I can summon myself

Chapter 135 A visitor from the East Earth Psychic Energy Association

At dawn, a triangular aircraft engraved with the emblem of the Eastern Earth Psychic Association flew over Airport 5.

The door of the five-thousand-meter-high aircraft opened.

A middle-aged man in a green shirt with a long sword tied to his waist came out of the cabin.

After falling two thousand meters at a high speed like a free fall.

He was glowing with spiritual energy.

As if bathed in white light, it hovered steadily at an altitude of three thousand meters.

He clasped his hands behind his back and walked toward Airport 5 in the air.

At this moment, the ten cloud whales still swimming in the airport airspace looked curiously at the human walking in the sky.


"No, he is not a legend. According to the standards of Bai Chen's allies, we can know the name of a true legend as soon as we see him."

"It should be a high-level controller around the fifteenth level of controller."

The sights of the cloud whales moved as he moved.

The man returned a friendly look.

"There isn't much hostility in their spiritual energy fluctuations."

"This creature named Cloud Whale by Yanyu Academy should not be a brutal predator."

The middle-aged man with flying black hair said to his companion in the triangular aircraft.

"Indeed, their breath of life is very clean and they are not evil creatures."

"If they were a murderous species, Mist and Rain Academy would have died long ago. How can we become allies with them?"

The Eastern Earth Psychic Association aircraft, which had made a preliminary judgment on the cloud whale, drew a beautiful arc in the sky and stopped steadily at the take-off and landing site of Airport 5.

When the aircraft door opens again.

The middle-aged man, who was walking with his hands behind his back, also arrived at the landing site.

A man and a woman stepped out of the aircraft.

The man is of medium height and has gray hair. He has a pair of curious eyes under his reading glasses. He has a poetic and elegant demeanor that complements his white coat.

The woman with the ponytail is very young, and her well-tailored workplace attire looks full of business style.

Gu Shao and others took the initiative to greet them.

"Your Excellency Wei Changkong."

"Professor Li Shishan."

"Director Shi Qingqing."

The middle-aged man and three other people also said hello to them.

"Where is the founder of Misty Rain Academy?"

Wei Changkong searched for a long time, but could not find the figure of the old monster Wu.




The reactions on everyone's faces that wanted to laugh but were embarrassed made the three of them very curious.

"Xiao Gu, what's going on?"

Li Shishan's old voice sounded.

"Earlier today, the old monster Wu was brought into the luxurious suite of the floating pillar No. 4 by a group of his ex-girlfriends."

"According to a waiter who did not want to be named, there is a fierce fighting in the suite..."

Gu Shaoyi's explanation left the three of them speechless.

"Who can communicate with them now?"

Wei Changkong pointed at the cloud whale swimming in the sky.

"no one."

"But Butler Liu of the Liu family of the Imperial City who boarded the No. 1 lifeboat of Yanyu Academy cannot do it. He is just a hitchhiking guest."

Gu Shaoyi shrugged.

"Then I'll take a rest first."

Li Shishan moved his somewhat stiff body. It was not easy for an old man like him to come here overnight.

"Chief Gu, please show me the requirements of Mist and Rain College."

Shi Qingqing entered working mode.

"I'll take a look around."

Wei Changkong said calmly.

The three-person team was disbanded on the spot.

It wasn't until the afternoon that the old wizard came out of the suite.

With a bruised nose and swollen face, he looked miserable after being PPPPPVP'd.

"Wipe your face."

Li Shishan kindly handed Old Monster Wu a box of tissues.

The old wizard shook his head: "Thank you, it's useless."

"Shall we start now?"

Wei Changkong said.

The door closed slowly.

The old wizard and the three people from the Eastern Earth Psionics Association were sitting face to face.

"At the end of Channel 5, there is an extinct volcanic island. Our Yanyu College has obtained its ownership from the Liu Family of the Imperial Capital."

"We are going to transform it into a base suitable for crested ibises to live in."

The old monster Wu got straight to the point.

It is impossible to hide from the Eastern Earth Psychic Association under the guise of Cloud Whale.

Therefore, except that the existence of the Fire Demon Ember and the Ember Land cannot be leaked.

The old monster Wu didn't hide anything else.

The three of them recorded everything meticulously.

"Tell me about Bai Chen."

"Since it's related to the crested ibis, it must be related to classmate Bai Chen who improved the crayfish."

Shi Qingqing's eyes were burning.

"Don't ask me, I don't know, don't make random guesses."

The old weirdo came and denied it three times.

Not only that, he also said sarcastically: "Since when has the Dongtu Psynergy Association become such a gossip? How about classmate Bai Chen, does it have anything to do with our Yanyu College's plan to build a Crested Ibis base?"

Shi Qingqing was not upset, and she said secretly: "Relatedly, if there is no variable like Bai Chen, the upper limit of Yanyu College is just the second-rate flower, bird, fish and insect department specialized college in Jiangnan Region."

"I don't think anyone in Yanyu Academy, except for Bai Chen, can be related to a creature like Cloud Whale."


The old witch curled his lips with a stern expression that said it was none of your business and you only talked nonsense.


Wei Changkong stopped Shi Qingqing's desire to break the casserole and get to the bottom of the matter. It would be weird if the truth could be obtained from an old man like Wu Laoguai.

He said sternly: "Your Excellency Wu Yiming, I can understand your concerns. If our Dongtu Psionics Association had a genius like Bai Chen, we would never announce him to the public unless it was absolutely necessary, so you can rest assured. According to the regulations of our Dongtu Psionics Association, the existence of Bai Chen in this matter, except for you and me, except for colleagues of the Dongtu Genius Center of the Psionics Association who are qualified to know, Bai Chen’s name will never appear in any public disclosure. , non-public report, information.”

"I think Principal Wu, you should understand that our Eastern Earth Psionics Association has the ability to protect Eastern Earth's geniuses."

The old weirdo raised his eyebrows: "So, my classmate Bai Chen has come into the sight of your Eastern Earth Psionics Association?"

"As early as when Bai Chen's improved crayfish attracted crested ibises to come for a late-night snack, our colleagues from the Jiangnan Region of the Dongtu Psionics Association had already submitted Bai Chen's name to the Genius Center."

"It's just that none of us expected that Bai Chen's talent is beyond imagination."

Wei Changkong straightened his body: "Let me introduce myself, Wei Changkong. My guard number is 29784561 at the Genius Center of the Eastern Earth Psychic Association. I am the sky-type defender of the seventeenth level. Before classmate Bai Chen returns to Yanyu Academy, I will Responsible for his safety."

Shi Qingqing also stood up. She pointed at herself: "Shi Qingqing, the liaison officer of the Genius Center of the Eastern Earth Psychic Association. I will be the exclusive liaison between Bai Chen and the association."

The old monster Wu finally had a look of surprise on his face.

Two of the three-person team sent by the Dongtu Psionics Association actually came for Bai Chen.

Before he entered, he just thought that the three of them were called by Airport No. 5 to protect the safety of the airport and negotiate on the list of supplies for Yanyu College.

The old weirdo Wu looked at Li Shishan, who looked like a master at first sight.

"I would like to ask Bai Chen about creatures like Cloud Whale."

Mr. Li's words completely proved that Mr. Wu's judgment was wrong.

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