I can summon myself

Chapter 197 Group of Seven

In the depths of the ocean, a golden luxury aircraft skimmed the sea surface.

It was slender and graceful in the shape of a flat teardrop, about 20 meters long, with a life-size statue of a snake-haired girl in pure gold on its semi-circular nose. She wore a crown of thorns, held a torch in her right hand, and held a sea chart in her left hand.

This is not only the unique trademark of the aircraft manufacturer, the top human luxury brand Free Girl.

It is also the reason why this aircraft dares to fly close to the sea surface.

This snake-haired girl statue is a token of the European Psychic Management Office, the major shareholder of Free Girl, to travel around the world.

The more powerful deep-sea creatures are, the more they know the significance of this snake-haired girl statue.

So, even though this is the deep ocean close to the edge of the subspace.

This luxury aircraft Snake Girl Type 5 is still moving towards its target at a maximum speed of 800 kilometers per hour.

On the back of the aircraft is a viewing platform with a transparent glass dome, and a large garden with unique ingenuity and flowers is built in.

Colorful spiritual plants competed with each other for beauty.

Four angels of worshiping the moon curled up in a ball, lying quietly among the huge flowers.

The door of the big garden was opened.

A group of seven people, four men and three women, walked into the garden from the inside of the aircraft.

The leader was a blond, blue-eyed, tall and handsome British youth, who had the temperament of an ancient European aristocrat in his every move.

"Every time I come to this garden, I feel that this is a luxurious place that only the nobles are qualified to enjoy."

"But who would have thought that this aircraft is not a means of transportation for a noble family, but a robbery tool exclusively used by the strongest part-time pirates of our "Seven-Man Group"?"

The speaker was an Italian man with black hair, black eyes and facial features as clear as a knife and an axe next to the blond youth.

Beside him, a woman wearing a plain white robe of an arcane awakener, holding a dark green staff made of a complete crystal dragon bone, said with a smile: "In the psychic age, we fly a broken plane, hang a pirate flag, and there are a bunch of tattered clothes on it. They are either drunkards who are always drunk or poor people who have not eaten enough and their bodies are as poor as skeletons. Such pirates will be killed into slag by the opponent before they get close to the target."

"Only people like us, who are obviously children of extraordinary families and come from top schools in Europe, can naturally let the target let down their guard."

The woman played with a staff flower.

"We are originally children of families, and we are originally from top schools in Europe."

"It's just that we have awakened the traditional skills of our ancestors, the pirate talent."

The seven-member pirate group is different from the temporary pirates who are struggling to make a living in the deep ocean and experience excitement for fun.

Its seven members, although their bloodline is very thin, are after all the branches of the great nobles who have left their names in the family tree. With hard work, they all passed the examinations for the top universities in Europe.

It can be said that they did not cosplay but performed in their true colors.

However, unlike the East, where the tuition and accommodation fees for a year add up to less than 10,000, the tuition fees of the top universities in Europe are as high as a mountain, which makes these men and women who have thin bloodlines but cannot get a penny of dividends from the family breathless.

So, they awakened the white traditional art pirate gene and chose to rob in the deep ocean like their ancestors.

But they are different from the poor pirates who are hungry and have no choice.

Their targets are precise and specific.

First of all, they must be rich people with a lot of wealth.

Because the rental and use costs of renting this aircraft are not cheap, and ordinary targets cannot even recover the costs in this regard.

Secondly, the other party cannot be too big, too experienced, or too old.

They can't afford to offend someone too big.

Too much experience means that you are well-informed, which in turn increases the difficulty of approaching the other party.

Being over 30 means that you have suffered from the beatings of society, and face is not important at all.

The most ideal target is the rich kid who has just started out, just entered or just graduated from college, and has a group of classmates to throw a party in the deep sea.

Rich and young.

Even if they are robbed, as long as it is not excessive, they will only choose to pinch their noses and admit it.

And those who are not strong-willed enough can become the long-term meal tickets of the seven of them.

"Bai Chen hasn't even graduated yet, but he's already brought the entire Yanyu Academy out to hang out."

"This means, first, that his family background is not bad, but it's limited because Yanyu Academy is not good enough."

"This kind of nameless academy, which is a million miles away from a real famous school, will never be taken seriously by the children of the aristocratic families, let alone hang out in Yanyu Academy."

"Therefore, Bai Chen is a local dog tycoon who has money but his background is definitely not beyond our ability to bear."

"Second, cloud whales."

"According to the records of our academy, creatures like cloud whales are famous for their honesty and stubbornness."

"Once they set their eyes on humans, they will only As long as humans do not do things that exceed their bottom line, they are the most qualified allies. "

"Their standards for judging people have nothing to do with family background, wealth, etc."

"This indirectly proves that Bai Chen must have a limited family background, because the more family background he has, the more he is full of mind and vision, and the less likely he is to be accepted by the simple Yunjing."

"Third, oil and water."

"A poor and inferior school like Yanyu Academy can't make a few cents even if you squeeze it dry, but Bai Chen with the mysterious little pill is different. I don't know where he got the formula from, but it is certain that his mysterious little pill is a new generation of just-needed products that are more valuable than the emotionless pharmaceutical robot handmade."

The blond young man's eyes shone brighter than the golden shell of the aircraft.

The eyes of the other six people were also filled with Stardust symbols.

"With Bai Chen's vote, we will have all our expenses until graduation."

Even if it is hindered by the existence of the Eastern Earth Psychic Association.

They dare not turn Bai Chen into a slave.

However, it took a long time from Bai Chen's abduction to the discovery and confirmation by the Eastern Earth Psychic Association.

They can squeeze Bai Chen to their heart's content.

If Bai Chen wants to survive, he must produce a large number of small pills.

"Fourth, success rate."

"For the sake of the little maid, I will not hesitate to go through the channels of the Eastern Earth Psychic Association."

"As long as the moon-worshiping angel is here, I won't have to worry about Bai Chen not taking the bait."

"Be it his weird flying machine, his Cloud Whale allies, or even the high-level controller bodyguards that the Eastern Earth Psionics Association may equip."

"It won't be more powerful than what we did in the past with so many votes."

The faces of the group of four men and three women were full of confidence.

Just like a luxurious aircraft that looks nothing like a pirate.

The brain is their best weapon.

Bai Chen is a country bumpkin who is with Buruliu Yanyu Academy.

They, top students from top universities, have plenty of ways to fool this guy.

As long as we take down Bai Chen, the rightful owner.

It doesn't matter how strong the Cloud Whale is.

not to mention.

They still have a trump card.

"I wish us success."

"Retire after this job."

The blond young man took out a bottle of red wine from the hidden compartment among the flowers.

The snake-haired girl on the front of the machine suddenly spoke.

"A large number of deep-ocean legions were discovered directly ahead."

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