation to learn combat routines with conventional methods."

"So, I decided to use fishmen and pirates directly. Through actual combat training, let everyone learn how to use instinct to fight."

"The body quenching potion can not only grow muscles but also repair physical injuries, while the evil energy essence potion can repair mental damage."

"In this way, everyone's life safety can be guaranteed."

Wu Laoguai nodded heavily.

"This method is good. There is great fear between life and death, but also great opportunities."

"Even the stupidest and least talented people can learn how to fight between life and death."

Old Huang and Er Huang looked at Bai Chen intently as if they had discovered a new continent.

"Student Bai Chen, I thought you were a soft-hearted person."

"I didn't expect you to understand better than anyone how to improve the character of teachers and students."

"In the psychic age, people who have hardware strength but cannot exert their physical strength are absolutely useless."

"However, student Bai Chen, you actually came up with the idea of ​​using fish-man instructors and pirate sparring partners to train them at the actual combat level."

"It seems that we can still look forward to their future."

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