I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 980: Two hundred and eighty four

Chapter 980 Chapter 284: Yin and Yang have the same root

On this day, there were no two leaders on Snake Tooth Mountain, and a few widows and fatherless children on the back mountain.

The followers of Snake Yashan thought that Fan Yong was here to clean up the door, but later discovered that General Yunhu, who held a book in his left hand and a sword in his right, had come to establish the second branch of Wuyi Sect.

Therefore, as the former commander of She Yashan, Tong Dali has received the respect of Fan Yong. Whenever he went to the parliament, he would summon Tong Dali to enter the account and discuss, as if he was a real confidant.

In the constant assembly, everyone also knew the goal of the second branch of Wuyi Sect.

It is the Taicang Mountain adjacent to Snake Tooth Mountain, but there is now an old Beiman tribe that has been passed down for hundreds of years, so the purpose of General Yunhu's trip is to build a new gate on the wasteland of this tribe.

Sheyashan began drastic rectification. The warriors of Wuyi Sect were stationed in Sheyashan one after another, and the staff of Sheyashan headquarters were also dispersed and assigned to the hands of various Xiaoyashan riding schools. Then Xiaoyashan rationed them to themselves. All under him, the commander of the army.

However, as the military strength of She Yashan changed day by day, one person was isolated, and that was Tong Dali, the former commander.

Everyone believes that a real man should live and die with his two brothers on that day, rather than live alone.

Therefore, Tong Dali just buries the bodies of the two brothers and acts just like the okay person. Every Shengjiao brother sneered behind his back, and saw that he was valued by Fan Yong, so Renhou said that he was scared. Become a gentle dog.

Even the act of putting the widows of Tonghu and Tonglu into the house was interpreted as the beauty of his coveting sister-in-law.

The rebellious Tong Dali became a real lonely widow. Although Xiong Wei, who was still Ji Yongchen, was highly regarded by Fan Yong, he was an out-and-out commander of a polished rod. Even new martial artists knew that Tong Dali was a betrayal brother. Gou's surviving cousin.

Therefore, no one wants to serve him, only some veterans on the Snake Tooth Mountain sometimes argue for Tong Dali, but because they are quiet, they are drowned in the voice of the crowd.

In this way, a month passed, Fan Yong once again called the leaders together.

One is because there is no more space on the Snake Tooth Mountain for the newly joined churches to live in, but because it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but the geology is extremely unsuitable for farming, so Fan Yong has to discuss with everyone, the next step for them Should expand there.

Most of the commanders faced the situation of Sheya Mountain with a black eye, and knew nothing about farming and farming. After an awkward silence, Tong Dali stood up: "Report to the general, ten west of Sheya Mountain. Five miles away, there is an uninhabited valley with a graceful spirit, which may solve the general's problems at this time."

"Oh? Tell me carefully."

"That is a deep valley that the scouts of Snake Tooth Mountain accidentally discovered. The trees and plants in it are growing well, but there are no traces of ferocious beasts and poisonous insects. It may solve the problem of the holy religion at this time, but it is a little troublesome."

"What's the trouble?"

"That valley is now used by a young man as a retreat for retreat. No strangers should enter."

"Heh." Fan Yong sneered, turning his head and said: "Lieutenant Niu, take someone to push this young boy onto the mountain!"


The strong, bear-like Sixth-Rank Yan Leopard commander stood up, ordered dozens of Xiong Feng-class fighters, and left after the scout who knew the exact location of the valley.

At this moment, Tang Luo didn't know that he had been spotted, and he was contemplating the law of yin and yang changes in the cave.

Yin and yang are mutually integrated, yin and yang are transformed, yin and yang are opposed, and yin and yang have the same root

The more you study, the more you discover that this thing has no laws at all. On the contrary, it is found that everything bears yin and embraces yang, and it feels like harmony.

To put it simply, everything has a yin side and a yang side, whether it is more yang or less yin, or more yin and less yang, or yang heavy and yin light, or yin heavy and yang light.

"If this is the case, isn't it a wrong way to prove yin and yang?"

The more he thinks, the more confused he is. The research these days has even made Tang Luo question and disillusion the existing knowledge of martial arts, because in his original cognition, yin and yang exist relative to each other, but current research has found that , Yin and Yang are originally one, which is even more mysterious than Yin and Yang.

After all, no one has ever found yang energy in yin, and no one has found yin in yang. The combination of yin and yang is the fusion of two different substances, but at this time he found another way, which is development. The negative change of the yang attribute, or the development of the positive change of the yin attribute.

After constructing this kind of cognition, some of the originally deep-rooted cognitions suddenly shattered, and some new things emerged.

Just like rebuilding the empire, Tang Luo who was in the cave was undergoing a drastic change, but from the outside, this guy was just sitting on the stone bench in a daze, silly looking at the stone wall.

"It turns out that this is the real meaning of solitary yin is not long, and yang does not produce. It turns out that this is the reason why I can't break the limit of strength. Only by finding the soft strength in strength can I break through the shackles of the integration of triple strength. That's it! That's it!"

I was going to study the method to solve the blood evil, but I inexplicably understood the way to go further on the road of physical surgery. This is really nowhere to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and I have no intention of piercing the willow.

Solving the sequelae of the blood evil just gave him a killer skill, and physical skills are his real housekeeping skills. If he can go further, in terms of his physical strength, he can really blow many people with one punch. Up!

After recovering, Tang Luo slapped his lips, and was about to set up a project to find the softness in the strength, when he heard the echo like thunder, which shook his ears in the hole.

"Isn't this a special warning a few days ago, dare to come!?"

Tang Luo rushed out of the cliff cave. He just rose from the sky. Before he jumped to the cliff mountain, he saw a sharp fluctuation of spiritual power.

Just like last time, a group of warriors wearing standard military uniforms but embroidered with a bear flaming pattern on their chests performed a combined attack. A dozen or so blue giant bears rushed towards them, and they arrived in front of them in a blink of an eye.

Tang Luo stood in mid-air with a black face, directly injected spiritual power into the spiritual formation in his body, transformed into a silver giant, let these combined blows hit his chest, punched out with a backhand, and the phantom of the mighty Tianlong entangled Heishui Profound The snake ghost directly blasted the cliff to pieces.

Some slow-reacting Xiong Feng warriors were directly smashed into meat sauce by the fist wind, and the two phantoms separated, bringing the samurai who had been dispelled together, and held them in front of them.

Looking at the trembling little things in front of him, Tang Luo asked calmly: "Who sent you here?"

"Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear! Killing my holy warrior, General Yunhu will cut you a thousand swords, just wait to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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