I can summon myself

Chapter 205: The contact person fainted from the stench

"Junior brother, the dragon egg is here."

Bai Chen walked out of the tent, followed by a group of teachers and students watching the fun.

"Senior Botang, are you ready for the P5 level fully protective isolation suit?"

"Everything is ready."

"You'd better stand far away and wear a sealing mask."

"Dragon eggs are very smelly. If you accidentally get a drop of them, they will stink for at least a week."

Bai Chen took precautions in advance for teachers and students who wanted to see something strange.

Looking for the cat Bai Chen, handling the dragon eggs is all the job of the robot.

On Blue Star Baichen's side, when dealing with dragon eggs, they first wear a P5 full protective isolation suit.

In the fairy world, handling dragon eggs is a kind of punishment for those who make mistakes.

The processing location Bai Chen chose was a large vent on the extinct volcanic island where the air flow was strongest.

With the help of his seniors, he put on the P5 isolation suit and checked to confirm that the full protective suit was working properly. He signaled the teachers and students to retreat quickly, and walked alone to the container placed in the wind vent.

"Bai Chen, let me help."

Kraao's huge figure flew out from the ledge behind the wind vent.

Cloud Whale is not afraid of the smell of dragon eggs.

It is a kind of fragrance to them.

"Place the dragon eggs in the circle I drew, and keep all five in good balance."

Bai Chen drew five circles lined up in a line on the flat area.

Kraao's spiritual power was like an invisible hand, taking out five-color dragon eggs each weighing hundreds of kilograms from the container and floating them one by one on the circle drawn by Bai Chen.

Bai Chen took out the herringbone ladder from another container and leaned it against the nearest black dragon egg to confirm that it was stable, then turned back and picked up a hand-held electric drill driven by a psychic engine.

According to the properties of the black dragon egg, he put on a targeted psychic drill and slowly pressed the start button.

A harsh cutting sound sounded at the contact point between the drill bit and the eggshell.

"Krao uses your psychic energy to control the electric drill, keep it perpendicular to the eggshell, and maintain a vertical force of about two hundred kilograms on the electric drill body."

Crao's eyes lit up.

"Yeah, that's fun."

Bai Chen slowly let go.

Under the control of Kraao's invisible hand, the electric drill on the black dragon egg was suspended at a height of two meters, perfectly maintaining the state of automatically drilling the shell.

Bai Chen followed suit and arranged the other four dragon eggs properly.

The teachers and students watching the excitement from a distance all opened their mouths.

"No wonder Bai Chen declined our help."

"Genius idea."

"A perfect plan based on Kraao's psychic control."

Amid the discussion, Bai Chen took out a large number of transparent pipes with the diameter of a drill bit from the container.

Then, these P5 laboratory-specific supporting sealing pipelines were connected to five standard 500-liter ceramic culture tanks with diamond inner coatings.

When Crao said that the drill bit touched the last soft membrane of the eggshell, Bai Chen had already prepared the culture tank used to hold the egg liquid.

"Let me do it."

He climbed up the ladder again carrying the transparent pipe and took charge of the handheld electric drill again.

The harsh sound that represents penetration disappears instantly.

Bai Chen took out the drill bit.

A stream of yellow-green liquid spurted out from the drilled hole.

A look of intoxication appeared on Crao's big face.

"That's the smell."

The teachers and students watching the excitement from a distance were caught off guard by the stench emanating from the egg liquid.


The foodie senior covered her mouth and ran away.


The bald senior finally understood why Bai Chen wore P5 laboratory-level protective clothing.

"Dragon eggs are in no way fit for human consumption."

The teachers and students wished that their parents would give them two more legs. They ran three hundred meters away in one breath to escape the biochemical "attack" sprayed by the black dragon egg.

Bai Chen inserted the transparent tube into the breach at the bottom of the black dragon egg.

Then he easily opened a skylight on the top of the eggshell that had become soft due to damage.

The yellow-green egg liquid slowly flows into the culture tank under the influence of gravity.

Bai Chen walked down the herringbone ladder and lifted it to the second one.

While he followed the same pattern, he motioned to Kraao to raise the height of the black dragon egg above the culture tank.

Suddenly, a small flying saucer, guided by an armored cloud whale, entered Bai Chen's field of vision.

Discovered Bai Chen's existence.

The incompetent pharmaceutical machine king, Lord Chong, immediately sent the pilot flying over.

"Brother Bai Chen, I'm back!"

"Hey, isn't this a dragon egg?"

"Quick, come closer."

Wang Dasheng, who confirmed that Bai Chen was handling the dragon eggs, couldn't help but urge him.

The small flying saucer drew a beautiful arc in the air in front of Bai Chen, and hovered steadily on the sea not far from Bai Chen.

"Go, go quickly!"

Bai Chen yelled in the protective suit.

The teachers and students who discovered the arrival of the flying saucer changed their colors one by one.

"Tell him to leave quickly."

"It's over. I can't contact the communication team without my mobile phone."

"Mobile phone, I have a mobile phone."

Just when the foodie senior sister just took out her mobile phone.

The door of the flying saucer was opened by Wang Da Chong.

He jumped out of the saucer with a big smile on his face.

Before he could open his mouth, he was sprayed in the face by mist of yellow-green egg liquid brought by the wind.


The medicine machine that has no emotions has become the vomiting machine that has no emotions.

To make matters worse, the smell of egg liquid got into the small flying saucer.

The unlucky driver was knocked unconscious before he even had time to react.

The small flying saucer that lost control fell into the sea in front of Bai Chen.

"Krao, save people quickly."

Bai Chen didn't care about the dragon egg.

Fortunately, Krao reacted quickly.

While carefully controlling the five-colored dragon egg, he and the armored cloud whale grabbed the rear deck of the flying saucer with invisible psychic hands before the flying saucer completely fell into the sea.

Then, with the help of four armored cloud whales that heard the news, the flying saucer was dragged to the flat ground at the wind outlet not far from Bai Chen.

Bai Chen took out a fully sealed mask from the container.

He rushed into the flying saucer with the mask in his left hand and the oxygen tank in his right hand.

He found the flying saucer pilot who was already pale and unconscious and quickly put the mask on her face.

Bai Chen then realized that the unlucky pilot was actually a young woman of the same age as the seniors.

"I hope there will be no psychological trauma."

After Bai Chen connected the oxygen tank to the mask, he turned on the switch.

As the oxygen was injected, the pilot's breathing became stable.

"Come here, put on P5 full protection and take the pilot back."

Bai Chen picked up the headset in the flying saucer and said to the communication team.

At this time, Wang Dachong, who had recovered, walked in.

Seeing the pilot who had put on a mask.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, Bai Chen, you reacted quickly."

"Why is this dragon egg so smelly!"

To be honest, Wang Dachong has seen dragon eggs and touched dragon eggs, but he has never opened a dragon egg in his life.

He really didn't know that dragon eggs could be so "lethal".


Wang Dachong slapped his forehead.

"Meng Wei is a former member of the Mechanical Ji project team. She is the liaison entrusted by her mentor to confirm your acquisition intention, Bai Chen."

"Now she is fainted by the smell!"

Bai Chen...

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