I can summon myself

Chapter 130 Liu Da's plan

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, the Cloud Whale Squadron, with Lifeboat No. 1 where Liu Da was, rushed to the entrance of the No. 5 Airport Channel where the Cloud Whales were located.

Although they were moving at a speed of more than 1,000 kilometers per hour.

But under the perfect control of the Cloud Whales, Liu Da could not even feel any turbulence.

"The control power exceeds the limit of ordinary high-level controllers."

"It's not just the control power, but more of their innate talents."

"Could it be that they are creatures that grow in the sea of ​​clouds?"

Seeing the Cloud Whales with Boat No. 1 outside the porthole shuttling through the storm, thunder and lightning as if walking on flat ground, Liu Da had a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

Unless they were born and raised here, no matter whether they were land creatures or marine creatures, they could not be as close to water as they are.

But a greater doubt arose in his heart.

If his judgment was correct.

The Cloud Whales were indeed the indigenous residents of the wild airspace.

How did Bai Chen and his Misty Rain Academy get involved with these powerful flying creatures?

Why would Yunjing, a dignified controller who started at the seventh level, obey Baichen, a mere second-level awakener?

This is totally out of common sense.

Liu Da carefully recalled the attitude of the bigwigs of Yanyu Academy when they met.

He had a guess.

"Bai Chen himself may have strong abilities, but the reason why the academy and Yunjing are convinced is that there is a super family behind him that is no less powerful than the Liu family in the imperial capital."

"His direct relatives are most likely legendary masters with legendary titles like Miss Liu's ancestor."

Liu Da muttered to himself.

"Bai, Bai in the daytime, are there any masters with the surname Bai in the East Continent and the City of All Spirits?"

"But it's not necessarily the case. There are many descendants of legendary masters who do not follow their own surnames. For various reasons, they may choose the surname of their mother's clan, or they may take a random surname."

"However, since there is an ally like Yunjing."

"The person behind Baichen must be the Sky Clan related to the sky."

In the psychic era, the boundaries between the sky, land, and ocean are clear.

Under the God-Defying Mythology Family, even the strongest legendary family will often only develop in one direction.

Because even if it is a legendary existence, once it leaves the familiar field, the stronger it is, the greater the suppression it will receive in other places.

If you want to be free from environmental restrictions, you can only become a god against the will of heaven.

But the God-Defying Mythology Family, except for a few who take root in the City of All Spirits, most of the others use the space transmission system of the City of All Spirits to dominate in various space nodes.

As a local emperor of a world, it is obviously much more comfortable than staying on Earth and being bound by rules.

Therefore, Liu Da judged that the family behind Bai Chen is very likely to be a legendary family with a legend sitting in the same place as the Liu family.

"If Bai Chen is from the Sky Clan, then does the Liu family have a chance to cooperate with him?"

"The land clan of the Liu family in the imperial capital and Bai Chen's Sky Clan not only do not compete with each other, but can complement each other's strengths."

"If cooperation can be achieved."

"I don't have to go back to the Liu family to be bullied by the new wife of Young Master Liu."

"Unfortunately, there is too little information about Bai Chen and Yanyu Academy."

"We have to find a way to understand Bai Chen's preferences and then cater to his preferences."

At this time, the muffled voice of Yunjing sounded in Liu Da's ears.

"Chief Krao thinks the island you found is good."

"We want it, what do you think?"

Liu Da was stunned.

The creatures in the sea of ​​clouds want this island?

Are they going to make it their foothold?

When I think of the location of the dead volcano island.

Liu Da thinks this is possible, and the mirage spiritual energy formation that is still in operation is the best protective layer that can isolate the sight of outsiders.

In this case, it is very reasonable for Yunjing to choose it.

Liu Da's eyes rolled, but his face showed embarrassment.

"Dear Sir, I am willing to give this island to you, but the problem is about the ownership of this island, I can't make the decision alone."

"What do you want?"

Yun Jing's voice turned cold. Bai Chen knew from Liu Ershiwu, who was only thinking about making a profit, that the island like the Dead Volcano Island, which was isolated in the deep ocean and far away from the Liu family's sphere of influence, was always decided by the captain of the Liu family team who discovered it.

Even the Liu family would not interfere with Liu Da's disposal of the Dead Volcano Island.

Because this is one of the core benefits of the pioneers.

Liu Da himself can decide the ownership of the Dead Volcano Island.

So, Liu Da lied in front of Yun Jing.

He was very disgusted by Yun Jing and other honest creatures who treated their allies attentively, but their allies must also have nothing to hide.


Liu Da was embarrassed.

He keenly noticed the change in Yun Jing's attitude.

He quickly said, "Sir, don't get me wrong. I didn't find the Dead Volcano Island by myself. I need to ask my companions for their opinions."

"Liu Twenty-Five and all other survivors are willing to give us the Dead Volcano Island."

Yun Jing didn't lie.

After Bai Chen asked Krao to communicate with Liu Twenty-Five.

All the people on the Dead Volcano Island, except for Miss Liu who was transformed into an insect and her guards, including the Western coolies, were willing to hand over the Dead Volcano Island to Yun Jing.

"Liu Twenty-Five?"

Liu Da suddenly realized.

In order to please Yun Jing, this guy will definitely meet all of Yun Jing's requirements.

There is no doubt that he must have leaked the team's secrets.

Liu Da's mind was working at a rapid speed. Cloud Whale's demand for the extinct volcanic island disrupted all his plans.

Originally, he was planning to take lifeboat No. 1 and rush to Airport No. 5 immediately, and report what happened to them back to the Liu family in the imperial capital to ask for their help and see if there was a way to remove the eldest lady from being transformed by insects.

But now, the news still needs to be spread, but it is no longer that the young lady they have been trapped for a year has been transformed into an insect, but to report to the Liu family that they are safe, so that the family still thinks that they are still taking risks overseas.

Liu Da definitely doesn't want the Liu family to come and get a share of the pie.

As for the eldest lady who was turned into an insect.

A trace of regret flashed in Liu Da's eyes.

He was very grateful to the eldest lady for her initiative and sacrifice.

I still want to save her.

But plans are worse than changes.

How to reach the cloud whale's thick thighs through the extinct volcanic island is what Liu Da is most concerned about at the moment.

"A powerful creature like Cloud Whale must know more about the earth than the Liu family. Compared with the Liu family, Cloud Whale is more likely to know how to remove the eldest lady's insect transformation. It is a better choice to hook up with Cloud Whale than asking the family for help."

"Miss, don't blame me, Liu Da, for being selfish."

"Isn't this a new choice?"

"I hope God will bless me and God will be wise enough to allow the eldest lady to persist until the time when I and the Cloud Whales become brothers."

Liu Da prayed devoutly to the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

The guilt towards Liu Fenghua disappeared without a trace.

"An extinct volcanic island cannot be a one-time deal."

"The temporary benefits are not as important as becoming an ally with Cloud Whale."

"The first step to becoming an ally is to become familiar with a creature like the Cloud Whale."

"Then, let's trade the extinct volcano island for a chance to have close contact with the cloud whales."

Liu Da believed that with his own ability, he would be able to successfully establish a friendship with Yun Jing during the close contact.

"Your Excellency, I am willing to use the ownership of the extinct volcanic island in exchange for spending the next month with your group."

Liu Da said seriously.

He didn't know that every move he made was transmitted to Bai Chen by Cloud Whale using the sound grass network.

"It seems Liu Erwu is right."

"The Liu family in the imperial capital is indeed a weird family that is selfish and has little calculations."

Bai Chen, who could see through Liu Da's intentions at a glance, murmured.

"Want to lean on Cloud Whale's thick thighs?"

"Butler Liu, you are indeed a smart man."

"If you can really establish a relationship with Cloud Whale, exchanging this extinct volcanic island will be worth a thousand dollars to you."

"It's a pity that you know nothing about the Cloud Whale and you also know nothing about this extinct volcanic island."

"Don't say that one month gives you a year, so what?"

"Clao, promise him."

"Okay, Bai Chen, as you wish."

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