I can summon myself

Chapter 156: The Immaculate Emperor Body

"Mr. Bai Chen, I am very familiar with the East Earth Psychic Association."

"Whether it is the association's work style or the information within the association, I have direct access to the legendary title."

"I have considerable connections in the imperial capital and overseas branches. I can fill the foundation that you and Yanyu Academy lack in the controller level."

"My ability to do things is pretty good. I can be competent for the position of steward around you."

Liu Da talked about all his abilities and his desire to become Bai Chen's steward.

After introducing everything.

Liu Da waited for Bai Chen's verdict.

"My Lord, although this guy is a selfish and self-reliant villain, at present, he has the ability that Yanyu Academy and Wu Laoguai lack."

Blue Star Bai Chen thought he could give this guy a chance.

Immortal King Bai Chen also thought he could let him work first.

"Even if the Liu family in the imperial capital reacted immediately, it would be impossible for them to rush here immediately. We are short of manpower now. Although Liu Da is a little old, he is also a good laborer as a controller."

"By the way, we can also use Liu Da to contain Liu Ershiwu."

"These two are tit-for-tat, so you can sit on the Diaoyutai."

Bai Chen nodded.

"Butler Liu, please get up."

"I just need someone now."

Liu Da understood Bai Chen's subtext.

Now I give you a chance to perform. If you perform well, there is nothing to say.

If you don't perform well, Liu Da will have no future.

"Master Bai Chen, I will never let you down."

Butler Liu Da changed his words immediately.

Bai Chen waved his hand unhappily: "Don't call me master, don't call me master, young master, etc."

"Okay, Master Bai."

Liu Juedai's address made Bai Chen roll his eyes.

Liu Da's eyes turned.

"Master Bai Chen, do you think this is okay? Normally, I will still call you Lord Bai Chen, and maintain the previous relatively independent status in front of outsiders."

"In this way, if the Liu family in the imperial capital wants to collect information about you from the survivors, they will definitely not be able to bypass me."

"We have the opportunity to provide false information."

Bai Chen smiled: "Can we also trick Liu Ershiwu?"

The flattery on Liu Da's face became even stronger.


Bai Chen waved his hand.

Liu Da wisely left the tent.

Liu Juedai walked to a corner of the tent and picked up a stainless steel basin.

"Master, I will get you some water to wash your feet."

Bai Chen did not speak.

Still smiling, he looked at Liu Juedai quietly.

Being swept by Bai Chen's eyes full of teasing but inexplicable color.

Liu Juedai knew that it would never work to fool Bai Chen with the excuse of getting water to wash his feet.

She returned to Bai Chen.

She lifted up her large blue and white sportswear, revealing her belly with only a layer of skin.

She bit her lips tightly and took Bai Chen's right hand.

She put Bai Chen's palm on her abdomen.

There was a hard feeling at the touch.

It seemed that it was not flesh and blood, but a cold metal plate.


Immortal King Bai Chen was a little confused.

This had nothing to do with the nameless physique he judged.

"I can communicate with heaven and earth, and I can also absorb the spiritual energy and breath between heaven and earth."

"But no matter how much I absorb, they will gather in the abdomen to form this thing that can be touched, but no inspection method can detect it."

Bai Chen suddenly realized.

"So, you hide your ability to communicate with heaven and earth."

Although communicating with heaven and earth is a common feature of genius-level geniuses.

But using the spiritual energy, breath, and power of heaven and earth is the standard of whether it is a genius or not.

If she rashly told the Liu family of the imperial capital that she could communicate with heaven and earth.

But in the end, she could not exert a trace of the power of heaven and earth.

It would only disappoint the Liu family of the imperial capital.

Make those who already see them as thorns in their eyes even more hostile and make more small moves.

Having the ability to communicate but not being able to use the power of heaven and earth to grow will make their sisters' situation more dangerous.

Bai Chen understood why she only showed her ability to be proved by heaven and earth now.

"Master, check it out."

Immortal King Bai Chen reminded.

The Great Void Cultivation Method in Bai Chen's body turned.

A void energy instantly appeared in his palm.

The pretty face of the peerless maid suddenly turned red.

The warmth on Bai Chen's palm made her a little intoxicated.

Although Bai Chen deliberately avoided all her sensitive parts.

But after a bit of practice.

The peerless maid still blushed and was very shy.


"Except for the hard part on her abdomen, everything else can match the nameless physique."

Immortal King Bai Chen felt that he was not wrong.

"Just ask."

Bai Chen used his thoughts to infuse his personal feelings about the peerless maid into the strange keyboard.

Instantly received countless feedback.

"The Impervious Emperor Body!"

"The true Great Emperor's physique!"

"Among the Great Emperor's physiques, it is also a top-level type that is expected to reach the highest level."

"Master, what you touched is the first layer of the golden body membrane of the Impervious Emperor Body. This is the first layer of hard membrane that grows from the abdomen, the biggest loophole in the human body, to isolate the inside and outside."

"Very normal."

"However, the Impervious Emperor Body is a big consumer of resources. It is not easy for you to cultivate it."

"Fortunately, the Land of Embers just meets the environmental needs of the Wuluo Emperor Body in its early stages."

"My dear, I will now teach you how to cultivate a leak-free imperial body."

Streams of information poured into Bai Chen's sea of ​​consciousness.

Bai Chen quickly understood how to train a peerless little maid.

At this time, her hesitating sound, which was not much louder than a mosquito, came to my ears.

"Master, can you take your hands away?"

Only then did Bai Chen realize that his right hand was still resting on Liu Juedai's lower abdomen.

He quickly retracted his right hand.

With a serious look on her face, she said to the peerless little maid: "After examination, I know what your condition is now."

Liu Juedai suppressed the shyness in his heart.

She waited intently for what was to come.

"Your physique is called the Wuluo Emperor Physique. It is an emperor-level physique that is expected to lead directly to high-level heaven-defying myths."

"The first layer of the Wuluo Emperor's body, the golden body membrane, is what is growing on your body now."

"If you want to make the golden body membrane complete, any cultivation method will not work."

"It needs a corresponding environment to be able to cover the whole body on its own."

"Only after the golden body membrane has completely isolated your internal and external bodies, can you practice using the special cultivation method for the Wu Leak Imperial Body."

"Now we need to create an environment suitable for the growth of your Golden Body Mask."

Bai Chen stood up and put on his coat.

"Let's go and see which place you like."

As a place of embers, every place on the extinct volcanic island can be transformed into a training ground dedicated to Liu Juedai.

Let the little maid choose the one she likes.

It will not increase Bai Chen's workload.


Liu Juedai said in surprise.

"Yes, choose a place now. I will stay up all night tonight to give you a drawing. Tomorrow the seniors will be able to build a training ground based on the drawing."

“The earlier you start, the sooner you will grow.”

"You can't keep it so hard that it feels like a metal brick."

Pfft, Liu Juedai laughed.

The beauty of the prosperous age, the elegance of the world.

For a moment, Bai Chen's eyes went straight.

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