I can summon myself

Chapter 128 Flame Demon Embers Part 2

"My dear, this thing is amazing."

"The seeds left behind by the heaven-defying mythical element not only contain its lifelong secrets and cognitions, but also its most essential origin."

"Although the Balrog, an elemental creature dominated by instinct, is a rare idiot in mythology, it is brainless and is neither a thug nor a pet. The cost of resurrecting its ashes far exceeds what it can give us. But we can find another way.”

In the blink of an eye, Immortal King Bai Chen came up with several ways to use the ember of the Balrog.

"Its violent aura and explosive psychic energy make it most suitable to be used as a disposable psychic bomb."

"Even if the previous life of this flame demon ember was a first-level Heaven-defying one, the spiritual energy it contains can easily destroy a city group with a population of tens of millions."

"And as the purest elemental creature, its ember is not very affected by the different rules of different universe environments. Even other space nodes can exert at least 90% of its power. The ember bomb is a rare universal killer weapon."

"If you feel that the disposable bomb is too wasteful, we can find a way to extract its spiritual energy and package it into ember series ammunition with different powers in batches."

"However, this requires massive investment and supporting technology trees."

"But one thing is, using this ember in war is definitely its best destination."

Bai Chen looked sideways.

Lan Xing Bai Chen also didn't expect that Immortal King Bai Chen, the women's clothing boss, was not the figure shop owner he imagined, but a warmonger.

"What is your occupation in the Fairy World?"

Bai Chen said doubtfully.

"Chief psionic weapons expert."

Immortal King Bai Chen said honestly.

"All right."

Bai Chen smacked his lips.

"Lan Xing Bai Chen, what suggestions do you have."

"Ember bombs are good as a trump card, but this is the earth. If we want to use them as a deterrent, we must first let everyone understand the power of ember bombs."

"It would be too wasteful to just blow it up and set off a big firework."

"The important thing is that I don't seem to have united the minds of all mankind. In this way, it is meaningless for an individual to hold a big killer like an ember bomb."

"So I think it's better to extract its origin and use it as a source of spiritual energy."

"For example, the psionic core of the industrial base, the psionic flame of the psionic pharmaceutical factory, the psionic engine of the Bear bomber, or transforming the island into an ocean supply point for Route 5, can also be used Bring it back to the Misty Mountains and open up a base in the vast mountains."

"With it, there is spiritual power, and with spiritual power, there are countless possibilities."

Although whether it is made into an ember bomb or used as a source of spiritual energy.

All of them were a great waste of the secrets about the heaven-defying myth in the embers of the Balrog.

If it were placed in the hands of any other creature that could use it, this practice of picking up sesame seeds and throwing away watermelons would definitely be criticized verbally and written down.

But for Bai Chen, it is the most realistic choice.

There is the Great Void Cultivation Method, an automatic veteran, and there is no need for the training method that may exist in the Embers of the Fire Demon.

Being able to summon various versions of himself, the mythical secret that was extremely important to any other living being was no problem for Bai Chen at all.

Instead of just putting the Balrog Ember on the shelf until it becomes legendary, it can be used more efficiently.

It is better to use it now, even if it will be a huge waste, it can immediately improve your strength.

"Just waste it."

"Safe in your pocket!"

Anyway, Bai Chen never had any intention of turning himself into the Balrog Bai Chen or raising a pet Balrog.

"Elemental Lord Bai Chen, what should I do if I want to take away the ember of the Fire Demon?"

Bai Chen asked the Elemental Lord Bai Chen online.

"Take it away? Why take it away?"

"My dear, you can develop it on site."

"Just like a phoenix that does not fall into a treasureless land, the heaven-defying Balrogs who choose to leave behind the embers of the Balrog are all those who want to live a second life. They are ambitious in order to be reborn in Nirvana and to make amends. The regret left behind in the first life, the Ember Land they chose is not only a place with abundant spiritual energy that can meet their basic needs for rebirth, but more importantly, each Ember Land has various abilities that can make up for the shortcomings of the first life. a basic rule.”

"It can be said that every Ember Land is a treasure land that can complement Ember. Not only is its value no less than Ember itself, but because there are more rules, most Ember Lands are more important than Ember itself."

"For any fire creature, the ember and the ember land where it is located are a brilliant path that can reach the sky in one step."

"For creatures below the level of legend, the spiritual energy contained in the Land of Embers is enough to allow them to grow smoothly from their awakening to the threshold of legend."

"Although legends and above are different, the basic rules contained in the Ember Land can not only save time and draw parallels, but also allow them to directly experience the Balrog's perception of the world."

"In our elemental universe, once a new Ember Land appears, it will trigger a mythical war between heaven-defying powerhouses."

"Because not only for themselves, but also for their descendants, this is a regrettable opportunity that must not be missed."

Bai Chen's mind was moved. Bai Chen, the Lord of Elements, was talking about living beings rather than pure elements.

He passed on the Crested Ibis' message: "Can the Land of Embers help this creature evolve and achieve nirvana?"

"Yes, that's great!"

"Although this bird of prey called the crested ibis is not a pure fire creature, the phoenix bloodline they possess can perfectly utilize the unique environment of the Embers."

"The Embers of the Flame Demon is the basis for them to live a second life."

"The crested ibis that can evolve and reborn as phoenix chicks are also living a second life in a sense."

"Therefore, the Embers is the natural nirvana incubator for the crested ibis."

At this time, the heavy breathing of Blue Star Bai Chen came from Bai Chen's sea of ​​consciousness.

"My Lord, I originally thought that the Embers was a treasure of the same level as the Embers, two treasures and double happiness, but now that the crested ibis can use it, plus the crested ibis breeding experience of 233 Earth Bai Chen, can't we use this place as a phoenix chick production line?"

"The national treasure crested ibis goes in, and the mythical phoenix chicks come out?"

Blue Star Bai Chen was full of excitement.

"Just imagine, blowing a whistle and a nest of mythical phoenixes flew out of Baichen Phoenix Breeding Base. What a wonderful feeling!"

Bai Chen thought about it.

It is really possible.

Even if the phoenix chicks cannot be raised in a nest like in a chicken farm.

But as long as the four national treasure team members, Tie Xiajin, Zhu Liehuo, Zhu Yuan and Zhu Yang, can be evolved and reborn.

This ember land is worth it.

"My Lord, I still have a poor vision. I didn't expect that there is an ember land in this ember, and it can be used in this way."

Immortal King Bai Chen apologized.

No matter how powerful the ember bomb is, it can't compare to a nest of phoenixes with a wave of the hand.

Bai Chen smiled and comforted: "If it weren't for the reminder of the elemental lord Bai Chen, I wouldn't know that the ember land exists."

"It doesn't matter, I'll go back to the bomber now."

He immediately ended the field investigation and returned to the Bear bomber.

He gathered everyone at the first time.

"There are good things on the dead volcano island, good things that are so good that they are against the sky."

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