I can summon myself

Chapter 150 How much do you want?

"First, I want to know the master's purpose."

Tian Gang took out all the small pills. "The boxed version is the normal version that Junior Brother is going to sell for cash."

"Two bags of super large cups, one bag is for the old principal, and the other bag is for me."

He opened the box.

"The small one takes 30 minutes, 300 pills, the large one takes 60 minutes, also 300 pills, and the super large cup takes 120 minutes and 50 pills."

"Sell for money?"

Wu Laoguai blinked.

"Yes, Junior Brother wants to go to Shenyang Market to solve the problem of insufficient labor."

"But Shenyang Market only supports cash and barter."

"All our money was spent on the purchase of Airport No. 5."

"So, Junior Brother wants to sell it for cash."

"We are now facing a huge funding gap and a serious shortage of manpower. We need to call up the second batch of teachers and students from Yanyu Academy."

Tian Gang told him about the situation on the dead volcano island in addition to the treasure.

"So, the suit on Yunjing is called Xuantie Punk Suit."

"Equip Yunjing and form a detection network, why didn't I think of it?"

"With Yunjing's help, our progress in detecting the subspace can be greatly accelerated. We really need to transform the dead volcano island into a foothold."

"Once the subspace is broken, the dead volcano island can even become our forward base for entering the lost contact zone."

Even if there are no embers and ember land factors.

Wu Laoguai also saw the value of the dead volcano island.

Although it is located at the end of Channel 5 and is isolated overseas, it is very difficult to supply.

But with Yunjing allies and the objective factors of the outer layer of the subspace now, its importance is self-evident.

For Yanyu Academy, it is a precious foothold in the vast ocean.

What moved Wu Laoguai even more was that Bai Chen took out his own little pills to fill the funding gap for the academy.

He was lucky to meet such a student.

"Bai Chen, don't worry, I will never let you suffer."

"I, Wu Laoguai, will remember all your efforts."

Wu Laoguai was very excited.

His three ex-girlfriends also looked at him with envy.

"I can't believe that after wasting my whole life, I actually met a good student like Bai Chen."

"Isn't it? He is so selfless and has such a big picture. I won't change him even if I have ten controllers."

"Student Bai Chen finally made me succeed."

Wu Laoguai felt sweeter than eating a ton of sugar.

He raised his chin proudly.

He looked so happy that his student Bai Chen was so awesome.

As a result, his eyes looking at Bai Chen's peerless maid softened a lot.

"If it's just about making money, how would you do it?"

Wu Laoguai wanted to see how she could maximize her benefits.

"If I have enough time."

"I will hype up these small pills."

"Have them so scarce that you can't buy them even with a checkbook."

"When the owner goes to Shenyang Market to consume, he can use them as tokens."

Liu Juedai's strategy is very simple.

Find a few well-known figures in the rigid demand world and demonstrate them on the spot.

Wait until everyone feels the power of the small pill.

Make up a story that it is naturally noble, and find a group of big guys to exaggerate its efficacy.

After arousing everyone's thoughts.

Take out a maximum of five at a time, artificially create scarcity, and push its price to the highest point.

Then keep the troops still and stop shipping.

Let the psychic honey pill become a legend in the rigid demand world.

With the connections behind Shenyang Market, they will definitely know the existence of the small pill.

Next, use limited quantity, commercial mutual promotion, and user on-site experience to maintain its price at a high point.

Become the hardest and most durable hard currency in the small pill world.

In this way, Bai Chen can take the small pill into the Deep Ocean Market and use it as a token to happily buy and buy.

"This is much more cost-effective than exchanging it for cash and trading it back and forth."

"Unfortunately, there is no time to do this now."

"Only the highest bidder can win."

The girl with twin ponytails sighed.

For auctions, there are professional personnel at Airport No. 5, and she doesn't need to say much on the occasion.

Wu Laoguai looked at Liu Juedai with sparkling eyes.

Tian Gang also looked at the second lady of the Liu family who wanted to take the initiative to become the maid of his junior brother with the eyes of a profiteer.

Even Liu Da himself found for the first time that Liu Juedai had such a skilled business skill under her sick body.

However, the better she performed.

The more she could stand beside Lord Bai Chen.

Liu Da suddenly looked forward to the future of her and her sister.

At this time, Wu Laoguai's door was knocked.

Wei Changkong, Li Shishan, Shi Qingqing, the trio of the East Earth Spiritual Energy Association walked in.

"Sorry, I heard you talking about the Shenyang Market."

As soon as Wei Changkong got out of the elevator, he heard about Liu Juedai's plan to turn the small pills into tokens.

It wasn't that he eavesdropped, nor was it that the soundproofing was poor.

As a high-level defensive controller, listening to six directions is his basic operation.

"If Bai Chen wants to spend money at the Shenyang Market."

"Actually, it doesn't have to be so troublesome."

"Just record it directly."

Shi Qingqing revealed the relationship between Shenyang Market and Dongtu Psychic Association: "Dongtu Psychic Association has 40% of the shares in Shenyang Market. If the shareholders who came from Dongtu Psychic Association and are now in Wanling City are counted, Dongtu Psychic Association has an absolute controlling stake of 68% in Shenyang Market."

"As the focus of the Association's Genius Center."

"Bai Chen is qualified to keep accounts in Shenyang Market."

Wu Laoguai and Tian Gang looked at each other.

It sounds good.

Think about it, such a large and mysterious underwater market, how could it escape the sight of Dongtu Psychic Association.

It is reasonable that Shenyang Market belongs to Dongtu Psychic Association.

"Then, what is the price?"

Tian Gang said in a deep voice.

It is easy to keep accounts, but what is required to pay off the debt is something he must figure out.

It is about Bai Chen, even if it is Dongtu Psychic Association, it cannot cheat its own junior brother.


"What's the price?"

"This is the benefit that the association gives to geniuses."

"The greater the potential of student Bai Chen, the higher his authority in the genius center, and the better treatment he can get."

"What's the point of keeping an account?"

"As long as student Bai Chen has the authority, he can turn the Deep Ocean Market submarine fleet under the Fifth Channel into his own private property, and our East Earth Psychic Association will also be happy to see it happen."

The more Bai Chen wants, the deeper his relationship with the association will be.

Shi Qingqing is eager for Bai Chen to ask for a big price.

Wu Laoguai nodded to Tian Gang.

After he confirmed it from many sources.

There is no problem with the identities of the three people in front of him.

"What is your lowest psychological price?"

Shi Qingqing pointed at the small pill.

Wu Laoguai did not speak, but looked at Liu Juedai.

"How many samples do you want?"

Liu Juedai asked back.


The miraculous effect of Bai Chen's small pill on Wu Laoguai is enough for the East Earth Psychic Association to focus on it.

In addition, Bai Chen has been included in the list of the new batch of geniuses in the Genius Center.

Shi Qingqing has the right to take care of everything.

"I think we must ask the master for his opinion."

Liu Juedai said seriously.

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