I can summon myself

Chapter 223: Bai Chen is too steady

There are 23 incumbent leaders of the Genius Center, but the one next to Wu Qingmei now is the twin brothers who are responsible for the aftermath of the geniuses.

The brothers' surname is Huang. Because they live next to the single-family villas of the top geniuses in the Genius Center, they are called Huang next door and Huang next door.

In addition to them, there are liaison personnel from various departments of the association stationed in the Genius Center.

"I was originally worried that classmate Bai Chen would be influenced by his senior sister and would rush to the good stuff with a big iron stick. But I didn't expect that this little classmate is actually a steady player who plays with data." Huang next door looks very friendly, and his every move is full of the charm of an easy-going elder.

"Yes, isn't what we are most worried about the fact that classmate Bai Chen was bewitched by Ximen Laoxianyu and blindly attacked the Old Ones without knowing the immensity of the world?"

"Now it seems that classmate Bai Chen, who got the news from Ximen Fuyun, is not the impulsive personality we expected, like most of the self-esteem geniuses in the Genius Center, who would attack the Old Ones when they got excited and screamed."

"He still chose the steady flow like frying fish, first analyzing the information provided by Laoxianyu, and then designing a special detection matrix sonar and a dual detection plan of the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market unmanned submarine. While confirming the identity of the target by the elimination method, he also fabricated false news through spies among the Western coolies to drive the deep ocean creatures such as Walala fish people as the vanguard."

"Classmate Bai Chen is really too steady."

The voice of Erhuang next door was full of undisguised admiration.

Geniuses are all conceited, especially those in the Genius Center who represent the most outstanding little brats among their peers in the East, and each of them is arrogant as the best in the world.

They have never been beaten by the psychic world, and they often act impulsively.

So, when Bai Chen aimed the fish bombing at the Old Ones.

Old Huang and Er Huang immediately activated the second-level alert. They were afraid that Bai Chen would make a big news and there would be no way to end it.

But they didn't expect that, unlike most geniuses in the Genius Center, even if the fish bombing was very successful and earned millions of points a day, most geniuses would have been flying high.

The too steady Bai Chen still took steady steps towards his target, the Old Ones, and used the power of technology to turn the unknown into the known. He also hid behind the Walala fishman, preparing for a fishman charge, with Bai Chen behind.

It can be said that if the protagonists of this matter were changed to the twins, this pair of legendary brothers against the sky would not think that they could consider it more comprehensively than Bai Chen.

"From a nitpicking perspective, the data can be falsified, but considering Bai Chen's steadiness, he has no motive to falsify data when it comes to the safety of himself and Yanyu Academy."

"Five thousand three hundred and ninety-one kinds of Old Ones, even though this data is very different from the information in our database."

"But I still tend to agree with Bai Chen's calculation results."

"That means Bai Chen's familiarity with the Old Ones should be better than our association."

Wu Qingmei was amused by Lao Huang's arbitrariness: "Just because five thousand three is larger than our one hundred and fifty, do you believe Bai Chen's words that no one on earth knows the Old Ones better than him?"

Lao Huang smiled slightly: "What if the "he" in this sentence is replaced by his family?"

Wu Qingmei's expression froze.

"From the fact that classmate Bai Chen used dragon eggs to attract deep ocean creatures, we can see that he is definitely not as simple as the newbie who went to the deep ocean for the first time in the information. Excluding the option of the inferior Yanyu Academy, combined with the fact that we still don't know who Bai Chen's parents are, the only possibility for him to know it by nature is that his family's ancestors left this knowledge in the bloodline inheritance."

"Family, ancestors, that is Bai Chen himself, there is nothing wrong with this."

Er Huang smiled and said: "From this perspective, inheriting the elders' understanding of the deep ocean, it is reasonable for Bai Chen to think that no one knows the Old Ones better than him."

Wu Qingmei had a dark face. Although she was still very unhappy and had a lot of anger but nowhere to vent, she still accepted the judgment of Lao Huang and Er Huang.

"Since classmate Bai Chen is so steady, then our second-level alert?"

The contact person of the combat readiness center said.

Bai Chen used data to prove that he was not impulsive, but was steadily advancing step by step.

Then the possibility of him provoking a really unproblematic big guy is far lower than the estimate of the genius center and the combat readiness department.

Naturally, the second-level alert that would cause panic seemed unnecessary to maintain.

"Of course continue."

"It can be treated as an annual exercise if nothing happens."

Old Huang said decisively.

It's better to be safe than sorry.

The steady version of Bai Chen is more precious than the hot-headed Bai Chen.

Looking at the Genius Center, there are very few geniuses like Bai Chen who are not impatient, not arrogant, and steady like an experienced driver.

Each one is a big treasure.

Old Huang and Er Huang absolutely do not want any accidents to happen to the too steady Bai Chen.

In any case, before Bai Chen completes the capture of the Old Ones and confirms safety.

The main aircraft of the three major districts will be assembled and on standby at Airport No. 5.

"Then don't send other bodyguards, I'll go there."

Wu Qingmei said seriously.


Old Huang shook his head.

Wu Qingmei walked up to him and glared at the legend like an enraged she-wolf: "Old Huang, what do you mean? Explain it clearly in front of everyone. Do you think I will go over there and retaliate against those who bully Bai Chen?"

"No, Junior Sister, although you have a bad nickname and a short temper, you will never retaliate against a student who has embarrassed you."

"We are not worried about what you will do to Bai Chen."

"We are worried that after you confirm that Bai Chen's steady style of play is effective, you will instigate Bai Chen, just like frying fish now, to fry all the Old Ones over there."

Er Huang nodded and added: "Bai Chen is so successful over there because his Cloud Whale ally is only a ninth-level controller at best. In the deep ocean where there are so many controllers above the twentieth level, no one will take him seriously. In addition, since Hydelia is the daughter of the Lord of the Deep Ocean, the masters of the Deep Ocean will only think that Bai Chen is just a young human who plays with Hydelia. "

"But if you, a Level 22 controller, go there, it will directly break the balance of power in that area and attract a lot of unnecessary attention. "

"And if you are excited and join Bai Chen's fishing team, it will make the Deep Ocean creatures over there have wild thoughts. "

"The consequences of this are much more serious than Bai Chen's attack on the Old Ones."

"So, as the rotating person in charge of the Genius Center, we formally order you, Wu Qingmei, to never leave the Genius Center!"

Wu Qingmei's face was darker than the bottom of a pot.

She left without saying a word.

"Where is the pharmaceutical machine Wang Dachong?"

She grabbed a staff member.

The staff member said tremblingly: "Sir Wang Dachong will be in seclusion in the laboratory as soon as he comes back."

Wu Qingmei turned and walked towards Wang Dachong's laboratory building.

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