I can summon myself

Chapter 195 Acting School

"Why would a chef from Purgatory Kitchen come here to work as a laborer?"

Bai Chen was not unfamiliar with Purgatory Kitchen, because his ex-girlfriend had said more than once that she wanted to have a meal for two at the Purgatory Kitchen chain restaurant.

However, after learning about the cheapest price for a meal for two.

His ex-girlfriend never mentioned it again.

Now, there is actually a chef who worked in Purgatory Kitchen who continues to work as a chef among the Western laborers on the dead volcano island.

Bai Chen had to be surprised.

Purgatory Kitchen never recruits outsiders.

Anyone who works in Purgatory Kitchen is a skilled worker who has been trained by the Purgatory Kitchen system for at least ten years.

Every chef with a Purgatory Kitchen background is a leader in the chef industry with a world top 3 halo.

It is completely different from a quick-made product that guarantees teaching and whether or not the money will be refunded.

Even in the East.

As long as Gordon shows his Purgatory Kitchen background, it will be no problem to get a job at the head chef level in most Western restaurants.

"Gordon is a backpacker who travels around the world."

"The boat he took was bought by our Liu family from the ship owner, but for some reason he chose to stay and became one of the long-term employed Western coolies when he should have left."

Butler Liu spread the roster, Gordon's contract and other documents proving the long-term employment relationship in front of Bai Chen.

"Many Western coolies have proved that Gordon is a diligent and good cook."

"He knows everyone's taste and has a good relationship with everyone."

"From the information we have now, he is indeed a good cook."

"But whether this is true or not, we don't know enough about Western coolies to be sure."

Butler Liu lowered his head in shame. As long as the Western coolies don't make trouble and work honestly.

The Liu family won't care about them.

In fact, this group of Western coolies is in a long-term state of autonomy.

Butler Liu, who is meticulous, cannot confirm the authenticity of the information he collected.

They are actually blind spots of control.

"Given Gordon's background in Hell's Kitchen."

"It is indeed possible that he knows the characteristics of the Moon Worship Angel."

"If Gordon sees that Nimitz has received a double reward, he will be tempted to come and mention the Moon Worship Angel."

"It makes sense logically."

Wang Botang scratched his head.

The main thing is that we don't know how many troublemakers there are among the Western coolies.

We can't just find a reason to arrest Gordon, otherwise it will easily alert the enemy.

Is he a troublemaker?

How many troublemakers are there around him?

It is still a mystery at present.

"Or, why don't we just send all the Western coolies here to the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market in the name of rotating holidays?"

Mo Qianxing suggested.

"Or, send them all to the Cloud Whale Group on the pretext of building a foothold for the Cloud Whale Group's floating platform!"

"As long as we reach an altitude of 35,000 meters, no matter how magical these troublemakers are, they can't do tricks under the eyes of so many Cloud Whales in the Cloud Whale Group without being discovered!"

Bai Chen nodded.

"Yes, but not now."

"Wait until Hydria packs up the group of moon-worshipping angels and brings them back."

"We'll send them to the group of cloud whales."

Everyone began to perfect the details along this line of thought.

Gordon walked into the big tent where the coolies lived with a greasy notebook filled with weekly menus.

"As usual, let's count what everyone wants to eat next week."

"Again, I'll try but I can't satisfy everyone."

Harris, who was closest to Gordon, stood up with a smile.

"I want to eat every kind of food."

"So many dishes, I want them all."

"Gordon, your cooking skills are so good, I can't bear to give up any of them."

Amid the laughter of the whole room, Gordon pushed Harris aside unhappily: "You're the last."

The coolies laughed even more happily.

But no one knew that Harris told Gordon his discovery with seemingly confusing nonsense and deliberately changing syllables.

"The kitchen waste on the dead volcano island has not changed."

"It is impossible to confirm whether the plane from Yanyu College has left the airspace of the dead volcano island and headed for the target."

Gordon used the last word "you" to indicate to Harris that this matter was not over.

When he finished calculating the menu for next week.

Harris said with a playful smile: "Gordon, give me some time, I will think about it, I will think about it again."

Gordon's face was serious: "You must write the menu before breakfast tomorrow at the latest. Otherwise, you will eat what everyone else has left for next week."

The coolies laughed.

Watching Gordon leave the big tent.

Harris approached the coolie in charge of handling kitchen waste: "Give me a reference and see if there is anything to eat."

Harris said quietly.

The coolies who did not suspect him also gathered around, and they talked to each other, and unknowingly revealed everything they saw.

"That doesn't make sense."

"Since Nimitz received double rewards and double happiness, it means that Bai Chen still attaches great importance to the Moon Worship Angel."

"Why is there no movement until now?"

"Could it be that Bai Chen did not send out the Bear bomber?"

"Instead, he sent out a new batch of unknown cloud whales?"

Harris suddenly remembered the old monster Wu and a large number of senior officials of the Misty Rain Academy who had left.

"Could it be them?"

Harris thought for a long time but still couldn't figure it out.

Early the next morning, he wrote down the information he had collected and included typos.

After being laughed at by the coolies for being uneducated.

He asked a kitchen helper to bring the recipe full of typos to Gordon.

In front of the kitchen helpers.

Gordon looked like he was screwed.

"What the hell is written on this?"

"Did Harris go to elementary school?"

The kitchen helpers laughed wildly.

Gordon "difficultly" wrote this piece of paper with a lot of information on the greasy big notebook.

"Old Monster Wu, the big boss of the academy, a new batch of cloud whales?"

Harris's hypothesis is not impossible.

If it is true.

It's not a bad thing.

Bai Chen is full of a real and unfathomable evil.

Old Monster Wu and the big bosses of the academy are different.

Maybe they have more life experience than Bai Chen, maybe they have more awakened DNA chains.

But the more so, the lower the chance that they can bring variables.

Naturally, the lower the possibility of accidents.

But Bai Chen is completely different.

He himself is the biggest variable.

No matter how well prepared you are, you may still be overturned when facing him.

From this perspective.

Wu Laoguai, the big guys in the academy are really better targets than Bai Chen.

Gordon completed the work of the day in an orderly manner.

In the evening, just when he was about to pass on the information collected by Harris.

A deafening noise sounded in the direction of the communication team.

Gordon frowned and walked out of his single tent.

"What happened?"

The coolies also walked out of their respective tents.

Whether it was Harris or anyone else, they all looked at the tent where the communication team was located in confusion.

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