I can summon myself

Chapter 258: Almost wiped out

"I, the ancient god's three heartbeats almost wiped out the entire army of Mist and Rain Academy."

Immortal King Bai Chen was still frightened.

If it weren't for the psychic defense matrix, or if Bai Chen hadn't immediately expedited his escape at the cost of consuming the life of the Bear bomber's four engines.

Teachers and students absolutely cannot stand the fourth heartbeat.

Everyone will bleed from their orifices and die just like those fish-men hanging on the shell of the deep submersible.

Instead of being seriously injured on the ground like now, waiting for Bai Chen to pour them god-level essence dissolved in evil potion to save their lives, and wait until they return to the extinct volcanic island.

"Who could have predicted that such a small probability event would occur."

Lan Xing Bai Chen looked depressed.

This is all caused by the ancient god in the Arctic Circle.

If it weren't for the excitement of this thing, how could this person in the ancient underwater city suddenly have a heartbeat?

Bai Chen sighed with a wry smile.

Isn't it?

It was a perfect situation, just grab a handful and run away.

The result was affected by off-site factors in the Arctic Circle, 140,000 kilometers away.

The group was almost wiped out.

How could I not make him irritated?


"Am I in a bad situation?"

Bai Chen looked like a lost dog, which frightened the cute new commander in front of him.

Bai Chen came back to his senses.

"With god-level essence, you will definitely not die."

"Will I be paralyzed? I have no feeling below my neck."

When the new commander fell to the ground, his neck and body bent into an L shape at an absolutely unergonomic angle.

Bai Chen glanced at his cervical spine.

"Your cervical vertebrae are all broken, and there is only a layer of skin connecting your head to your body."


The new commander's eyes were filled with fear.

"But now is the era of psychic energy. For the awakened, there is no problem that a mouthful of god-level essence cannot solve. If there is, then take another mouthful."

Bai Chen picked up a big spoon and forced the last spoonful of evil energy essence potion into his mouth.

"Don't worry, you'll be back and forth in a week at most."

Bai Chen walked towards the next unlucky person.

At this time, an emergency communication request from the extinct volcano island appeared on the big screen.

"Bear bomber, this is an extinct volcanic island. I am the mythical old Huang. If you hear me, please answer."

Thirty seconds later, the nervous faces of Lao Huang, Er Huang and the left-behind teachers and students appeared in front of Bai Chen.

Seeing the intact Bai Chen, the command center was in a mess with wounded people everywhere.

Old Huang, who was well-informed and specialized in cleaning up messes, Erhuang also opened his mouth in surprise.

"After the ancient god's three heartbeats, everyone became like this."

"However, I have prepared a god-level evil potion for them. There is no problem in drinking it to save their lives."

Bai Chen pointed to the one cubic meter standard stainless steel tank in front of him.

He picked up the spoon, scooped out a full spoonful of sparkling god-level essence, and put it into another open, steaming evil potion jar.

Use Senior Sister Zuo Miao's big iron rod to keep stirring.

"You are so willing."

Old Huang and Er Huang looked at each other.

The tension in my heart suddenly disappeared.

As long as he doesn't die on the spot, as Bai Chen said, there is no problem that god-level essence cannot solve.

"We expect to return to the extinct volcano island in seventeen hours."

"In addition to the medical team, everyone must also prepare that the Bear bomber will be completely overhauled this time. After the damage numbers are dealt with, I will send you a list of materials required for the overhaul."

Bai Chen walked up to Xiaopilong.

At this moment, Ao Twelve looked like a dying snake. It was so badly injured that it didn't even have the strength to blink.

"It's easier on you."

Bai Chen carried it into an empty stainless steel basin.

He scooped up three spoonfuls of god-level essence before covering his whole body with it.

The pure, heaven-defying mythical spiritual energy entered the body of Little Pit Dragon.

The little Pilong suddenly became energetic.

"Boss Twoleg, what is this?"

Ao Twelve's gray-white dragon eyes showed some vitality.

"God-level essence."

"Absorb it well."

Bai Chen didn't have time to argue with Xiao Pi Long.

He walked up to Hydelia in the corner.

The blue-skinned girl huddled up in a ball, also unable to move.

"Open your mouth."

Hydelia tried hard to open her mouth, but she couldn't.

"It's strange that even the most severely injured commander, the new commander, doesn't have the strength to open his mouth."

Immortal King Bai Chen said in confusion.

"Is it possible that there are dragons in the ancient city under the sea who specialize in eating dragons?"

Lanxing Baichen put forward his hypothesis.

"No, it's impossible. If it was a dragon evil, the little dragon would have been completely cold."

"Although Hydelia has dragon blood, she is not a pure-blooded dragon. It is impossible for a dragon to cause such serious harm to her."

"Yeah, that's weird."

Bai Chen dug out a carton of milk from the snack cabinet.

He drank the milk and poured the god-level essence into it.

After resealing, he inserted one end of the straw into the milk carton and the other end into Hedelia's mouth.

Under his squeeze.

The god-level essence was poured into Hydelia's body through the straw.

The seriously injured blue-skinned girl finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Boss Bai Chen, thank you."

Hydelia's eyes were full of gratitude. As the daughter of the Deep Ocean, she knew the value of god-level essence very well.

Bai Chen gave her a full liter without hesitation.

Bai Chen put the remaining half of the box of essence in her hand.

"You drink it yourself, and I will continue to save people."

Just when Bai Chen was pouring god-level essence into everyone according to priority to save their lives.

The bosses at the Genius Center received urgent messages from Lao Huang and Er Huang.

"Bai Chen is fine."

"He was using god-level essence to save people. If there were no people who died on the scene, there would be no casualties in Misty Rain College this time."

The big guys and Wu Qingmei breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Bai Chen, just be fine."

"It's so generous to use god-level essence to save people."

That afternoon, the big guys received a meeting notice from the headquarters of the Psychic Association.

"Amei, you see an ancient god-level old ruler has appeared in the Arctic Circle area of ​​the mainland."

"The time is the moment Bai Chen discovers the other person."

The big guys were stunned.

Not only did Bai Chen not talk nonsense, but he accurately judged the time and place.

A full half day ahead of the Psychic Association.

In other words, the moment the Ancient God-level Old Dominator appeared, it was successfully discovered by Bai Chen's Machina Sally.




The heaven-defying mythical powerhouses murmured.

Fang Ziqiang, who also received the news through his own channels, stood stunned on the spot.

Bai Chen was actually faster than the association.

"How can this be."

"How is it possible that there is technology that can detect things 140,000 kilometers away?"

"Could it be that this Bai Chen is just like those white-skinned people from the Western Alliance who have discovered aliens?"

Fang Zi couldn't help but bang his head against the wall.

He really didn't understand why Bai Chen had such unscientific black technology.

Later in the evening, the Bear bomber finally entered the visual range of the teachers and students on the extinct volcano island.

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