I can summon myself

Chapter 184 Bomber Fishing

"If it can be realized, it will not only solve my problem of not wanting to spend money, but also add a long-term income to the Cloud Whale Fair of the Cloud Whale Group."

The Cloud Whale Chiefs suddenly became interested.

In addition to the shiny and various eggs, making money is also the goal of these cloud sea ecosystem resource carriers swimming in the sky.

"Sir Bai Chen, tell me quickly."

"We all listen to you."

Bai Chen took out a very finely polished metal stick from his space equipment.

He used the stick as a pen and walked to the black-shelled dragon egg.

He used the black eggshell as a blackboard and wrote and drew.

"This is the subspace."

"The current psychic fluctuation intensity of the subspace, the psychic intensity around the dead volcano island, and the psychic intensity under the dead volcano island."

Bai Chen drew a model.

"Subspace psychic energy escape, complex medium fluid formula group."

The Cloud Whale Chiefs' heads were full of? ? ? .

Wei Changkong, Yu Zhou, and Heishitou all looked like they didn't understand every word, and they didn't understand even more when added together.

The head of the academy, a familiar senior, walked up to Bai Chen.

"Fluid formula group modeling?"

Bai Chen nodded.

"I have been using the dispersion model to study the various characteristics of the subspace."

"We will talk about the details when we get back."

"Now, let me talk about my idea."

"Verified by the Bear bomber and the distributed data set sent back by the Black Iron Punk Suit."

"My model is 90% reliable."

"From the model, the subspace psychic energy is now spreading to the depths of the deep ocean."

"The psychic energy they spew has attracted a large group of cloud whales and a large number of predators."

"The various creatures in the deep ocean will also be attracted to the subspace boundary with the strongest psychic energy by the psychic energy released by the subspace."

Bai Chen drew a dot on the dragon egg, and then drew a circle around this dot.

"This is the deep ocean area centered on the extinct volcano island."

"My idea is to use the subspace psychic energy to attract deep ocean creatures in this area as the premise, and use the egg of the double-titled legend as bait to go fishing in the sea."

"Use a bear bomber to fish?"

The blue-skinned girl Hedria blurted out.

Wei Changkong, Yu Zhou, and Heishi looked at Bai Chen in disbelief.

Such a big war machine is used for fishing, just thinking about it makes me feel so happy.

The egg of the double-titled legend is the bait, and the bomber is the fishing rod.

Bai Chen wants to break the human fishing record?

"Let's set a small goal first, and catch a Cthulhu."

"I think the abyss monster with tentacles under its big eyeballs is good."

"Fishing for dragons, whether it's the Eastern Dragon, the Western Dragon, or various ancient dragons."

"Jellyfish are also good. There are giant symbiotes in the deep ocean that share the same body and have hundreds of millions of different brains."

"Driving an excavator is a man's romance, and driving a bomber to catch deep-sea creatures is also a waste of men."

"Classmate Bai Chen (junior), count me in!"

The college boss, the familiar senior student, wished he could return to the bomber right now, weave fishing lines, make fish hooks, and catch a few dragons that can strengthen his virility first.

The wishes of human men are so simple and unpretentious.

Bai Chen was speechless.

"We are using bombers to fish. But the targets are not high-IQ creatures such as dragons, symbiotic jellyfish, and big-eyed creatures."

"We must also exclude those high-combat creatures that are obviously not good at first glance."

"Consider the diet of the creatures in the sea of ​​clouds."

"Those with only meat and no eggs must also be excluded."

"Our target is very simple."

"Fish with seeds, shrimps and crabs with seeds, sea scorpions, and a few soft bodies such as octopuses and squids."

"In addition, deep-sea fungi that can produce giant spores and deep-sea plants that can produce fruits are also in the range of alternative targets."

"The psychic attribute restrictions of this egg, combined with the psychic strength we collected, ocean currents, sea water temperature, etc."

"Whether my idea can be implemented into a specific plan and whether it can be realized in the end is unknown."

Fishing with a bomber is simple, but fishing is just a means.

Can Bai Chen get the cloud sea ecosystem trading tokens and eggs of deep-sea creatures from the spoils?

In addition to luck, science is more needed.

Otherwise, even if Bai Chen had three heads and six arms, he would not be able to catch a delicious big fish that can be sliced ​​and eaten in the ocean where there is no fish.

Everyone calmed down.

Bomber fishing is very romantic.

But it is not easy to achieve it.

"Sir Bai Chen, what about us?"

The cloud whale group represented by the cloud whale patriarchs definitely does not want to stand idly by.

Letting Bai Chen fight on the front line while they sit and collect money is not the habit of the cloud whales to treat their allies.

Standing shoulder to shoulder with Bai Chen to fight against the world is the cloud whale's creed.

"Patriarchs, you are the main force I envisioned."

"We can't catch much by ourselves."

"We mainly play the role of confirming the target."

"Whether the target group can be pulled out of the ocean requires the cloud whales to work hard."

The cloud whale patriarchs smiled with satisfaction.

They are not afraid of working hard.

They are only afraid that they can't help Bai Chen.

"I will inform you of the specific plan as soon as I confirm whether my idea can be realized, and then study the fishing method suitable for cloud whales."

"What about me?"

Hydria pointed at herself.

Bomber fishing or bombing fish.

How could she miss such a fun thing.

"I can go up to the sky, dive into the sea, touch shrimps, and chase fish!" Hederia said proudly.

"In the deep ocean, Hederia is very powerful."

The cloud whale leaders told the truth.

After all, playing in the water is a professional for Hederia, a creature from the deep ocean.

Bai Chen did not agree or refuse immediately, but said ambiguously: "Wait until we collect information about the sea area around the dead volcano island to confirm whether there are prey we want, and then talk about other things."

"Cloud Whale Leaders, let's stop here today."


"Does your friend stay here or go back together?"

Yu Zhou thought about it and decided to follow the original plan.

"Heishitou, what about you?"

Heishitou looked tangled.

He really wanted to see what else was here with Yu Zhou.

But he thought about the idea of ​​participating in Bai Chen's bomber fishing.

After all, as a simple young man who likes machinery, he also likes fishing.

After a game, he didn't know what the trophy was until he came out of the water.

Although fishing is one of the oldest hunting methods of mankind.

But the happiness brought by fishing is much greater than the same source and skin-changing versions of drawing SSR, opening boxes, and opening lucky bags, which can also produce a lot of dopamine and gain happiness.

The genes of fishing and hunting are indelible in the human body.

"It's okay, it won't be a big deal for a while."

Bai Chen turned his head and looked at the college boss and the familiar senior.

They said in unison: "Let's go back together."

"Well, let's pack the eggs of the soul-sucking insects first."

As soon as Bai Chen finished speaking, Heishitou rolled up his sleeves.

A pair of unicorn arms that are thicker and bigger than ordinary people appeared.

Yu Zhou also took off his coat and joined the ranks of moving eggs.

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