I can summon myself

Chapter 226 No one knows how to solve her problem better than me

"Sally, check if the ingredients for the Unnamed 23333 prescription are complete."

Bai Chen said to the big screen.

"Boss, the Unnamed 23333 prescription now has six complete sets of ingredients. The cloud whales at the Deep Ocean Market on the 5th can also make up 12 sets."

Bai Chen smiled.

He said to Ximen Fuyun: "This prescription cannot solve the problem once and for all, but it can maintain the current situation of 20 sets for half a month, or an average of ten months, before drug resistance comes up."

Hearing the time Bai Chen said, Wu Qingmei's eyes burst into unprecedented brilliance.

Old Huang and Er Huang looked at each other.

Ten months, this is beyond their imagination.

Of course, the premise is that classmate Bai Chen really didn't brag to comfort Lao Xianyu.

"Then what?"

Ximen Fuyun bit his lips tightly.

Ten months, how can ten months be enough.

"Then it will be cured."

"The core problem of the owner of this body is the inadequacy of the innate soul."

Ximen Fuyun was excited because Bai Chen was right.

Wu Qingyu was diagnosed with a defective soul from the moment she was born.

"And her physique is quite special."

"War body, a physique born for war."

"This physique has extremely high requirements for the soul."

"Due to her innate lack of soul, her body has high standards and strict requirements for the soul."

"The two are not like normal people, where the body and soul complement each other, but are automatically separated."

Bai Chen spread his hands to make it easier for everyone to understand his words.

"With the imbalance between her body and soul, her body and soul gradually separated. Her soul could not be nourished, while her body was stimulated by external forces to accelerate its development. Not only did it fail to solve the problem, but it also caused her body to further deplete her soul."

"In the end, the soul shrank to the point where it could no longer control the body."

"In order to prevent her soul from completely disappearing, Ms. Wu Qingmei split her own soul and took over this body."

"However, this is neither a temporary solution nor a fundamental solution."

"Wu Qingyu's soul still slid irreversibly into the abyss of soul-shattering."

"Although her body and soul were nourished by a vast amount of resources during the period when she was taken over as Wu Qingmei's clone."

"But the direction was wrong. Even with all her efforts, it still became the current situation."

Ximen Fuyun was extremely sad for his lover's experience.

But the hope in his heart did not disappear but became stronger.

"Student Bai Chen, since you have judged these, you will definitely be able to save her, right?"

Bai Chen smiled and nodded.

This situation would be difficult for anyone on Earth today.

However, whether it is the psychic conditioning method of Immortal King Bai Chen or the machine that Blue Star Bai Chen made during these ten months specifically for this situation, they can reverse Wu Qingyu's fate of being shattered.

"There are several ways."

"However, the simplest one is the Old One."

"If we are lucky enough, the target 4,500 kilometers away has the same psychic attributes as Wu Qingyu."

"We can directly use its soul to repair Wu Qingyu's residual soul."

Bai Chen's voice was full of confidence.

For even a behemoth like the East Earth Psychic Association, the soul field is a human forbidden area that is more unfamiliar than the deep ocean.

But for Bai Chen, who has experience in finding cat Bai Chen, etc.

Extract the soul of the Old One, process it and inject it into the body of the muscle girl to repair her soul.

It is even simpler than the fish frying platform.

"Junior brother, the soul of the Old One will do?"

Zuo Miao felt that this was beyond her cognition.

"Except for the part related to the origin, the soul is mostly a composite psychic energy called soul energy."

"The Old Ones, even the most ordinary Walala fishmen, are very survivable old turtles."

"Their souls can be said to be very abundant."

"Any kind of Old Ones, as long as the psychic attributes of the body match, can be used as a soul supplement package."

"Of course, the soul is repaired to the extent that it temporarily matches the body."

"The next step is to continue to strengthen the soul and ensure that there will never be a mismatch between the soul and the body, which is considered a success."

"In addition, the shell of the Old Ones also has an advantage, that is, it can bear the things left by Wu Qingmei in this body and become Wu Qingmei's new clone, so that she will not be cut off from becoming a titled legend and further stepping into the path of the myth of defying the heavens."

Bai Chen's well-reasoned solution made Ximen Fuyun cry with joy.

His hanging heart finally returned to normal.

"Qingyu, you are saved."

He held the muscular girl's hand tightly and cried.

The next second, he was pushed down on the deck by Wu Qingmei, who had regained control of the muscular girl's body.

"If you take advantage of my younger sister again, I will be really rude!"

Wu Qingmei's extermination-filled voice sounded from the girl's mouth.

She jumped up from the bay window sill.

She kicked Ximen Fuyun, who was still ready to pounce, out of the command center.

The previous second was still an old salted fish feeding three tons of dog food to the melon eaters, and now the style of the painting immediately changed to the heroine's sister kicking the dog.

This made the teachers and students who were eating melons...

Bai Chen...

Even Lao Huang and Er Huang looked...

"Qingmei, now is not the time to cause trouble for this old salted fish."

Old Huang reminded Wu Qingmei not to confuse the main and the secondary.

"Who told Ximen Fuyun to be so ugly?"

The muscular girl's disdain.

The teachers and students suddenly realized.

To be honest, although the old salted fish has a reason, it is really not related to the word handsome.

Not to mention the handsome guy like Bai Chen.

"My Lord, this person is all compared. With a handsome guy like you standing here, Aunt Miejue originally only had a general hatred for the old salted fish, but after the comparison, it became a great hatred for the ugly guy who polluted the world."

Lan Xing Baichen's serious nonsense made Baichen's eyes twitch.

This action of his was considered by Wu Qingmei as his dissatisfaction with her flying kick.

The Auntie Extinction, who is second only to the God-Defying Mythology at the Genius Center, explained for the first time: "Student Bai Chen, the problem between this guy and my younger sister is very complicated, and it is definitely not something that can be explained in a short time."

"This guy is one of the reasons why Qingyu has become what she is now."

"Oh, there is a prequel?"

The teachers and students turned back to the state of eating melons.

Ximen Fuyun stood at the entrance of the passage awkwardly without any rebuttal.

It was even more of a disguised confirmation of Wu Qingmei's statement.

Bai Chen shrugged: "Treat or not?"

"How sure are you?"

Wu Qingmei didn't find any information in Bai Chen's information that Bai Chen could cure diseases and save lives.

Although Bai Chen's words were very reasonable.

More reasonable than Ximen Fuyun.

But since it was about Wu Qingyu's life, she had to be more cautious.

Zuo Miao raised an eyebrow.

At this time, this Auntie Extinction still didn't believe her junior brother?

"No one knows how to solve her problem better than me."

Bai Chen said lightly.

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