I can summon myself

Chapter 251 Nothing to say

Medical alcohol + evil energy potion + the powerful pill of Mr. Big Chong, the king of the emotional pharmaceutical machine =?

Even though they were against the myth, the bosses at the Genius Center couldn't imagine that there was such a saucy operation in the world.

It is indeed difficult for ordinary fishmen to withstand the indescribable and indescribable mental impact of the statue corridor, but it doesn't matter. First use medical alcohol to make the fishman's nervous system confused, and then use Dali Pill to turn the fishman into a man who can only work and move bricks. The brick-moving machine, evil energy potion stabilizes the effects of alcohol and Dali Pills.

Before the effect of the evil potion wears off, even an old fishman like Turk can go back and forth to the depths of the passage that makes him fearful.

"Come, warriors, drink this glass of fish-man happy wine!"

The old witch held up a bottle of green evil potion and medical alcohol.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

The drunken fishman warrior opened his mouth without hesitation and poured the specially made fishman happy wine into his belly.

"Twolegs, we resolutely carry out King Mogo Mogo's orders!"

"Isn't it just a matter of moving everything out of the treasure house?"

"Look at us!"

"You Twolegs can't do this kind of thing!"

The two leading murloc warriors shouted cheers, and rushed into the passage with about a dozen murlocs in the ancient underwater city.

Looking at their indomitable backs, the teachers and students of Mist and Rain College burst out laughing.

"These fish people are really good people."

"That's right, not only can it help us lay the black iron matrix, but it can also help us move things."

"When we go back, we must invite King Mogo Mogo to drink a glass of fish-man happy wine."

Live footage was transmitted back to the Genius Center.

"Mloc Happy Wine?"

"The people from Mist and Rain Academy really do everything they can."

"No one knows fishmen better than classmate Bai Chen?"

"Not only did they cause trouble in the Ancient God's Lair, they also turned the actual occupiers of the Ancient God's Lair, the fishmen, into porters to carry out their treasures. If I hadn't seen it from the beginning with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that such a bizarre thing could happen these days. ”

"But having said that, if this fish-man happy wine is effective on all fish-men..."

The big guys laughed in unison.

Wu Qingmei raised her chin: "Professor Fang Ziqiang, what advice do you have for classmate Bai Chen?"

The real archaeologists stared angrily at this middle-aged woman who looked like a passerby.

What kind of hatred or resentment is this?

My boss is also worried.

If those reckless guys like Bai Chen wake up the owner of the ancient underwater city, all the teachers and students on the extinct volcano island will be unlucky.

What's wrong with being cautious?

Although Bai Chen’s performance so far has been pretty solid.

But no matter how you treat the Ancient God's lair as your back garden and do whatever you want, this in itself is extremely risky.

We must not encourage such unhealthy tendencies.


"Bai Chen doesn't need any advice from me."

Fang Ziqiang paused and sneered: "But having said that, after spending so much time on the fishman happy wine and the fishman porter, there is no way the fishman king's treasures are anything good."

"The thinking of beasts like fishmen is far greater than that of rational creatures, and they do not have human values ​​​​and human judgment."

"The things they collect, haha."

Fang Ziqiang looked disdainful.

"Using the Murloc Happy Wine to turn the murlocs into coolies and explore this ancient underwater city is much more meaningful than the so-called murloc king's treasure hunt."

"Even if you continue to lay that dark iron matrix, it is more valuable than wasting time on transporting it."

"Classmate Bai Chen must have read too many online novels, so when he saw a treasure warehouse, he thought he could make a big fortune."

Fang Ziqiang looked at Wu Qingmei and said mockingly: "I admit that classmate Bai Chen knows this ancient underwater city and the murlocs quite well, but in terms of vision, a person like him who came out of Yanyu Academy, who is not a good student, still needs a lot. To improve, at least he should know what priorities are.”

Wu Qingmei frowned, turning into a pair of raised antennas.

Just when she was about to retort.

The teachers and students of Yanyu Academy rushed to the entrance of the passage.

"I'm coming."

There was a roaring sound in the live broadcast footage.

The fishmen pushed a flatbed trailer out of the passage.

On the trailer, a large bone with a diameter of more than four meters and a length of nearly 20 meters showed its true appearance.

It is all gray and white, with a metallic luster on its surface.

The sturdy appearance gives people a powerful feeling.

"The hind leg bone of a five-color dragon in its prime!"

"No petrification, very fresh, and well preserved!"

The God-defying Myths recognized the nature of this bone at a glance.

"This bone alone makes Bai Chen's trip worth it."

Wu Qingmei looked at Fang Ziqiang with a half-smile.

Fang Ziqiang retorted: "That's not necessarily true. This is a dragon bone. But through the big screen, we can't tell whether there is dragon essence in this bone, and how much dragon essence there is."


The eyes of Wu Qingmei and Fang Ziqiang intertwined in mid-air, with sparks and lightning all the way.

"Well done!"

The old monster gave each fish-man a happy fish-man wine.

Bai Chen took the keel back into the space equipment in front of them.

"Keep going."

The fishman warriors led the fishmen into the passage again.

"Dragon Rib!"

"Dragon Wing Bone!"

"Dragon tail bone!"

"At first glance, it looks like psychic kelp at the level of a high-level controller."

"A giant clam that is thirty square meters in size..."

"Abyssal precious metal nodules that can only be found under 10,000 meters of the ocean."

With the help of these tireless murloc porters.

Mogo Mogo's babies were pulled out in droves.

Fang Ziqiang's face turned crimson at first, then turned green, and finally turned black than the bottom of the pot.

The real archaeological experts also looked in disbelief at the murloc treasure piled up in a hill at the foot of the statue.

"Didn't the information say that fish people are all poor? How could they be so rich?"

"There are dozens of dragon bones alone. Did these fishmen dig a dragon tomb?"

"How many gems can be cut from a giant clam of thirty square meters?"

"Misty Rain Academy has made a lot of money this time!"

Even the bosses who defied the myth were shocked by the fish-man treasures that the fish-people brought out.

They never expected that the fishman who had nothing to say in the association's information could actually be so rich.

"Fang Ziqiang, what do you say now?"

Wu Qingmei said loudly.

"Nothing to say."

Fang Ziqiang turned his face away, too lazy to look at Wu Qingmei's aunt face.

At this time, Bai Chen walked towards the passage.

"My dear, although these things are specialties of this sea area, they are not ancient gods at all."

"This ancient undersea city has been preserved from prehistory to the present, and there is definitely a mystery in it."

Bai Chen, who also thought so, agreed with the judgments of Blue Star Bai Chen and Immortal King Bai Chen.

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