I can summon myself

Chapter 172 This is Impossible

A quarter of an hour later, Bai Chen led the curious vampire leader to the processing center on the back of the bear bomber.

It was not the highest-level clean laboratory that Mace imagined could be used to produce psychic chips.

It was not an emotionless pharmaceutical machine, like a high-speed gear-running machine, a precise production line.

Ordinary layout, ordinary equipment, ordinary students.

It looked no different from those ordinary metalworking practice workshops in ordinary colleges.

Is this where the black iron punk suits are produced? Mace thought it couldn't be that simple.

Sure enough, he found a clue.

"If we want to achieve a guaranteed 50% efficiency, our process still has problems."

"The heat treatment is not in place, and the hand-made regular pattern also has a large error."

"Although the process is shorter, the difficulty has increased a lot."

"It's still not proficient enough."

"The proficiency has increased, the completion has also increased, and the pass rate should be able to meet the minimum requirements."

The four doctors A, B, C, and D brought their own brick-moving graduate students to discuss one after another.

"50% guaranteed?"


Mess listened for a long time, but didn't know what they were discussing.

Bai Chen and the college leaders did not interrupt their discussion.

Until the end of the discussion, A, B, C, and D, who decided to start with the simplest proficiency, discovered their arrival.

"Brother Bai Chen, I'm ashamed."

"You've handed us the drawings and samples for so many days, but we can't produce a new generation of black iron substrates with a guaranteed 50% psychic energy utilization rate on a large scale."

"Brother, we need at least two weeks."

"Now we can only continue to use the psychic matrix with a guaranteed 40% as the basis of the black iron punk suit."

A, B, C, and D looked ashamed.

The brick-moving graduate students also looked ashamed.

Bai Chen gave everyone the world's best technology.

But they couldn't produce it in the first place.

I'm really sorry for Bai Chen's cultivation.

"The guaranteed 50% cost was originally prepared for the next generation of black iron punk suits."

"Brothers, don't be too stressed."

"Is there an empty operating table now?"

Bai Chen said to Dr. A, who was in charge of the overall situation.

"Yes, a full-function matrix table has just been maintained."

Dr. Jia led Bai Chen to a corner of the processing center.

"Jiangnan 18-type psychic matrix production center produced by Jiangnan Heavy Machinery."

"An antique from 45 years ago."

"But it is well maintained."

Mes, who knew the production year of the matrix table, took the initiative to walk to the operating table.

Under the curious gaze of the workers A, B, C, D, etc.

He completed the complicated processes such as inspection, cold start, and testing very skillfully, and adjusted the state of the workbench to the best.

"I will make a black iron substrate."

Mes' voice was full of pride.

50% guaranteed?

40% guaranteed?

The group of workers in Yanyu College are really good at bragging.

As an old worker in the substrate industry.

Mes is very clear about the current ceiling of the black iron substrate's psychic utilization rate.

In addition to the previous gossip that the supplier of Dongtu Sun, Moon, and Star experimental equipment claimed to have obtained the basic psychic formula with an efficiency of 40%.

The current efficiency king of black iron substrates is none other than himself.

Originally, Mace wanted to use the new generation of substrates he developed as the trump card of their family business and make a splash in the industry.

But now the situation is stronger than people. In order to let Bai Chen see his ability and the value of their vampires.

Mace chose to take it out. In exchange for good treatment for him and his people.

"Let Bai Chen see what real technology and real strength are."

Mace entered the working state instantly.

He was dressed like an antique noble unearthed from the Middle Ages. He worked smoothly, efficiently and accurately, like an emotionless brick mover. Under his carving and stacking.

A piece of exquisite black iron substrate like a work of art gradually took shape.

"This vampire is good."

"He is really good at work."

"He must have moved bricks for hundreds of years, but he is so skilled."

"He is wearing a set of black leather clothes and pants, and he is faster than the fastest among us."

Brick movers A, B, C, D and others looked at him sideways.

Apart from other things, from the performance of Mei Si, he is definitely a master in the field of brick moving.

"It seems that the part about brick moving on his resume should not be false."

The college boss nodded to Bai Chen.

Such superb skills prove that Mei Si's attainments in brick moving manual work are quite amazing.

Half an hour later.

A 20-centimeter square black iron substrate came out of the oven.

Compared with the works of A, B, C, and D, which have flying lines, patches, and obvious traces of repeated polishing.

Mei Si's substrate, which was formed in one go and full of smooth beauty, can be called a work of art in terms of craftsmanship.

"The utilization rate of spiritual energy is 38.4%!"

"Sir Bai Chen, please correct me."

Mei Si politely sent the black iron substrate to Bai Chen.

There was undisguised pride in his voice.

"Even the top black iron substrate technology of major laboratories cannot have a higher utilization rate of spiritual energy than mine."

He looked at Bai Chen confidently.

With such a utilization rate.

Bai Chen should have a big surprise at this moment.

If he wants it, he must guarantee the treatment of their clan in the next five years.

Mace is already thinking about how to use his sophisticated negotiation experience.

Let Bai Chen and Yanyu College regard their clan as guests of honor.

However, what he expected was.

Hearing the figure of 38.4%.

Bai Chen seemed to smile, but there was no trace of the excitement that Mace expected in his calm eyes.

A, B, C, D and a group of graduate students who were working hard looked at him with pity.

Mace was stunned.

Is there something wrong with his substrate?

No, today he used the control power of the fifth level of the controller and created his masterpiece with all his heart.

His work is flawless and impeccable.

After a moment of silence.

The kind-hearted Dr. A took out a piece from the pile of substrates on the side.


Mace took it.

The surface of the substrate was uneven and bumpy.

The spiritual energy matrix on the substrate was also crooked.

The overall craftsmanship was simply terrible.

Compared to his elaborate work.

The craftsmanship of this substrate is just that of an apprentice.

Next, it is the regular text.

The regular text created by the basic psychic formula is the key to determining the performance of the substrate.

"What formula is this?"

"I have never seen it before!"

"Psychic energy, can it be used like this?"

Mace's face became solemn.

After getting Bai Chen's consent.

He injected his psychic energy into this substrate.

The substrate immediately emitted the blinding light he had seen on the cloud whale.

At this time, he had no intention of complaining.

He checked three times to confirm that his perception was correct.

The confident vampire leader screamed.

"Psychic energy utilization rate is 41.3%!"

"This is impossible!"

Mace stood there as if he was covered in petrification magic.

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