I can summon myself

Chapter 213: Sea Turtle Carrying Its Own Child

While Meis was loading the dragon eggs.

The new commander expressed his doubts: "Senior Zuo Miao, isn't the target a vegetarian? Why use dragon eggs, or metal dragon eggs?"

Zuo Miao smiled faintly, and this smile was very Bai Chen.

"Whether they are meat-eaters or vegetarians, whether they are native aquatic creatures on Earth, or the strange and bizarre creatures of the psychic era, they have one thing in common, that is, they all need enough trace elements to meet the basic needs of life."

"Carnivorous predators can get enough trace elements from food."

"It's not that simple for vegetarians."

"If you eat plankton in shallow water, it's okay, because plankton is large and full."

"Now it's not easy for deep-sea creatures like the target, which are one thousand meters underwater, to replenish trace elements. From this perspective, metal dragon eggs with extremely rich trace elements are very attractive to this kind of creature."

The new commander understood.

While admiring, he was a little confused.

Isn't it said that Zuo Miao is a poor student who beats people with a big iron stick?

How does she know so much?

Yes, as Bai Chen's senior sister, she must have learned this knowledge from Bai Chen.

"My Lord, why is this new commander also imagining things?"

"Sister Zuo Miao's father, Master Zuo Guang, is a serious master of flowers, birds, fish and insects."

"Although Sister Zuo Miao is better at solving problems with a big iron stick, she is really not a novice who knows nothing."

Immortal King Bai Chen wondered why the earthlings on Bai Chen's side liked to automatically imagine things.

"Basic operations, just get used to it."

Blue Star Bai Chen said.

"The dragon egg has been loaded!"

The figure of Mace appeared on the big screen.

This vampire leader was still dressed in a retro black leather jacket and black leather pants.

In the hexagonal diamond bait cage next to him, a half-meter-long dragon egg with a surface resembling gray metal was already placed.

The upper and lower sets of egg-breaking rings with alloy serrations were tightly buckled on the surface of the dragon egg.

Whenever Zuo Miao needs it, he can drive the mechanical device in the cage to break the dragon egg by connecting the cable to the bait cage.

"Put the bait cage into the sonar group of the special detection matrix."

Mes lifted the bait cage, which weighed at least half a ton, with one hand.

He tiptoed and flew to the ceiling with the bait cage.

He grabbed the slide rail at the top of the ceiling with his other hand.

He slid to the other side of the platform where the multi-function bomber was located.

"This guy is really good at showing off."

The newbies were surprised.

The old drivers who had been with this group of vampires for a while were already used to it.

Although these vampires worked very hard, they were also all pretenders. Vampire Mes was even more pretender-level.

It would be strange if he didn't show off one day.

"The underwater target began to accelerate."

"Twenty kilometers, thirty kilometers."

"Sixty kilometers, seventy-five kilometers!"

The little red dot was moving away from the fish frying site at a speed of nearly forty knots.

"Let's keep up."

Zuo Miao began to choose the location to penetrate the bait.

Soon, a sea area with the highest safety was found right in front of the little red dot.

"Coordinates xyz!"

The Bear bomber accelerated again.


The belly of the aircraft opened for the third time.

The bait cage and the hexagonal special detection sonar were accurately dropped into the coordinate location.

"Throwing sonar again?"

"This time the color is different, this time it is blue-black."

"It seems that Ximen Fuyun's judgment is correct. The previous one was not the target, but the means for the people of Yanyu Academy to confirm the target."

The public channel was filled with discussions from the spectators.

As soon as the special detection sonar entered the water, it distanced itself from the bait cage.

Driven by the jet power, the bait cage accelerated its descent into the depths of the sea.

The sonar array that fell far behind it was like an open dandelion, slowly sinking.

"The bait cage is 500 meters deep."

"The sonar array is 200 meters deep."

Zuo Miao made a prompt decision: "The bait cage stops sinking, and the sonar array maintains a depth of 200 meters."

"Turn on the passive module of the array."

The atmosphere in the command center became tense.

Although all subsystems were tested to be operating normally at the fish frying field on the dead volcano island before,

But now is the actual combat site to test whether the fish frying platform has met Bai Chen's design requirements.

"The target is 12 kilometers away."

"The target is 11 kilometers away."

"The target enters the maximum working range of the passive module of 10 kilometers."

When the little red dot enters the working range of the passive module.

Zuo Miao suddenly pressed the button to start the egg breaker.

As the mechanical device in the bait cage opened and closed.

The sharp alloy saw teeth silently cut into the dragon egg body.

A stream of black, metallic and extremely smelly egg liquid oozed out of the dragon egg.

Driven by the seabed currents, it spread in all directions.

A real-time image of the spread of dragon egg liquid appeared on the big screen.

She found that most of the egg liquid did not drift towards the target as she expected, but was carried in the opposite direction by the ocean current.

Zuo Miao slapped her forehead in frustration.

She had calculated everything, but still forgot about the ocean current.

The passive sonar had uploaded the ocean current data back to the big screen in advance.

But she ignored this point.

"New commander, we will turn immediately."

Zuo Miao decided to fly to the upper water of the little red dot.

The Bear bomber accelerated again.

"Boss Ximen Fuyun?"

"What kind of fishing method is this?"

"If it's lure fishing, isn't this too fast?"

The spectators asked Lao Xianyu for advice.

Lao Xianyu Ximen Fuyun signaled them to be patient.

"Don't worry, let's take a look first."

"People from Yanyu Academy will not shoot without a purpose."

The bait cage had just been dragged to the new water source.

The target rushed straight to the dragon egg.

Zuo Miao excitedly waved his fist.

"Turn on the active module!"

"Scan the target area at full power."

With the special detection sonar working at full capacity.

A giant shadow 30 meters long and 20 meters wide appeared in the target area.

"Data comparison..."

Sally's electronic voice sounded in real time.

"What could it be?"

"It's so big and oval in shape, could it be a jellyfish?"

As he spoke, the image of the shadow became clearer.

One head, four claws, and one tail appeared on the big screen one after another.

"Old dirty turtle?"

"The sea turtle with eggs, a deep-sea turtle that uses its back shell to carry and hatch eggs."

Sally's comparison results appeared on the big screen.

But there was a big question mark along with the results.

Bai Chen frowned and said, "The voiceprint data can match the sea turtle with eggs."

"The problem is that the sea turtle with eggs is not a vegetarian turtle at all."

"It is a 100% carnivorous turtle."

The teachers and students of Yanyu College were dumbfounded.

Bai Chen's judgment must be correct.

But since it is a carnivore, why choose to stay away from flesh and blood?

The new commander guessed, "Is it because the Walala fishman was too smelly before, so smelly that even the sea turtle with eggs disliked it?"

"On the contrary, fishman is one of its staple foods."

"Sister, get it up first, and then we will study what's going on."


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