I can summon myself

Chapter 207 Brain

Bai Chen smiled slightly: "What's the hurry? Sharpen the knife and chop the firewood. Wait until Sally has had enough to eat and drink before we talk about anything else."

Wang Da Chong was stunned, and he glanced at Freya subconsciously.

Yes, Bai Chen must have felt that there was an outsider like her present, so it was inconvenient to show off Sally's strength right away.

"What are you still doing here?"

Wang Da Chong raised his eyebrows, and the pressure of the titled legendary boss came out, and a powerful aura rushed straight to Freya's face.

The pendant around Freya's neck lit up instantly.

A graceful translucent figure stood in front of her.

"A pharmaceutical machine that has no emotions?"

"Old guy selling small pills, why are you bullying my disciple?"

Wang Da Chong, who felt the aura of his old friend, quickly withdrew his pressure.

The translucent figure also disappeared.

With a click, the pendant used to save his life broke into several pieces.

Sally's former employer bent down and picked up the pieces of the pendant with tears in her eyes, but she could not restore them no matter what.

This amulet, which she had spent most of her fortune to get from the sorceress Maeve, also known as the Witcher Harvester, was broken just like that.

"Your Excellency Wang Dashong, if you think I'm an eyesore, just say so."

"I left voluntarily. Why are you so irritable?"

Freya felt extremely wronged.


Wang Da Chong was embarrassed.

Although he is not a demon hunter, he has a past with the harvester Maeve.

After making such a fuss, he was too embarrassed to drive away Freya, his old disciple with freckles on his face.

Bai Chen gave Wang Dashong a funny look.

This titled legend is similar to the old wizard, and his life is very exciting.

But the old wizard doesn't care about the witcher harvester.

He glared at Freya fiercely: "Are you sure you want to stay here and listen to the secret of Ex Machina Sally?"

"Once you know something, it's not as simple as ninety-nine or six!"

The bald senior Wang Botang let out a weird laugh in response. Unfortunately, he couldn't act like a villain with sores on his head and pus oozing from his feet.

The way the bald man winked was actually a bit funny.

"Stop pretending to be weird."

The foodie senior stepped on him angrily.

Freya ignored the screams of the hateful bald man, but looked at Bai Chen with pitiful eyes.

Even though she hasn't been here long.

But it is very clear that Bai Chen is the one who truly speaks the truth on the extinct volcano island.

"Classmate Bai Chen, please don't drive me away, okay?"

"I am willing to swear on my arcane magic that I will never reveal what I saw."

"Please, please, please."

Freya clasped her hands together, her freckled face full of pleading.

"Swear in the name of the Supreme Arcana and the Heaven of Earth."

Bai Chen said lightly.

Freya gritted her teeth and followed Bai Chen's request, making a double oath with her awakened arcana and the earth's heavenly law.

"Now then?"

Wang Da Chong pointed at Sally expectantly.

Bai Chen shrugged: "Actually, it has nothing to do with Freya. I made it very clear that Sally needs time to digest and absorb the energy of the dragon egg."

"However, since she is willing to swear, then I will listen. Anyway, idle time is idle."

Wang Da Chong, who was making mistakes in his mind, couldn't laugh or cry.

Freya, who took the initiative to put double shackles on herself for no reason, was even more embarrassed and blushed.

The old wizard laughed happily.

The bald senior slapped himself on the forehead.

"I see."

"The reason why Junior Bai Chen doesn't care about you staying here is because Sally is definitely invincible, but she also consumes a lot of money."

"Eat five five-color dragon eggs in ten days. Except for Junior Bai Chen who is an ally of Cloud Whale, how can you Europas afford it?"

"Even if there are three hundred days in a year, there are still one hundred and fifty five-color dragon eggs. In two years, a dragon army of three hundred five-color dragons can be formed!"

The bald senior thought about Bai Chen's intention of letting Freya be present, and he did not forget to deliberately mislead the other party.

He would not tell this freckled girl that the dragon eggs Bai Chen fed Sally were actually cloud whale rations that could not hatch a dragon.

"Yes, that must be the case."

"Even if the Europa Psychic Management Office has money and resources, it's impossible to feed Sally five dragon eggs every ten days."

"Real Creature Version Computer and Five-Colored Dragon Legion, do you still have to choose?"

"Since classmate Bai Chen allows you to be present, then you should watch carefully, and then, without violating your oath, tell your college how poor you are."

"A group of five-color dragon eggs every ten days. Apart from us Bai Chen, who else on earth can afford to raise them?"

The foreheads of teachers and students are engraved with it. Yes, our classmate Bai Chen is so arrogant and arrogant.

Wang Da Chong was the first to be taken into the ditch by Wang Botang's brainstorming.

Ten days, five coins.

Even if he is a pharmaceutical machine with no emotions, he cannot withstand this level of exaggerated consumption.

To put it another way, even if he is willing to take out the coffin book.

But where can I find so many colorful dragon eggs?

Meng Wei's face was full of bitterness.

Even if Sally is the most powerful of the six Ex Machinas.

The food intake of five dragon eggs in ten days.

The Ex Machina project team absolutely cannot afford it.

Freya's face was uglier than a dehydrated bitter melon.

If she had known this, why would she have sworn?

Using dragon eggs as food, it would be strange if the dragon lovers in the office didn't go crazy immediately.

She felt that she had not only lost a lot today.

She was also very embarrassed.

"My Lord, this bald guy is really good at imagination."

Blue Star Bai Chen gave a thumbs up to the bald senior who successfully led everyone except Bai Chen into the misunderstanding of five eggs in ten days.

Bai Chen fed Sally with dragon eggs.

It was because Sally had lost too much since her birth, and only dragon eggs could most effectively make up for the defect of her delayed development of her original neurons.

As long as she recovered.

Even if Bai Chen had a warehouse of dragon eggs, it would be impossible to continue feeding her five eggs in ten days.

Let's not talk about the cost-effectiveness for now.

Sally's brain demon in the larval stage could not digest such a strong dragon egg food.

Now it's good.

Including the teachers and students of Yanyu College.

Everyone thought that Sally's appetite was so terrible.

The bald senior's misleading directly saved Bai Chen from the idea of ​​selectively showing some of Sally's abilities.

Even if Sally showed all the normal abilities of a juvenile brain demon at full power.

In the face of the preconceived consumption of five dragon eggs in ten days.

Neither Meng Wei, a member of the project team, nor Freya would think that hiring Sally was a good deal.

It can be said that although the bald senior also knew nothing about Sally, his pure imagination had an unexpectedly good effect.

Bai Chen directly confirmed Wang Botang's misleading.

He told the truth: "I prepared twenty sets of five-color dragon eggs for Sally."

Anne Freya completely gave up the idea of ​​​​meddling.

Anyway, even if she said it, the firm would not believe it. Even if they believed it, they could not afford it, so why waste time.

Bai Chen took out his mobile phone and checked the time.

Well, it's almost time now.

"Sally, how do you feel?"

"Boss Bai Chen, I feel great."

"You can give me a task!"

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