I can summon myself

Chapter 163 The truth


Yu Zhou, the person in charge of the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market, exclaimed.

He didn't understand why Hydria was on the aircraft of Yanyu Academy.

She was also wearing a collar, bracelet, and shackles specially used by the East Earth Psychic Association to restrict the controller.

"I'm not, I don't have it, you recognized the wrong person."

Hydria's expression froze, she bent down, bent her knees, hugged her knees, lowered her head, buried her face between her knees, and curled up in the blink of an eye.

Bai Chen·······

Teachers and students of Yanyu Academy······

Yu Zhou·······

Even the captured vampires wiped their foreheads with one hand, unable to bear to look directly, and speechless.

Miss Hydria, with your skin that is bluer than the heart of the ocean and your appearance that is more distinctive than the big cloud whale, can you get away with it by lowering your head?

"Sir Bai Chen, what happened to Hydria?"

Yu Zhou didn't know the exchange proposed by Mace.

He and three other high-level controllers were brought here by the vampires without knowing anything.

"Hydria is an ally of Mace's group. She and Mace's men attacked us together because we received a distress signal from your survivors."

Bai Chen briefly introduced the situation.

Yu Zhou turned his head and found that his companions were also stunned.

From beginning to end, they didn't know that Hydria, a companion of Mace's group, was also on the submarine.

"Can we let her go first?"

Yu Zhou smiled bitterly.


Bai Chen refused without hesitation.

What a joke, this is the command center of the Bear bomber, and the Bear bomber is now at an altitude of 10,000 meters. If this blue-skinned girl suddenly goes crazy, everyone in Yanyu Academy will be unlucky.

Bai Chen will not take this risk.

Besides, although Wei Changkong confirmed the identities of Yu Zhou and the other four.

But no matter how familiar they are with Hydria.

Bai Chen will not let her go just like that.

"Sorry, I slipped my tongue."

Yu Zhou remembered that this was not the Deep Ocean Market No. 5.

Yanyu Academy was not as familiar with Hydria as he was.

"Sir Bai Chen, can I talk to Hydria?"

Yu Zhou said earnestly.

Bai Chen nodded, indicating that he was free.

Yu Zhou walked in front of Hydria.

"Since we are very happy to cooperate, can you tell us what happened?"

"Why did Mace suddenly invade the Deep Ocean Market No. 5 and kidnap everyone?"

"What is his purpose?"

Yu Zhou had communicated with the vampires.

But even now he didn't know what the specific demands of Mace and his gang were.

After controlling the entire submarine fleet, the vampires did not make any demands at all.

Even after confirming that they had controlled the situation, they did not communicate with anyone.

What puzzled Yu Zhou was that the vampires had not touched the warehouse of the Deep Ocean Market No. 5, which stored precious resources.

They did not kill people or plunder.

They also let the survivors ask for help 24*7.

Yu Zhou had no idea what they were doing.

And seeing Hedria today, he felt even more confused.

Since Deep Ocean Market and Hedria's parents had cooperated for hundreds of years, it was definitely a pleasant experience, and he had never been rude to Hedria.

But Hedria joined the Mace vampire side without even saying hello.

Although she had never attacked Deep Ocean Market No. 5.

But Yu Zhou really didn't understand why.

Hedria raised her head with anger on her face.

She said angrily: "Why? You still have the nerve to ask me why?"

"You are my friend, and Mace is also my friend. Logically speaking, I, who was caught in the middle, should not easily take sides in your previous problems."

"But this time you went too far."

"How could you sell Mace's daughter?"

Yu Zhou was stunned.

He pointed at his face: "You said I sold Mace's daughter?"

"That's not right."

"When did we sell vampires at the Deep Ocean Market No. 5?"

"In the past three years, we haven't sold any humanoid creatures!"

Yu Zhou's companions thought that the blue-skinned girl was wrong.

As the big bosses of the Deep Ocean Market No. 5, they knew very well the content of every auction in the market.

In the past three years, the market has not sold any humanoid creatures at all.

"You sold it!"

Hedria looked at Yu Zhou with disappointment.

If she hadn't investigated it clearly, how could she and Mace kidnap the entire Deep Ocean Market No. 5?


Yu Zhou suddenly remembered the auction three months ago.

"Three months ago, we were entrusted by the seller to auction an egg emitting blood psychic energy at a quarterly auction."

"Could it be Mace's daughter?"

Puff, the melon-eating senior sister burst into laughter.

"Batman popped out of an egg!"

"Fuck Batman, Batman is human, human, human."

"Just a joke, don't worry about these details."

"No, there are two ways for vampires to reproduce. One is that the upper vampires, who are familiar with everyone, give humans the first embrace. During the exchange of body fluids, the blood-based psychic DNA chain is injected into the embraced person. When the blood-based psychic DNA chain replaces the genes of the embraced person, the transformation from human to vampire is completed."

"The other is the cover article published by the City of All Spirits in Science and Nature. If the vampire mothers are willing to sacrifice most of their own potential of essence, spirit and spirit, they can use the essence and blood of both parties to create their next generation in a way similar to human pregnancy."

"Although the pregnancy time is different, it is definitely viviparous, not laying an egg!"

Suddenly, the top students of Yanyu Academy remembered Bai Chen's previous introduction to this group of temperature-changing vampires.

They are hybrids who stole the blood of sea dragons.

"I know, it must be that the degree of dragonization of Meis's daughter is too high, so she changed the traditional way of vampire birth and mutated into oviparous like sea dragons!"

Yu Zhou and the three high-level controllers looked at each other sideways.

Yanyu Academy is quite powerful.

Not only did they see through the hybrid of Meis and the vampires.

They also deduced the truth of the incident from Hedria's words?

Yes, Yu Zhou felt that the judgment of the top students of Yanyu Academy was correct.

It is very likely to be like this.

The degree of dragonization of Meis' daughter was so high that Yu Zhou and the appraisers of the Deep Ocean Market No. 5 did not recognize her true identity, but auctioned her off as the egg of an unknown blood creature.

This resulted in this misunderstanding.

"Hedria, if I knew that the egg sold was Meis' daughter, I would never put it up for auction."

"Although Meis and his gang are not familiar with each other, we have rules for any humanoid creatures in the Deep Ocean Market No. 5."

"However, it has come to this."

"How should we deal with it?"

Although Yu Zhou was facing Hedria, his eyes fell on Bai Chen.

"Mr. Bai Chen, what do you think?"

The person in charge of the Deep Ocean No. 5 said sincerely.

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