I can summon myself

Chapter 114 Test it out

"Radar and detection array group, ready."

"Computing group, ready."

"Front and rear weapon platform groups, ready."

"Command center, ready."


With Bai Chen's order, at an altitude of 35,000 meters, 300 kilometers away from the island, the Bear bomber began to turn its nose from a straight line facing the island to a circling posture around the island.

The four mechanical arms slowly opened.

The special detection array that caused Tracer Vine to fail appeared again in front of the cloud whales.

The four large "sea urchins" at the end of the mechanical arms flashed blue light.

A series of composite psychic shock waves rushed to 300 kilometers away.

A strange fog full of psychic energy instantly appeared on the radar screen.

"Wow, it's really a fog."

"35% water, 45% space, and the remaining 20%, uh, mirage."

After determining the psychic properties of the fog, the seniors in charge of the radar and detection array skillfully activated the line-by-line scanning matrix specifically for the fog properties.

The blue light of the special detection array turned into a dark blue.

With the activation of the scanning matrix.

This layer of fog, which is difficult for ordinary people to crack, became transparent under Bai Chen's special detection array using Blue Star technology.

An island with an area of ​​about 40 square kilometers unveiled its veil.

"Volcanic island!"

"The main peak is a crater."

"The fluctuation of fire psychic energy is close to zero. This is a dead volcanic island."

As the power of the special detection array increases.

The various parameters of the island appeared on the screen.

The modeling team restored it to a virtual 3D image.

"The island is an irregular oval."

"The highest altitude is 350 meters."

"The surface is a layer of weathered condensed magma weathering."

"There are no animal or plant life fluctuations."

"There are no signs of any artificial creations."

"The only unnatural product is the dry volcanic lake beach at the top of the crater."

"From the traces of dragging, this should be the trading place with Yunjing."

Bai Chen observed carefully and confirmed that the ordinary scanning effect was not good. He said decisively: "Turn on the deep scanning mode."

"I want to know the situation within a thousand meters underground of this island."


Mo Qianxing responded crisply.

As the body vibrated slightly.

The total power of the four psychic steam engines increased to 320,000 horsepower.

Psychic energy was injected into the special detection array, and the blue light was strong.

"Detected the fluctuation of mirage-type spiritual energy."

"The highest level of the controller is level three."

"The fluctuation range is wide, but it is all centered on the dead volcano."

"Detected the fluctuation of water-type spiritual energy."

"Level, the ripples are equivalent to the sea."

"There are four underground passages under the dead volcano that lead directly to the sea."

Suddenly, the radar screen flickered.

"Human, detected the fluctuation of human life."

The calculation team used the basic spiritual energy formula group provided by Bai Chen to decompose the life fluctuation signal representing human life.

Seven hundred meters underground of the dead volcano, there is a group of humans whose life fluctuations are in a weak state.

The highest of them is level one, and the lowest is level nine.

In addition to several unique spiritual energies in the East.

Everyone also saw the fluctuations generated by several common water-type exercises in the Western Alliance.

However, without exception.

The spiritual energy fluctuations of each person are far lower than the normal value of their level.

At the same time, the distribution of mirage-type creatures vaguely surrounded this group of people, and it was not known whether it was for supervision or protection.

Everyone in the command center subconsciously looked at Bai Chen.

Waiting for his next order.

"Ask first."

Bai Chen walked to the sound-transmitting grass and told the cloud whales what he had detected in a concise manner.

"A mirage creature of the third-level controller?"

Krao, who had communicated with the tribesmen, apologized: "Sorry, Bai Chen, we don't know what they are either."

Bai Chen shrugged.

In this case, let's test it first.

"Krao, please converge your breath to about the second-level controller, and then pretend to be injured and fly to the crater. Use the communication method you used when trading with them to tell them that you are injured and need their help."

Krao understood immediately.

"Bai Chen, do you want to test it?"

Bai Chen nodded: "Yes, if it is really the East Earth Psychic Energy Association, we humans will never ignore the injured allies who come to ask for help."

"If not, then these mirage creatures will see that my rank is only the second-level controller and I am seriously injured, and they may attack me!"

Krao completed Bai Chen's intention.

Through such a test, we can see the good and evil of the other party.

The cloud whales also think this is a good idea, and they are willing to cooperate.

"Bai Chen, we don't have the ability to significantly restrain our breath."

"But don't worry, Hale has the talent to actively restrain his breath."

The cloud whale kid who was named flew to the porthole.

Its big eyes flickered.

It seemed to say, leave it to me.

"Krao, you go with us, our concealment array can cover your breath, other cloud whale friends, please stay here, our concealment array can't cover the second one."


The cloud whales followed Bai Chen's instructions and stayed in the sky 300 kilometers away.

The overloaded special detection array was turned on, and the smell of the bomber, Krao, and the four cloud whale cubs disappeared.

"You three are not allowed to go down. Stay by the aircraft at all times. Do you understand?"

Krao did not drive the three red, black and green cubs back.

For them, it was also an opportunity to gain more knowledge.

"Junior brother, what do you think, let's put makeup on baby Hale?"

"Smoky makeup and bloody makeup are our best."

"Specialized psychic camouflage can turn baby Hale into a real injured person with a bloody appearance and very weak psychic energy fluctuations and life fluctuations."

Bai Chen felt that the strange knowledge had increased again.

Blue Star Bai Chen complained: "Our Blue Star has only given birth to psychic camouflage in the last two hundred years."

"I didn't expect that the Earth where you are, although the psychic strength is terrible, the photo cheating, beauty makeup, PS, filters, and visual distortion technology are actually stronger than the Blue Star at the same stage."

"It seems that this should be the characteristic of my Earth."

Bai Chen's mouth twitched.

Lan Xing's own ridicule left him speechless.

A quarter of an hour later, the Bear bomber arrived over the island.

Wang Botang, with slanted eyes and a crooked mouth, appeared in front of Bai Chen as if he had been trampled by ten thousand divine beasts.

The bald postdoctoral fellow blessed by psychic camouflage looked horrible.

He was covered in bruises and there was hardly any flaw.

Psychic strength, life fluctuations.

It was exactly the same as the state of serious injury.

Krao exclaimed.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought he was really injured."

The senior sisters looked proud.

"Sir Krao, this is a natural talent of our East Land, and even the human women all over the world."

The psychic cannons of the weapon platform were aimed at the crater.

The cloud whale bear child Hale, with dark circles under his eyes and blood all over his body, fell from an altitude of 35,000 meters.

"East Land Psychic Association, help!"

Its exaggerated babbling echoed in the air.

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