I can summon myself

Chapter 189: Being criticized for poor conditions

As Song Nian walked up to Bai Chen.

Immortal King Bai Chen was sure that his judgment was correct.

"The disability does not refer to his body."

"It refers to his physique."

Immortal King Bai Chen pointed at Song Nian, pointing straight to the core.

"What attracted me to him was his bright eyes. It was the same eyes that proved that he was physically disabled."

"His eyes during the live broadcast were bright and sharp. Combined with his fifty years of bloody fighting experience and Yu Zhou's description of his leadership ability, it reminded me of a common physique among the major legions in the Immortal King World. Fighting body."

"The fighting body is born to fight, and it will fight a hundred battles and never die."

"He is a first-class candidate for charging into battle."

"I am just starting out now and you lack combat talents. You can't let Senior Sister Zuo Miao and Mo Qianxing rush to the front line."

"Song Nian, who has a fighting body, may be an option."

"But now."

Immortal King Bai Chen sighed.

"Song Nian's gaze seems sharp. Judging from the details, it is not a whole, but rather fragmented."

"His seemingly bright eyes have a lot of them that are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, but if you are familiar with the battle body, you can see the darkness at a glance."

"It means that he once condensed part of his battle body, but for some unknown reason, his battle body was incomplete, resulting in incomplete battle spirit that gave rise to bright eyes and sharp gazes."

"Not only that, the incomplete combat body is devouring his potential all the time, affecting his body, causing physical and mental pain from time to time."

"The gray on the temples in the Song Dynasty came from this."

"He is physically disabled."

Immortal King Bai Chen felt a little regretful.

A creature that can give birth to a fighting body, regardless of its talent or potential, is definitely a good player in terms of combat effectiveness.

If the fighting body improves to a higher level, there is a chance to reach the realm of the King of War.

The perfect version of the King of War, even the Immortal King Bai Chen in his heyday did not dare to win easily.

The War Emperor who is above the War King, even the Fist Emperor, must be called brothers and sisters as equals.

Unfortunately, the Song Nian in front of him was an incomplete battle body owner.

"Is there any way to fix it?"

Lanxing Baichen wanted to know if this person could be rescued.

"Of course, Ember, Ember Land, any one of them can make up for the shortcomings of his combat body and make his combat body normal."

“The question is whether it’s worth it.”

Immortal King Bai Chen sympathized with Song Nian's experience and admired him for fighting on the front line for fifty years, but that was all.

Since Song Nian can become a combat body, it means that the earth has the environment to give birth to combat bodies, and naturally he is not the only one.

According to the characteristics of the fighting body, there are many, many people who are born for fighting.

Bai Chen is not the Virgin, and there is no obligation to choose him.

Moreover, such valuable treasures as the Embers and the Land of Embers were used on the incomplete Song Nian.

Immortal King Bai Chen felt that he was at a great loss.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, I'm sorry."

"I thought the extinct volcanic island was a mature place like a ring of islands, suitable for those of us who are in poor health to do hard work."

"I made a rash decision without investigating clearly."

Song Nian frankly stated his original plan.

I heard that Mist and Rain Academy took over the island and became the king.

The old guys in the third group had the idea of ​​​​finding a good place to work.

So he resorted to the trick of surrounding the teachers and students of Misty Rain College who were taking turns to hand over their resumes.

Come and see for yourself.

The environment of the extinct volcanic island made Song Nian's heart feel cold.

Although it is annoying to stay in No. 5 Deep Ocean Market for a long time, it is a place with a complete ecosystem after all.

While cruising in the deep ocean, you can also interact with various different creatures.

And Bai Chen’s extinct volcanic island. Now even the most basic self-sufficiency is not possible.

It all relies on the support of Cloud Whale allies, Deep Ocean Market No. 5, and Airport No. 5.

Song Nian did not dare to put the future of the old guys on the reliability of the Cloud Whales.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, if you want to blame, blame me."

Song Nian looked like he was ready to take the blame.

"My dear, it seems that there is no need to bother to treat this disability."

Lanxing Baichen curled his lips.

Immortal King Bai Chen was also a little bit dumbfounded: "Yes, my lord, this one is obviously dissatisfied with the poor conditions on the volcanic island."

Bai Chen shrugged.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, it'll be fine if we just talk about it."

Bai Chen didn't want these troublesome people in the third group.

Song Nian didn't like this place, so it saved him the trouble.

Just when Bai Chen was about to see off the guests.

Hei Shitou, who got off the traffic boat, came over: "Mr. Song, why are you here?"

"Xiao Hei?"

Song Nian's voice was full of surprise.

How could a disciple of the incompetent pharmaceutical machine king Da Chong get off the transportation boat of Misty Rain Academy?

"Mr. Song, you also asked Mr. Bai Chen for medicine?"

Black Stone's words made Song Nian even more confused.

Ask Bai Chen for medicine?

What a joke, Bai Chen doesn't have the slightest aura of a pharmacist in his body.

How could he ask Bai Chen for medicine.

Moreover, from Heishitou's address, Heishitou's eyes looked at Bai Chen.

He clearly regarded Bai Chen as a big boss on the same level as Wang Dashong.

This simple boy must have been deceived by Bai Chen.

Song Nian, who was also about to leave, changed his mind and wanted to find out what was going on.

"Mr. Song, Sir Bai Chen is amazing."

"The little blue pill you took was made by Mr. Bai Chen."

Song Nian was stunned.

The magical little pill that made him return to the age of 18 was actually made by Bai Chen, who was not at all worldly.

"Black Stone, are you serious?"

Song Nian's suspicion ignited the blue-skinned girl Hederia beside him.

This guy actually doubted Bai Chen's ability to make pills and mix potions? Didn't she come here for this, and now she is waiting for Bai Chen to pay with potions?

Suspecting Bai Chen, isn't it doubting her Hederia?

"Old man, what do you mean?"

Hederia put her hands on her hips, and she was ready to scold like a shrew if she didn't agree with him.

"It was made by Lord Bai Chen. My teacher came here to verify the small pills."

"As a result, my teacher takes a few pills every week, and Lord Bai Chen's small pills have become an important material purchased exclusively by the association."

"Even my teacher often sighs at Lord Bai Chen's level of pharmacy. Lord Bai Chen has deep routines and a set of theories. He has refreshed his understanding of the earth and spiritual energy more than once as a pharmaceutical machine without emotions."

"If Lord Bai Chen is not a master, then there are no masters in the association!"

"Lord Bai Chen is amazing."

The eyes of Heishitou looking at Bai Chen are full of admiration.

Song Nian kept looking at Bai Chen.

It seemed that he wanted to see through Bai Chen.

But even if he mobilized all his fighting spirit, Bai Chen still looked like a mystery as before.

"Do you often have a splitting headache at midnight?"

"Do you have double vision without any warning in your vision?"

"Do you still feel powerless in front of 32EE?"

"Oh, you also have hallucinations and auditory hallucinations, and paranoia, as if someone is always trying to harm you."

Song Nian was so surprised that his mouth was wide open.

He only told Wang Dachong most of these symptoms.

And he couldn't even talk about the rest of the private content.

But Bai Chen got it all right word for word.

"You, can you prescribe medicine?"


Bai Chen pointed to the transport airship of the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market, indicating that Song Nian could leave.

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