I can summon myself

Chapter 132 Bai Chen's Proof Method

"Krao, call for another thousand cloud whales."

Bai Chen said calmly.


Krao readily agreed.

In its eyes, there is no difference between a hundred and a thousand.

Compared to the spiritual energy black iron recipe that Bai Chen gave them, which is a top gift that can comprehensively enhance the strength of the cloud whale clan.

This small request is no problem for them who are full of gratitude.

The teachers and students of Yanyu College in the command center were stunned by the domineering power contained in Bai Chen's words.

"One hundred of them have already made Airport No. 5 tremble, and now there are another thousand?"

"Junior Bai Chen, you are too tough."

"But why do I think your proof method is so cool?"

"The way to prove that the one hundred cloud whale allies are here to be porters, rather than to form a group attack, is to call another thousand cloud whales!"

"Hahahaha, this slap is flying."

"There is nothing wrong with it. One hundred cloud whales are enough to turn Airport No. 5 into ruins. Another thousand will definitely make Airport No. 5 understand that we have cloud whales as allies. If we really want to make trouble, Airport No. 5 will not even have a slag left after a thousand cloud whales crush us."

Mo Qianxing nodded, reopened the public channel and said to Gu Shao: "In order to prove our intention, we decided to invite another thousand cloud whales to fly to Airport No. 5 and watch strongly."

After saying that, she couldn't help laughing herself.


"We have a special way to prove it at Yanyu College."

"Let's set a small goal first, and ask a thousand cloud whale allies to keep the peace."

The teasing laughter of the teachers and students of Yanyu College reached Airport No. 5.

But whether it was the staff of Airport No. 5 represented by Gu Shaoyi, or the teachers and students of Jiangnan District, or the three major aircraft clusters in other districts.

Bai Chen's way of proof was like a fairy from the sky, a thunderbolt, and it made their scalps numb.

As if they were electrocuted by 100,000 volts, each of them had stars in their eyes.

"Use a thousand cloud whales to prove that a hundred cloud whale porters are harmless to workers and livestock?"

"What hatred, what resentment, are you afraid that you can't scare people to death?"

"Ten thousand MMPs!"

If it was just a strong mouth, it would be fine.

When seeing the cloud whale group on the radar screen flying out of another thousand cloud whales.

The public channel was instantly silent.

Everyone at Airport No. 5 looked like there was no justice and no law, as if they had been applauded by a husky.

Bai Chen's goal of proving that the cloud whale porters are harmless to animals and livestock has been achieved.

However, the additional 1,000 whales still remain in the cloud whale brigade 3,500 kilometers away. Not only has the pressure on Airport No. 5 not been reduced, but it is far more than the deterrent of 100 cloud whale porters.

One sentence can call 1,000 cloud whales.

I believe that even if the entire cloud whale group is called, it will only take a few minutes.

For the people of Airport No. 5, this is a more terrible result than Mount Tai falling on their heads.

"Now it should be possible to prove that the cloud whales are allies of our Yanyu Academy."

Mo Qianxing said seriously.


Gu Shaoyi squeezed out this word from his teeth. If he said no, God knows what kind of trouble Yanyu Academy would make.

"Should they be let in?"

The staff of Airport No. 5 pushed a small note in front of him.

If the normal procedure is followed to confirm the identity of Yanyu Academy and their cloud whale ally, the airspace should be opened to allow Yanyu Academy's No. 1 lifeboat to enter.

But now there are a full 1,100 cloud whales.

No one dared to agree rashly.

But at the same time, due to their terrifying power to wipe out Airport No. 5 from the map, no one dared to refuse directly.

Gu Shaoyi kept scratching his head. This question was really terrible.

The next moment, the assumption on the note became a reality.

Mo Qianxing said: "Since our identities and those of our allies have been confirmed, we will apply for landing now."

"In addition, please prepare Airport No. 5. The amount of materials we purchase this time is very, very large. We need a dedicated take-off and landing platform to meet our material transportation needs."

Gu Shao made up his mind.

It's a gamble.

Anyway, if Yunjing really wants to make trouble, they can't stop it.

"Yanyu Academy, your No. 1 lifeboat can land at any time."

"Your allies can also enter the No. 5 airport with no more than three at a time."


Gu Shao paused, and his official attitude turned into a soft and gentle request: "Commander Mo Qianxing, and everyone from Yanyu Academy, your allies have put too much pressure on us. If you really want to come, can you wait until tomorrow morning so that we have time to set up the take-off and landing platform you need?"

"It's already one o'clock in the morning, and it's really inconvenient in the dark."


Bai Chen, who had achieved his goal of intimidating the No. 5 airport, didn't mind Gu Shao's desire to delay time and wait for the support of the East Earth Psychic Energy Association.

His goal was not to attack the No. 5 airport.

It was purely to show off Yunjing's muscles and intimidate the flies attracted by the upcoming super-large-scale transaction.

The unknown Yanyu Academy didn't even have a master at the level of a controller.

And taking over the dead volcano island and turning it into the base of Yanyu Academy required a huge amount of supplies.

Without the Cloud Whales as allies, it would be difficult to resist the conspiracy of those who want to get a piece of the pie to raise prices together.

But now, the 1,100 Cloud Whales not only perfectly prove that they are allies of the Misty Rain Academy.

It can also let those potential flies understand the consequences of provoking Yanyu Academy, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

So, Bai Chen achieved his goal.

Even if he saw through Gu Shaoyi's intention of delaying time to request reinforcements.

He also chose to cooperate. It is not a bad thing to maintain a good relationship with Airport No. 5.

"Okay, we will follow the advice of Gu Shaoyi, the duty chief, and let our No. 1 lifeboat land first. Other things will be discussed tomorrow."

Mo Qianxing's voice is like the sound of nature.

Gu Shaoyi, and even everyone in Airport No. 5, finally fell back to their original position.

"Turn on the main light!"

The alloy ceiling on the top of the No. 6 floating column slowly moved to both sides.

A concave reflector with a diameter of more than 30 meters appeared in the sight of Gu Shaoyi and others.

Accompanied by the injection of spiritual energy.

The center of the reflector lit up with white light.

The white light column with a diameter of 30 meters shot up into the sky, lighting up the dark night sky.

"Commander Mo Qianxing, can you see it?"

"Our allies see it."

Mo Qianxing replied.

"Okay, now please fly boat No. 1 along the guidance of the light column to 500 kilometers outside Airport No. 5. This is the maximum working range of our guidance system."


"First of all, our boat No. 1 does not have the ability to fly autonomously in Channel No. 5. We need to be taken to the take-off and landing field of Airport No. 5 by our cloud whale allies with their help."

"Of course, two cloud whales will do."

An hour later, the two cloud whales with boat No. 1 entered the visual range of Airport No. 5.

Looking at these two nearly 100-meter-long behemoths approaching slowly.

Whether it is the people at Airport No. 5 or the teachers and students of the three major clusters around Airport No. 5.

Everyone's eyes are extremely complicated.


A shrill laugh sounded.

A transport boat suddenly took off from another take-off and landing field and rushed straight towards the cloud whale.

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