I can summon myself

Chapter 110 Opportunities to move up a level

"Listen to Bai Chen for important matters. Bai Chen, just make the decision."

When Bai Chen opened the communication channel and prepared to discuss with everyone, the college leaders with black faces, red faces, expressionless faces, and intimidating faces without anger, who could stop the students from crying at night, were kind like old fathers who had successful careers for their children and grandchildren.

They had been frozen for thousands of years, but at this moment, they smiled brighter than the sun.

So proud, so proud!

A powerful creature with a starting level of the Seventh Order of the Nine-Headed Controller.

A giant existence that could spray the teachers and students of Yanyu College half to death with just a sneeze.

Facing their pressure, Bai Chen not only did not dodge, but talked to them freely.

Not only was he treated as an equal by them.

Now he had the opportunity to get rewards from them.

If they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes.

They would never have dreamed that their students could do this.

The old principal was right. Listen to Bai Chen for important matters. Student Bai Chen did not disappoint everyone.

For the leaders.

Bai Chen was the most exciting student in their respective careers.

Not only that.

Knowing that he could make the decision, Bai Chen still chose to listen to everyone's opinions.

This feeling of being respected made the bosses feel warm.

All the bosses' good impression of Bai Chen has greatly improved.

Bai Chen is open and honest.

They will naturally not hold Bai Chen back.

"First of all, listen to Bai Chen on important matters. Bai Chen, you have proved the correctness of this sentence."

"Secondly, no one, not just us, I'm afraid no one in the entire East knows Yunjing better than you, so as the most professional person, naturally your will prevails."

"Finally, we will never tell you what to do."

"So classmate Bai Chen, your decision is the decision of our Yanyu Academy. No matter what you want, we will support you 100% and cooperate with you."

The decision of the bosses won applause.

Bai Chen's seniors applauded and praised: "That's right, there is no need to discuss this matter at all."

"We don't understand and can't cause trouble for you."

"Brother Bai Chen, we believe in your ability, you have the final say."

Bai Chen smiled and insisted on his opinion, because in addition to taking care of everyone's face, more importantly, the relationship with Yunjing is related to the future of Yanyu College.

"Cloud whales are an opportunity for our college to move to a higher level."

"They are widely distributed, and their tribes can be found in all wild airspaces around the world. And each tribe is connected to each other. It can be said that cloud whales all over the world are in a big network."

"Their never-stopping nature makes them either migrating or on the way to migration. They are cloud sea creatures that will never stop except for death. Therefore, in the cloud sea ecosystem, many powerful creatures including high-level predators are willing to exchange them for resources that are not available locally, that is, they are natural merchants in the cloud sea ecosystem."

"If we can establish a good relationship with cloud whales, we can use them to open up resource channels in the cloud sea ecosystem."

The breathing of the college leaders became rapid.

Although Yanyu College, which only has the Department of Flowers, Birds, Fishes and Insects, does not even have a major that can be associated with the cloud sea ecosystem.

But if we can really use Bai Chen's life-saving grace to the cloud whale kid to establish a relationship with the cloud whale group touring the world.

Even if he is just a middleman, it is enough to make Yanyu College rich.

As long as there is money in the pocket, even if Yanyu City, where Yanyu College is located, is remote and desolate, it can attract enough talents to join the college.

And there is the king-level advantage of the Yunhai ecosystem channel.

Yanyu College can even rely on the infinite Yunhai resources to establish a new system, the Yunhai ecosystem.

The eyes of the big guys turned red.

Bai Chen was too modest, it was more than just a step up.

If Bai Chen's idea can really come true.

Yanyu College can not only turn things around, but also have the opportunity to become a well-known space psychic research institution in Jiangnan District and even in Dongtu from a second-rate college in a remote place.

"What if we can use this to enter the wild airspace?"

"Isn't it the door to a new world, unveiling the veil to our Yanyu Academy?"

"Infinite resources, endless unknown creatures, and wild airspace far exceeding the area of ​​the East, waiting for our Yanyu Academy to explore."

"What if there are humanoid alien ladies in the Yunhai ecosystem?"

"Don't even think about it. You single dogs can't even handle human ladies. How can you single dogs go to heaven and deal with alien ladies in the Yunhai ecosystem?"

"Bah, how much better are you, the extinct nuns, than us single dogs who can become stronger by turning bald?"

"Zuo Miao, lend me your big iron stick."

When the topic of the other half was mentioned, the single dog army led by the bald postdoctoral fellow and the world-destroying female academic team led by two senior sisters started a fist-to-flesh PPPPVPPPP.

However, this did not affect the result of Bai Chen's discussion.

All the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy passed Bai Chen's suggestion without any doubt.

That is to exchange the life-saving grace and the Tracer Vine for the opportunity to trade with the Cloud Whale Group.

Bai Chen sprinkled the standard psychic crystal worth 20,000 on Krao's companion spiritual plant.

After delivering the information of the interview.

Soon, its owner flew over from the Cloud Whale pioneer team 200 kilometers away from the Bear bomber.

"Bai Chen, what do you want?"

Krao's deep male voice sounded again.

"We don't want any material rewards, we want to do business with you."

"The resources of the Yunhai ecosystem are very important to us, and we need a stable channel to obtain it."

"I know that your Yunjing is one of the trading nodes of the Yunhai ecosystem, and each Yunjing tribe is a well-known middleman in the wild airspace where it is located."

"So, we want to cooperate with you."

Krao was stunned.

It and its tribesmen had imagined the rewards that Bai Chen asked for.

Maybe it was a batch of Yunhai psychic resources, or maybe it was the bodies of other predators who were also eighth-level controllers.

They even thought that Bai Chen would help him after the Yunjing group arrived in the subspace.

But no one thought that Bai Chen actually wanted to do business with them.

"Bai Chen, it stands to reason that with your contributions, you are qualified to cooperate with us on an equal footing."

Everyone couldn't hide the joy on their faces.

Only Bai Chen frowned.

With the straightforwardness of the Yunjing, once they choose to beat around the bush, it means that there are obstacles in this matter.

Just as he expected. Krao's next words made everyone's good mood disappear without a trace.

"The problem is that we already have human partners in this area."

Yunjing is facing a race that only deals with representatives of one race in the area. Bai Chen, who knows this well, said in a deep voice: "Can you tell us who your partner is?"

"Sure, I'll ask for you."

Krao turned around.

He communicated with the tribesmen using a frequency band that humans cannot hear.

"East Earth Psychic Association, yes, that's the name."

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