I can summon myself

Chapter 210: Getting ready to fry fish

"Sally, have you ever heard of Ember, and the Land of Embers?"

Bai Chen picked up a cup of coffee.

Sally grinds this in the coffee machine on the Snake Five.

The coffee beans were the private collection of an unknown person in the group of seven. After being discovered by Sally, they eventually became Bai Chen's trophy.

Bitter and mellow.


Sally said distressedly.

"Where's the Balrog?"

The corner of Bai Chen's mouth raised a perfect arc.

"The Balrog? Are they also a creature of the abyss?"

From Sally's curiosity, Bai Chen understood that this brain demon was just as he expected. She was equivalent to one year old human being and had not yet begun to awaken.

The information about flames, embers, and the land of embers, which were originally buried deep in her bloodline genes, would naturally become part of her cognitive system as she awakened.

But now Bai Chen needs to educate Sally, who is like a blank piece of paper.

A brief introduction to the information on Balrog, Ember, and Land of Embers.

A ball of light appeared in Sally's culture tank.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple light flashed one after another.

It shows that she is very happy at this moment.

Bai Chen shook his head helplessly.

Those who are close to vermilion are red, those who are close to ink are black, those who are close to clouds and whales are RGB.

Ever since Sally was discovered by Crao while sucking dragon eggs.

Cloud Whale's unpretentious color values ​​were learned and absorbed by Sally and carried forward.

Except for the communication of sounds and psychic energy fluctuations.

The little brain demon also learned to glow to express her mood.

"By the way, how did you become Ex Machina?"

Bai Chen was very curious about where the Europas got Sally.

If you have any information about this.

Maybe we can even trace the origin further.

"Sally doesn't know that Sally has been on the Ex Machina project team since the moment she became conscious."

Sally was confused.

"It seems we can only find out from the project team."

"After seven years, I hope they still retain this information."

Bai Chen drank the rest of the coffee in one breath.

"Sally, let's continue."

"What is the collection level of the list of de-insectization?"

"Seventy-five point eight percent."

"Senior Sister Zuo Miao improves the matching degree to the perfect level. How many resources are needed?"

"It's still 7.36 percent short."

"What is the progress of the Crested Ibis National Treasure Team's Nirvana Plan?"

"Thirty-one-five percent."

Bai Chen asked and Sally answered.

The tacit understanding between him and her improved rapidly just between this question and answer.

"Junior brother, junior brother."

"A, B, C and D have verified the fish bombing plan."

Zuo Miao climbed up to the snake-haired type five like a wind.

Before the person arrives, the words come first.

Bai Chen, who was studying the moon-worshiping angel butterfly in the garden, heard her joy.

Verification is complete, meaning all data has been confirmed.

Now it’s time to officially fry the fish, counting down the days.

Sally took the initiative to open the passage to the garden.

Senior Sister Zuo Miao rushed in furiously.

"Sally, give Senior Sister a cup of coffee."

A fully automatic coffee machine popped up from a corner of the garden.

"Add sugar, add honey, no spices."

Zuo Miao said to the coffee machine.

Thirty seconds later, a cup of hot coffee comes out of the oven.

Bai Chen took the verification document signed by Dr. A, B, C, and Ding 4 brought by his senior sister.

He glanced at it in detail.

"Sally, notify the Bear bombers to end the cruise immediately and return to the extinct volcano island."

"Inform the outfitting platform that when the Bear bomber lands, it will immediately carry out comprehensive maintenance on the bomber as planned and at the same time, simultaneously install the reinforcement ribs and other hardware required for the fish-explosion platform."

"Sally, as you command."

The next second, Bai Chen's order was pushed to all relevant groups by her.

The Bear bomber at an altitude of 35,000 meters began to turn around.

The multi-functional work area where the outfitting platform is located also started clearing operations to welcome the bombers.

"Senior sister, Sally is analyzing the psychic information we have collected these past few days through the sensors that the Armored Cloud Whale has dropped into the sea area of ​​2,000 kilometers around the extinct volcano island."

"This time we have a high probability of getting the last set of resources needed for the perfect matching potion from the target group in this sea area."

"Once the resources are in place."

"I will prepare a perfect match potion for you immediately."

"After the fish fry begins, senior sister, you need to be ready to improve your matching level."

Zuo Miao nodded excitedly.

"I know the severity."

"Is it true that the leader of Qianxing cannot drink this potion?"

"This can't be just for you."

"Moreover, Captain Mo Qianxing has her own development plan. I think her plan is very suitable for her physique."

Bai Chen is not stingy with the resources of the perfect matching potion. Mo Qianxing's inheritance is very complete. With the help of Ember and Ember Land, Bai Chen does not need external intervention.

Of course, the main reason is that currently there are no resources to significantly improve Mo Qianxing.

Bai Chen, who lacks resources, has no way to prepare a special potion of the same grade for Mo Qianxing like the perfect matching potion that enhances his senior sister's strength potential.

"Well, I listen to you."

Senior Sister Zuo Miao said seriously.

"One more thing, Hedelia wants to participate in the fish fry. If there are any fish we don't need, she wants to pay for them."

Bai Chen smiled and said, "Just buy it. If she likes anything, just ask her and give it to her."

Three buckets of Lei Ling honey water have brought so much harvest.

This was transmitted to Blue Star, to the worlds such as Zhaomao Baichen Universe that knew how powerful the brain demon was.

Baichen would definitely be the focus of envy, jealousy and hatred from all over the world.

What's the big deal about sending some fried fish?

However, what he didn't expect was.

After getting his consent, Hydria was very excited.

She and the Bear bomber arrived at the dead volcano island one after another.

"Boss Baichen, I, Hydria, won't pick up your fried fish for nothing."

The blue-skinned girl instantly moved to the foot of the platform where the reinforcement ribs were stacked.

She carried a super-long and super-heavy metal rib cast from high-strength psychic aluminum alloy with one hand, which was a hundred meters long and two meters wide.

Under the stunned gaze of teachers and students.

Become a blue-skinned self-propelled porter that is more useful than a mechanical arm.

"Miss Hydria, you are really a man who can take off and land a bomber on your arm."

"You can smash the earth with one punch."

"I can't afford to offend you, I can't afford to offend you."

"This power is incomparable to bipeds."

Having said that.

Hedria, who wanted to bomb fish and worked as a construction girl, gave great stimulation to the teachers and students.

The fish bombing platform of their own family could not be overshadowed by the temporary worker, the blue-skinned girl.

The teachers and students were like turning on bravery and bloodthirstiness, and they devoted themselves to the work of installing the fish bombing platform.

Under the perfect dispatch of Sally, who took over the authority of general assembly and inspection.

The fish bombing platform on the belly of the bomber was formed at a speed far exceeding the speed expected in the drawings.

Four days later, the Bear bomber carrying the 100% completed fish bombing platform flew into the sky again.

"Get ready to bomb fish!"

Senior Sister Zuo Miao was in high spirits in the bomber command center.

"Junior brother, shall we start now?"

She turned her head and looked at Bai Chen.


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