I Can See The Luck Line

Chapter 25 Young Dragons, Trial Of The 1 Sound

Mo Xiaobai walked quickly through the grove, trees and vines whizzing past him.

At this moment, the sky has completely dimmed. With the faint starlight and improved vision after breakthrough, Mo Xiaobai can barely see the road ahead, so as not to bump into a tree.

However, the incessant wolf howling behind him made Mo Xiaobai's mouth dry.

If it is caught up, I am afraid there will be no slag left, right?

Thinking of this, his scalp went numb, and he sped up a bit.

The greystone hills after nightfall were far more dangerous than during the day, and Mo Xiaobai felt the meaning of those words at this moment.

Within a 100-meter radius of him, gray light appeared from time to time, and sometimes there were even three or four areas with gray light at the same time.

It's all Magical Beasts!

Much more than during the day.

Even if there are no wolves chasing him, Mo Xiaobai still needs to be careful.

As for now, although he tries hard not to make a sound, in order to run with all his strength, he still always attracts the attention of some Magical Beasts.


A roar sounded, and in front of Mo Xiaobai's right, a grey stone wild boar charged towards him with its head lowered, a faint white light flashing above its sharp fangs.

Mo Xiaobai watched the greystone wild boar rushing towards him, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.


The muscles in his right arm were tense, and he swung the sword sharply.

boom! !

The epee slapped the head of the greystone wild boar with a fierce sword wind, and the huge force directly swept it away, and the sound of bone cracks and the screams of the greystone wild boar rang out in the quiet night sky.

Mo Xiaobai didn't stop, didn't even look at the grey stone wild boar that was swept away, and continued to run towards the front.

Running out of the forest, and looking at the hills, Mo Xiaobai continued to bury his head and run wildly.

Along the way, Mo Xiaobai would occasionally encounter Magical Beasts blocking his way, ranging from one to three or four, with varying strengths.

Some are only first-level strengths, and some have fourth fifth-level.

Mo Xiaobai beheaded all the way, or took a detour to avoid it, and ran towards the station with difficulty. There were several cracks on the newly bought leather armor, and there were also several wounds on his body, and blood slowly flowed out.

Fortunately, along the way, Mo Xiaobai, relying on the terrain and his own speed, was not pulled closer by the wolves, and even moved further away.

The wolf howls behind him have become very weak, and the number seems to be less than before.

Mo Xiaobai was overjoyed.

It seems that they are about to give up, after all, they have chased such a long way!

He took a breath, took a few sips of water from the Interspatial Ring, and the cold water moistened his dry throat, and also wiped away a little tiredness.

There were bursts of pain from the injury on his body, Mo Xiaobai frowned slightly, then continued to set off and climbed the mountain.

After climbing up the mountain, Mo Xiaobai saw the station where the lights were flashing on the plain in the distance, with a look of excitement and surprise in his eyes.

It's finally here!

He sighed and hurriedly ran down the mountain.

Along the way, Mo Xiaobai remained vigilant, always paying attention to the surrounding light.

If the light turned gray, he would quickly avoid it, and soon, he descended the last hill, came to the plain outside the graystone hill, and ran towards the station.


Not long after Mo Xiaobai left, Mo You and Mu Yuzhu came down from the mountain, and they followed Xiaohong beside Mu Yuzhu.

Xiaohong spat out her letter slightly, and two grey stone wolves 100 meters away ran away with their tails between their tails, whimpering.

Mu Yuzhu's fingers lightly brushed Xiaohong's Linjia, but his eyes were always fixed on Mo Xiaobai's figure in the distance, his eyes were full of distress.

Mo You, who was on the side, looked at Mo Xiaobai in the distance, let out a slight breath, and said with a smile, "I was chased by the gray stone wolves at night, and only suffered this slight injury. This kid is already a mature one. Adventurer."

"Minor injury?" Mu Yuzhu glared at Mo You, "Is this still a minor injury?!"

Mo You's mouth twitched, but he didn't speak.

He secretly murmured in his heart, no arm or leg was missing, but it was a minor injury.

Mu Yuzhu continued, "However, I didn't expect Xiao Bai to perform so well today. Judging from his performance, we don't need to worry about it in the future."

Mo You nodded, "Indeed, I thought we needed to take action."

Even with their two senior adventurers, they couldn't find anything wrong with Mo Xiaobai's performance today.

Especially when escaping from the Greystone Wolves at the end, it was especially exciting, and he escaped so many Magical Beasts along the way.

This is something they never expected.

"Okay, let's go back."


At the gate of the resident city, two teams of resident guards are on duty.

"Captain, an adventurer has returned."

An elf guard said.

The commander of the mermaid guards looked up in the direction of the wilderness. In the dark wilderness, a Daoist figure was approaching.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, "Stay vigilant!"

The figure in the darkness was getting closer and closer, and soon, the guards could see him clearly.

After seeing Mo Xiaobai's immature face, all the guards were stunned.

After seeing the wound and blood on Mo Xiaobai's body, everyone's pupils shrank.

What a tragic battle this young man has endured?

Everyone looked at Mo Xiaobai with a little more respect.

Mo Xiaobai came to the city gate. He was a little puzzled by the guards' gaze, but he didn't care much.

He is very tired now and just wants to go back to rest quickly.

Just when Mo Xiaobai was about to enter the city, he was stopped by the shark captain. He said coldly, "Proof of identity! Adventurer medals or pass tokens are fine!"

Mo Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, and asked with some doubts, "You don't need it when you go out of the city, right?"

Captain Mermaid glanced at Mo Xiaobai, then said with a smile, "Young man, this is your first time to Void Realm?"

Mo Xiaobai replied, "I came here with the school teacher a few days ago."

"Still a high school student?!"

As soon as Mo Xiaobai said these words, the guards' eyes widened, and there was an uproar.

Mo Xiaobai looked at the surprised look of the guards and wondered, "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

The captain of the shark turned his head and glared at the uproared guards, then he looked at Mo Xiaobai's face and said with a smile, "It's nothing, they just haven't seen a genius, high school students are already former Practitioners, And you can still come back alive from the graystone hills at night, young man, you are very strong."

Mo Xiaobai was a little embarrassed to be praised by the captain of the shark.

He grinned and said, "Senior has won the prize."

Captain Mermaid smiled and said, "When your teacher brought you here last time, did you go back to the city before night?"

Mo Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Yeah."

"That's right. Entering the station at night is different and requires identification."

Mo Xiaobai showed a stunned look.

He took out his own access token and handed it over. Captain Mermaid swiped the access token on a strange instrument. After a beep, he nodded and returned the access token to Mo Xiaobai.

"Okay, let's go in."

Mo Xiaobai nodded, "Thank you senior."

He turned and entered the station.

After Mo Xiaobai entered the station, the guards who had been silent suddenly exploded.

"It's incredible, this young man!"

"This is a high school student, and he is already the original Practitioner."

"That's not enough, this is the graystone hills at night! Even if you are a fourth-level fifth-level person, you can't say that you will definitely come back alive, right? This young man actually came back alive!"

"Hey... so, this young man's strength, I'm afraid he might have a fifth-level??"

The many guards fell silent and looked at each other.

The captain of the shark looked at the back of Mo Xiaobai leaving, and couldn't help but sigh, "Our Pingxi Town, I'm afraid it will be famous this year."

The vice-captain of Ye Ling next to him flickered his eyes and was very shocked. "There is still a month before the college entrance examination. We may be able to produce a young dragon in Pingxi Town to participate in the Chuming Trial."

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