I can summon myself

Chapter 145 It turns out to be a student's work

Watching the old wizard running back to his room holding something indescribable.

"That's it?"

The former love rivals looked contemptuous.

"The old wizard can't do it."

"He's actually a pill taker."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

The melon eaters shook their heads and were quite disdainful of the old wizard's farming ability.

"I've wronged this young man."

"No, I went through all this trouble just to deliver him pills overnight."

Tian Gang's pale face received a lot of sympathetic looks. It was not easy for him to deal with such an old monster.

"Tazuna, are you okay?"

Liu Da walked to Tian Gang and expressed concern.

"Butler Liu, this is a big deal!"

Tian Gang gritted his teeth and said that one super large pill lasted for 120 minutes, and the effect of Wu Laoguai taking three extra large pills increased to 360 minutes without any loss.

"Three pills can last for 6 hours?"

Liu Da was startled.


"Two hours for one pill, six hours for three pills?"

"This joke is not funny."

"How can we humans have such a magical effect?"

"Lying and bragging must also follow the basic laws!"

"You guy, you are so unreliable."

"Can we just open our mouths and come?"

The first reaction of the fans was disbelief, and the second reaction was that Tian Gang was bragging, and all their sympathy for him turned into contempt for this kid.

Especially for users who are in urgent need of it, such as the former love rivals of Wu Laoguai. As controllers, they can be said to be experts in old and small pills, whether they are mass-produced products on the market or those that represent the top level of human research and development in this area. Laboratory products.

Absolutely no one can reach the 2-hour level with a single pill, and the effect of three pills can be directly stacked up to 6 hours without any loss.

"You are also from Yanyu Academy, right."

"Sure enough, wherever there is a founder, there will be an assembly line of products."

"The way you brag is similar to that of the old wizard."

"Not to mention the two-hour effect of one pill. If three pills are added together, Wu Laoguai can last for an hour. Your little blue pill can beat most of the others on the market."

"But is this possible?"

"It must be impossible!"

Old men with a combined age of several thousand years surrounded Tian Gang.

They all took out their own treasures.

"True Blue Pill, handmade by the pharmaceutical master of the Eastern Earth Psychic Association. That's right, it's a pharmaceutical machine named Mo Deqing. It was made by the legendary pharmacist Wang Da Chong. It uses forty-three types of psionic treasures. Materials, using gentle fire, martial fire, neither civil nor martial fire, on dry turf, wet turf, neither dry nor wet turf, polished through ninety-nine and eighty-one processes, inherited the will of a certain national football team before the era of psychic energy. Little pills!”

"My essence comes from the Andes peaks on the opposite side of the ocean, the ancient Mayan recipes, and is the essence of ancient spiritual plants carefully crafted by thirty-six pure Indian girls!"

"The Piledriver Potion from the Witcher Branch of the Witches Guild of Europe!"

"The forty-ninth generation of the Little Blue Pill developer, the Little Blue Psychic Pill."

"A 30,000-year-old shipworm artifact dug out from the permafrost by a furry bear."

Tian Gang stared blankly at the various strange things these old guys brought out.

At some point, Nuoda's landing platform turned into a large-scale drug efficacy discussion site for users who needed it.

Tian Gang finally understood why his bosses were sure that there was no shortage of customers at Airport 5.

Simply put, it is the result of a certain ability of human beings in the age of psychic energy failing to keep up with the speed of environmental evolution.

"Boy, don't be dazed!"

"Which boss made the little blue pill of the old wizard?"

The legendary pharmacist Wang Da Chong's immediate user raised his chin high and looked at the plastic bag in Tian Gang's hand with disdain in his eyes.

Even though Mist and Rain Academy has made a comeback in terms of combat effectiveness and influence due to Yunjing's allies.

I want to get on the line with a legendary pharmacist like Wang Da Chong.

It is simply impossible for a bumpkin like Yanyu Academy.

Moreover, he did not believe in the small pills provided by Yanyu Academy to the old monster.

It can be compared with the handiwork of His Excellency Wang Da Chong Legend.

"My junior brother did it!"

Tian Gang said loudly.


"It turns out to be a student work."

"Then pull him down!"

"I thought the mysterious boss who turned around Mist and Rain Academy turned out to be just a student."

"I hope the old wizard won't be poisoned by your junior brother's little pills!"

What the old men said to each other was full of disdain for Bai Chen, the maker of the pill.

Tian Gang is so young. Even if his junior brother started learning potions from his mother's womb, how much would he know with the inferior strength of Mist and Rain Academy?

Originally, these cunning guys wanted to use their precious little pills to severely stimulate Tian Gang.

Inducing him to reveal the maker of these pellets.

Let’s see if we can find any information about the sudden outbreak at Yanyu Academy.

Who knew that Silly Huhu Tian Gang didn't hide anything at all.

But the junior brother he mentioned was not at all what the old rivals in love wanted.

Even if his junior brother has talent in pharmaceuticals, he has the qualifications to be recognized by the old monster Wu in Mist and Rain College.

But so what?

For them as controllers.

A young genius who might be ranked number one in Misty Rain Academy.

Putting it in their big area is just a fart.

"It's gone, it's gone."

"After all this time, it turns out he's just a brat."

"Even a hair of Lord Wang Dachong can crush his junior brother into the dust."

It's not just these old men.

Other users who just need it also shook their heads in disappointment.

It's strange that a brat from Yanyu Academy can make a long-lasting pill.

"Super large cup 120, I don't think it's 120 minutes, but it's deliberately named 120 to deceive people."

"Such a clever trick is better not to use!"

"I thought I could know an unknown master, but I didn't know it was just a brat."

The ridicule of Bai Chen continued, and anger kept rising in Tian Gang's heart.

These old bastards actually looked down on their own junior brother?

Just when he couldn't bear it anymore and was ready to let Yunjing teach these guys a lesson.

Butler Liu suddenly said loudly: "Everyone, whether something is good or not depends on its actual effect, right?"

"It's already two o'clock in the morning, and one hundred and twenty minutes have passed since Mr. Wu took it, and he hasn't come out."

"So what?"

The old men looked at him sideways.

"Most likely Mr. Wu is afraid to see people!"

"Pretending to take it accidentally is just a trick to cover up his poor farming ability."

"Otherwise, if it really works."

"Even if it takes three pills for 100 minutes, it's pretty good. With Mr. Wu's character, how could he not show up?"

"It's nothing more than the effect of the medicine ended early, and he hid in the room pretending to be dead."

Liu smiled faintly.

"In that case, why don't we go to the door of his room and listen to see if there is any movement?"

"Haha, still not giving up?"

"Since you are not afraid of Mr. Wu, Yanyu Academy is embarrassed, what do we have to be afraid of!"

Anyway, Mr. Wu's former rivals know it very well.

According to the work and rest schedule of their own goddesses, they have already rested in the three major clusters in the sky.

They were not worried that their goddess might be in Wu Laoguai's room at this moment.

"Let's go!"

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